In the Western Paradise, the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti were overjoyed to see the Medicine Master and other disciples transforming a group of time-traveling powers.

Zhunti smiled and said:”I have saved all the immortals in the West and my merits are immeasurable!”

Taoist Jieyin also had a rare smile on his face.

Transforming the immortals not only increases the foundation of the West, but also leads to the unbearable slaughter of the immortals in the heart.

After all, he originally created the Western Paradise to find a glimmer of hope for all sentient beings. This move is only in line with Western teachings.

Jie Yingzhong said:”These immortals come from all heavens and all realms, and their karmic obstacles are not small. They need to be washed away before they can enter my bliss.””

“What the senior brother said is true!”Zhunti said:”The water in my Eight Merit Pools in the West has great merits. It can wash away all karma and karma. It can be used to save the immortals.”

As a great sect, the Western Sect does not lack merit and luck.

Especially after Nuwa clearly supported the Second Saint, the Western Sect’s luck increased greatly.

Using these luck to convert those immortals, even if there are The consumption can be recovered quickly. Taoist Zhunti will not feel distressed, as Western religions are very wealthy now. The pharmacist and others came back and handed over the magic weapon, and all the immortals who were converted were trapped In the Sumeru bag.

Pick up the Sumeru bag, untie the rope and point the mouth of the bag at the Bade Pond. A group of immortals submerged into the pond water and accepted the baptism of the Western Avenue.

For some travelers From a certain point of view, being taught by the West is indeed worse than death.

But from another point of view, the actions of the two Western Saints saved their lives. If it were according to the wishes of other Saints, killing them would be considered an easy task..With the addition of these immortals, the Second Saint of the West is busy again.

The Qingdu Mountain Miluo Palace, the Antarctic Immortal and other people taught the immortals also returned to the Miluo Palace and handed the Chaos Bell to Taiyuan. The disciples of the human sect in the human world also returned to their own dojos. Everything in the prehistoric era returned to peace, as if nothing had happened.

For those who traveled through the Western Second Saints, Taishang and Yuanshi were very grateful. Disdainful. I think their actions are really insulting to the saints. These unruly saints should be punished impartially. If they can escape, it means that they have not exhausted their strength.

Western religions do not distinguish between good and bad, and they directly convert such There are many immortals, but they actually break the rules.

After all, these time-travelers have gone too far. It doesn’t matter if they travel, there is a glimmer of hope under the sky. But by traveling with such great fanfare, you clearly don’t give the saints face and treat them as nothing.

For For saints, there is nothing to argue about except their skin.

This kind of behavior that regards saints as nothing and travels directly through the heavens into the wild will naturally be suppressed by the saints.

Taiyuan does not matter, as for Jie Yin and Zhunti Er He views people’s actions from a dialectical attitude.

Savioring these immortals from all heavens and all realms can indeed enhance the foundation of Western religion.

But on the other hand, these immortals come from all heavens and all realms. The entanglement of cause and effect, Stirring up the heavenly secrets, causing great cause and effect.

Although it is not obvious for a while, if it breaks out in the future, it will definitely lay a huge thunder for the Western religion.

In short, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Especially since the Western religion does not have an innate treasure, it is doomed. The luck of great religions cannot last long. This is why Taishang and Yuanshi, although they disdain them, directly ignore the teachings of the two Western saints.

“As long as it was a prehistoric novel in the previous life, the Two Saints of the West were basically villains. Although there are no villains here, it would be uncomfortable to be taught by the West and placed in the Bade Pond..”

“These proud men of heaven have endured such humiliation, and I wonder if they will rebel against Western religion in the future.”

Taiyuan thought this way, this situation is really possible.

But that will happen in the future. Now that the catastrophe of the Conferred God Killing is coming, there is nothing more important than this.

Looking at Jin’ao Island in the east, Taiyuan didn’t know Why, I feel the subtle changes.

For a saint, any change is not accidental.

Using his magical power, Taiyuan uses his own avenue to communicate with the destiny of heaven and explore the obvious changes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In this investigation, Taiyuan really found out something.

“It turned out to be the lucky little guy who escaped and joined the Jiejiao!”

In the past, the saints stopped those travelers who crossed the heavens. They did not kill them all, but left a glimmer of hope.

This glimmer of hope was destined that a small number of people would have the opportunity to enter the wilderness. They are all the lucky ones in the universe. , people with great luck.

Unlike Western religions, which do not distinguish between good and bad, these monks who can avoid being killed are themselves blessed with great luck.

It’s just that their number is too small to have any effect.

Now Taiyuan actually felt this kind of mysterious luck in Jin’ao Island.

This shows that there are time travelers who worship the Jie Sect.

This was not so unusual in the previous life. Nine times out of ten among people who have traveled through the wilderness. They all worshiped the leader of Tongtian Cult.[]

Not for anything else, just for the excitement.

To survive in the midst of death and to go against nature is the true nature of a Taoist.

If Taiyuan before time travel heard this, his blood would definitely boil with excitement. But now I think it’s funny.

They had already escaped disaster when they came to the ancient world. At this time, they should meditate and practice hard. On the contrary, he joined Jiejiao when the Conferring God Killing Tribulation was about to give people the feeling of joining Duke Kaishen in 1949.

“.It seems that he is another time-traveler who has read too many novels.”

Taiyuan couldn’t help but shook his head. It was a pity for this.

A monk who had already escaped the killing calamity was involved in the Conferring God Killing Catastrophe. Isn’t this simply making himself uncomfortable again?

Taiyuan said again After calculating, he let out a light sigh:”It actually comes from the solar system!”

Looking at Jin’ao Island again, Taiyuan’s expression became different (Nuo Li Zhao).

For a long time, Taiyuan’s mouth curved:”It seems that this Battle of the Gods is destined to be unstable, and it will not be peaceful. What a mess the church will cause!”

The time traveler did not play a decisive role, and Taiyuan did not pay much attention to him. The one who really played a decisive role was Tongtian himself.

In the battle of Chaos, Taiyuan defeated the Immortal Killing Formation. It not only achieved Taiyuan’s reputation, but also gave it to This is an opportunity for Master Tongtian to perfect the Zhuxian Formation.

If Tongtian can really make the four swords of Zhuxian become one, the formation and the four swords will be completely integrated. Even if the four saints defeat Zhuxian, it will not be easy. Maybe five saints will be obtained by then. Zhu Xian has been defeated.

This is a variable.

But no matter how many variables there are, how much impact can they have on the general trend of Tianshu? How far Tongtian can reverse it depends on his ability.

“Fellow Taoist Tongtian, I hope you will not go against heaven, otherwise the great sect will be destroyed in a matter of seconds….”

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