Seeing Chong Heihu fleeing, Su Quanzhong laughed loudly:”You really are a timid little fellow!”

He made sarcastic remarks while not forgetting to chase after him.

Last time, the Chonghou Tiger escaped and the army regrouped. This time Su Quanzhong wanted to capture the Chonghei Tiger, which shocked the morale of Jizhou.

Although Su Quanzhong was highly skilled in martial arts and brave in combat, he was young and inexperienced in combat.

Chong Heihu fled backward, waiting for Su Quanzhong to chase him. Feeling Su Quanzhong chasing behind him, Chong Heihu’s face lit up with joy.

Chong Heihu took off the red gourd from his back and held it in his hand.

I could see him muttering something in his mouth and pinching the Nian Jue with his fingers. A black smoke came out of the gourd, and the iron-billed condor burst out with its mouth open.

Although Su Quanzhong was proficient in martial arts, he didn’t know much about these Taoist techniques. He just instinctively felt the danger and waved the halberd to protect himself without thinking.

How could ordinary soldiers resist the Taoist technique? Su Quan’s”597″ Zhong was knocked off his horse in just the blink of an eye.

Su Quanzhong was still confused at this time, Chong Heihu said loudly:”Tie him up and send him to the military camp!”


The soldiers tied up Su Quanzhong and brought him into the army.

Chonghou Hu was so happy that he finally vented his anger.

Looking at Su Quanzhong who was kidnapped, Chonghou Hu even wanted to kill him to vent his anger. Hatred in his heart.

Just when Chonghou Hu ordered to kill him, Chongheihu immediately dissuaded Chonghou Hu. He said to him:”Brother, you must not do it. The king conquered Jizhou, firstly because of Su Hu’s disrespect, and secondly because of Daughter of Su Hu”

“If his son is killed, there may be disaster in the future.”

Hearing what Chong Heihu said, Chonghouhu calmed down. He ordered people to take him down and keep him in good custody.

After Su Quanzhong was taken down, he sent a detective to report to Su Hu.

After hearing the news, Su Hu beat his chest and stamped his feet. He secretly said:”I, Su Hu, was the first hero, but now my family and son have been captured, and I am facing the pressure of powerful enemies. Jizhou will soon be owned by others.”

Chonghou Hu called the formation outside the city. Because of the previous defeat, Su Hu was not able to fight. He just ordered the army to hang up the battle-free card to wait for the opportunity to defeat the enemy.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. No matter how Chonghou Tiger called the formation, Su Hu Just don’t move.

Su Hu knows the method of worshiping the black tiger. Although Su Hu is proficient in the art of battle formation, it is useless in the face of Taoism. Instead of fighting for a while, it is better to wait for the opportunity.

The enemy has mastery of Taoism. There are people in Jizhou who are proficient in Taoism.

A few days passed, and the soldiers from the tent came to report that Zheng Lun, the grain supervisor, had brought grain. Su Hu was overjoyed when he heard that, and immediately ordered him to come to the tent.

Zheng Lun entered the tent. , Su Hu led her to sit down, and said to him:”The Shang Dynasty met King Zhou, because the foolish king wanted to accept my daughter as his concubine, so I was so angry that I wrote a poem against the Shang Dynasty. Now that the army is pressing hard, Jizhou is in danger…”

Su Hu told the story of the incident, and Zheng Lun was furious. He slapped his palm directly on the table, scattering all the snacks and tea to the ground.

“Lords, don’t worry. Although Chong Heihu has Taoism, Mo Jiang’s Taoism is not inferior to him. Tomorrow, I will go meet Chong Heihu for a while to see whether his Biyou Palace Taoism is more powerful or whether I am the general’s Miluo Palace Taoism.”

It turns out that Zheng Lun is a disciple of the Immortal Du’e of the Human Religion. He has practiced with Du’e for more than ten years.

Although he has not entered the immortal way, he has also mastered magical powers. It is not something that ordinary people can match.

Then Chong Heihu is a disciple of the Jie sect, and as a disciple of the Human sect, Zheng Lun inevitably has a desire to compete for supremacy. He wants to compete with him and judge his level.

Although the Human sect is not as good as the two sects of Chanjie He is the protagonist of the Conferred God, but the Human Sect has been on the side of the Chan Sect since the beginning, and has actually been on the opposite side of the Jie Sect. Zheng Lun has always looked down upon what the Jie Sect has done.

The imperial court cultivated Taoism Most of the scholars came from the Biyou Palace lineage. As time goes by, people like Zheng Lun who are not Jiejiao practitioners will inevitably feel dissatisfied.

Just when I was about to discuss the merits, the opportunity came unexpectedly.

In the past, Su Hu I just knew that Zheng Lun once practiced Taoism with the Xian family, but I didn’t expect that it was from the Miluo Palace lineage of the human religion. It is the authentic sect of heaven and earth, which is not inferior to the Jie sect.

Hearing this, Su Hu was overjoyed:”I didn’t expect that General Zheng would have such an opportunity, so it’s all thanks to General Zheng!”

With Zheng Lun here, the Jizhou soldiers finally gained some confidence.

The next morning, Zheng Lun was the same as the Chonghei Tiger, a beast with golden eyes that rides on fire.

Zheng Lun held two demon-conquering swords and led his three thousand crows. The soldiers left the camp.

In the camp, Chong Heihu heard that someone came to ask for a fight, and couldn’t help thinking:”This Su Hu dares to send troops, does he have something to rely on?”

No matter what, Chongheihu and Chonghouhu still left the camp.

Seeing that it was an unknown person, Chonghouhu was furious and said:”How can an unknown rat dare to go to the front of the two armies to die?”

Zheng Lun didn’t pay attention to it, but pointed at Chong Heihu and said:”You are Chongheihu, you are helping Zhou to abuse and disrespecting the destiny of heaven, but you have committed a big crime………”

Chong Heihu originally planned to be polite, after all, he had some friendship with Su Hu. But Zheng Lun scolded himself as soon as he came up. The clay figurine still has three points of fire, let alone Chong Heihu.

Immediately, Chong Heihu scolded:”You disrespect the emperor and do disloyalty, and you dare to judge the fate of the day. If you surrender to the court, it will be fine, otherwise you will die.”

For Su Hu, a good friend, Chong Heihu still wanted to save him. One rescue.

But Chonghou Hu couldn’t wait any longer, and said directly to Chong Heihu:”Second brother, don’t talk nonsense to him, take action immediately to deal with him and defeat Jizhou.” He had already wasted a lot of time in Jizhou, and Chonghouhu didn’t want to No more waiting.

He directly taunted Zheng Lun:”It took so long for the cowardly young man to come out with the war-free card. You are just relying on your own words.”

Zheng Lun was furious when he saw this. He slapped the beast with flaming eyes and golden eyes and stepped forward with the demon-conquering sword in hand.. The Chongheihu also rides on a beast with fiery eyes and golden eyes, holding a giant axe.

The two of them rode on top of the mythical beast and a great battle began. The red clouds they killed were miserable and the white mist fell. It can be said that the two of them are matched in chess and will meet good talents. This went on for nearly a hundred rounds, and it turned out that there was no winner or loser.

Through Su Hu, Zheng Lun already knew the Taoism of Chong Heihu.

After seeing that there is no difference between victory and defeat with martial arts, I know that I must use Taoism to win.

Looking at the big gourd behind Chong Heihu, Zheng Lun thought to himself:”That big red gourd is his secret technique. If you want to break it, you still need to strike first.”

At that moment, Zheng Lun decided to strike first. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a sound coming from Zheng Lun’s nose orifice. Two white lights were ejected from the orifice.

When Chong Heihu heard this voice, his eyes suddenly felt dizzy. The heart is not good, this is the enemy’s Taoism.

But when he wanted to struggle, he couldn’t. No matter how he used his magical powers, he could not escape this dizzy state.

Chong Heihu screamed and fell down from the fire-eyed golden-eyed beast.

Zheng Lun took a look, waved his hand and said:”Tie him up and take him into the city!”[]

The crow soldiers came forward and captured him alive.

Chonghou Hu was shocked when he saw this, and immediately drew his sword and ordered the army to fight out.

Zheng Lun saw this and smiled and said:”It’s a small trick!”

Zheng Lun was seen chanting the magic formula with his hands, and finally murmured a few spells. Suddenly the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a strong wind blew and scattered the Yin and Shang armies.

Su Hu immediately ordered the army to fight out, and once again defeated the Yin and Shang army..

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