But he said that Emperor Xin, King of Zhou, had been in a state of confusion all day after he came back from Nuwa Palace. His behavior was also erratic. Over time, King Zhou gradually abandoned the government.

The national preceptor Long Aotian gradually retired, and in the court there were two admonishing officials, Fei Zhong and You Hun, who won the favor of King Zhou.

These two people were already officials in the court. In the past, when there were Taishi and Guoshi, they had no chance to perform.

Now one of them is away fighting, and the other rarely visits the court. Over time, the two gradually became King Zhou’s favorites.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were also psychic people. They saw that King Zhou did not like the women in the harem as much as before after his trip to Nuwa Palace, and they understood the reason.

On this day, King Zhou suddenly said to Fei Zhong, Youhun and others in the back garden:”I saw Nuwa in the Nuwa Palace alone. Her beauty is unparalleled. There is no one in the three palaces and six courtyards who suits my wishes. What can you do?” Do you comfort me?”

When Fei Zhong and You Hun heard this, they both looked at each other with happy expressions on their faces.

You Hun took a step forward, held up his hands and said flatteringly:”Your Majesty is the most powerful person in the world, rich in the world, and worthy of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The whole world belongs to your Majesty, so why worry about it?””

“Your Majesty may wish to issue an order to all the princes, and ask each prince to select a hundred of the most beautiful women from each town and send them to the royal court. In this way, all the beauties in the world will belong to the king, and his majesty’s worries will surely be relieved.

King Zhou was overjoyed when he heard this and said:”My love for you is very much in line with Gu’s wishes. Tomorrow morning I will send an edict to Gu to order all the princes in the world to present beautiful women!””

Fei Zhong and You Hun praised King Zhou again for his sage, which made King Zhou very happy.

The next morning, all the civil and military officials came to the court.

At the court meeting, King Zhou indeed mentioned that he ordered all the princes to A hundred beauties were selected to fill the harem.

But before King Zhou finished speaking, Prime Minister Shang Rong immediately knelt down in the tunnel and said:”Old minister Shang Rong tells your majesty that there are no less than a thousand beauties in your harem now.” The concubines came up, and there were also concubines. Now let the princes offer beauties in large quantities, fearing that the people will be disappointed!”

King Zhou was unhappy after hearing this, but at this time King Zhou was not completely stupid.

His energy was not exhausted yet, and his reason was still there.

After a long time, King Zhou slowly spoke and said to Shang Rong:”What Ai Qing said is true. Let this matter go.ԺŔ

After King Zhou finished speaking, all the ministers shouted:”Your Majesty, the Holy Ming!”

However, King Zhou would inevitably be unhappy if he did not achieve his idea. After a long time, King Zhou had another idea.

This time, King Zhou summoned Fei Zhong and You Hun for discussion.

As soon as the two arrived, King Zhou said:”I wanted to ask the princes of the world to offer beautiful women, but Shang Rong stopped me. It’s just that it’s hard to be interested in the beauty in the harem. I wonder if Aiqing can find a way to solve the problem?”

Fei When Zhong and Youhun heard this, they understood that King Zhou was still King Zhou.

Even though he was called wise in the hall, deep down he was completely depraved.

After thinking for a moment, Fei Zhong stepped forward and said:”I recently heard that Hou Su Hu of Yizhou has a beautiful girl. Why doesn’t the king send an order to recruit her to the palace and accompany her to the left and right? Just choose a beautiful woman, and it will not affect anything. Your Majesty is wise, right?”


When King Zhou heard this, he clapped his hands on the table and said with great joy:”What Ai Qing said is absolutely true!” He immediately said to his attendants:”Declared a decree, ordering the Hou Su Hu of Jizhou to come to discuss state affairs.”

At this time, the Hou Suhu of Jizhou was because When he entered the court and was singing songs, he received the imperial edict from King Zhou. He did not dare to neglect and rushed to the palace.

After paying homage to him, King Zhou ordered him to stand up.

King Zhou said to Su Hu:”I heard that I have a daughter who I love and want to choose to serve in the harem. You are a relative of the country. I will always be in Jizhou and enjoy peace and health. What do you think of your love?”

Su Hu didn’t look happy when he heard this, but said seriously.”Your Majesty has thousands of concubines in your harem. Are they not enough to please the king? They are all charming and charming.””

“The king listened to the slander and trapped himself in injustice, and the Yin and Shang Dynasty was probably in danger. Moreover, the daughter of a humble minister is ignorant of etiquette and lacks virtue and grace, but she is not lucky enough to be worthy of the king.”

“I also ask the king to take back his orders and kill this villain who made slanderous remarks to set the record straight.

The king is the lord of the world.

He should cultivate his mind with a correct mind and listen to advice.

How can you listen to those slanderous words? King Zhou heard Su Hu’s words and laughed loudly:”Ai Qing really doesn’t understand the general situation.

The concubine is rich and famous in the world, and Ai Qing is also a relative of the emperor.

” You are a smart person, why is this happening?”

Su Hu said sternly:”If a ruler cultivates virtue and is diligent in his administration, then all the people will be happy, the scenery of the world will follow, and the heaven will last forever.”

“Today, the king has violated the laws of his ancestors and imitated Xia Jie. This is the way to defeat. If a king sets an example for his ministers and is so lustful, the business’s six hundred years of foundation may be in jeopardy.”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

King Zhou was furious when he heard this and overturned the documents in front of him to the ground.

Pointing at Su Hu, King Zhou said with trembling fingers:”I just want to recruit someone. Your daughter is a concubine, but you dare to say that Gu Nai is the king of the country. This is a crime of great disrespect and should be punished!”

“The visitors captured Su Hu, pushed him out of the Meridian Gate, and beheaded him in public.”King Zhou said to the left and right.

The guards on the left and right immediately stepped forward and suppressed Su Hu.

Fei Zhong and You Hun stepped forward to stop him, saving Su Hu from being harmed by the sword.[]

Although King Zhou said:”Your Majesty, if you kill Su Hu for choosing his daughter, your reputation will be greatly reduced.””

“I thought it would be better to let Su Hu go first, so as to fulfill the king’s kindness. Su Hu felt grateful for the king’s kindness, so he naturally sent his daughter to”

“When the people of the world hear that the king is magnanimous, they will surely be impressed by the king’s virtue. Your majesty’s prestige in the world will inevitably be higher, and there will be no one in the world who disobeys your majesty.”

Although Fei Zhong and You Hun like to flatter, they still have basic abilities. At this point, if they don’t have some real ability, even if they are favored by King Zhou, it won’t work.

King Zhou heard this and thought it was reasonable.

He praised them both. Said:”The two dear ministers are indeed the pillars of the country, and they are well-planned! Then he said:”

Then let Su Hu go according to Aiqing’s words, and order him to return to the fief immediately and not stay in Chaoge.” It would be fine if he could offer his daughter, but if not…”

King Zhou could not hide the murderous intent in his eyes, and Fei Zhong and You Hun felt chills all over their bodies.

Su Hu could be said to have narrowly escaped death. He returned to the post house and was received by the generals. He asked:”Your Majesty has summoned the Marquis to discuss something?”

Su Hu was furious and told everyone that King Zhou wanted his daughter Su Daji to enter the palace.

When the generals heard this, they were also furious.

Everyone said:”As the saying goes, if the king is not upright, the ministers will surrender to other countries. The king despises the virtuous and values the beauty, and his eyes are confused.”

“The Yin and Shang kingdoms were already in decline, and the world was also unstable. If you don’t follow the imperial edict and defend your own country, you can protect your ancestral temple at the top and your family at the bottom.”

“Wait for the world to change and then worry about it!”

Although the Yin and Shang Dynasties are in the world, all the princes respect them. But in fact, the world is not stable at all. The north cannot be pacified, and the east is gradually unstable. The generals dare to say this, There are reasons.

But after all, Jizhou is just a place. If you want to really fight against the Yin and Shang court, it is probably not enough.

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