The Four Zhuxian Swords fell into Taiyuan’s hands, but Tongtian was not worried.

Even if Taiyuan’s magic power is vast, it is impossible to change the ownership of this heaven-determined treasure.

But what shocked Tongtian was that Taiyuan destroyed the Zhuxian Formation alone. This was the most unacceptable thing for him.

Although Taiyi, Taichu, and Taishi are also the cultivation of Hunyuan saints, they still belong to Taiyuan in essence. The four people are one body and are actually counted as one person.

No matter how unruly Tongtian is, he still has to be convinced. Taiyuan destroyed the Zhuxian Formation with one person’s power, this cannot be faked.

Several saints also reacted and congratulated Taiyuan.

At the same time, the fear in his eyes became heavier.

Only when you enter the Zhuxian Formation can you realize how terrifying this formation is.

I also understand better how much strength it takes to break the formation.

Taiyuan was able to break the Zhuxian Formation on his own, and his strength was enough to deal with several saints.

Until now, the saints have not figured out the origins of Taoist Taiyi, Taoist Taichu, and Taoist Taishi. They only know that they should be the manifestation of Taiyuan’s secret skills or magical powers. The rest – don’t know anything about it.

The more this is the case, the more fearful the saints will be.

After all, although Laojun’s One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones is powerful, it cannot break the Immortal Killing Formation. And the time outside is limited.

The three Taoists in Taiyuan who are similar to incarnations have no time limit at all.

What’s more, even if there were, it would be enough for him to break the Immortal Killing Formation.

If you are hostile to them, you will be facing four Hunyuan Saints. In addition, Taiyuan’s own cultivation is the best among all the saints, and his true strength is probably stronger than the four saints.

After Taiyuan met with all the saints, he said to Tongtian:”Fellow Taoist Tongtian, it seems that this world-destroying great mill has no chance of interfering with your religion!”

Tongtian said:”Since the winner is determined, I should obey it. Days!”

“That’s good!”Taiyuan nodded.

At this time, the world-destroying Great Mo that was still floating in the void suddenly became brilliant. Suddenly it disappeared in front of the saints and disappeared into the heavens and worlds.

Zhunti sighed:”Look In the future, none of us will have the chance to meet the Great Moment that will destroy the world.”

He turned around and said to Tongtian:”Fellow Taoist is just doing useless work. Even if you can win with the Immortal Killing Formation, you won’t get this world-destroying grind.”

Among the several saints who entered the Immortal Killing Formation, they were among the two saints from the West.

At most, Yuan Shi was knocked out of the Golden Lantern. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through the Immortal Killing Formation, he left the Immortal Killing Formation.

The Supreme Being was able to suppress Tongtian and fight, although he failed to break it. Formation, but it can be seen that the strength of the Taishang is higher than that of Tongtian.

In such a comparison, it seems that the two sages of the West are a bit inferior. It is inevitable that there is resentment in my heart.

Now that I see that Tongtian’s plan was in vain, and the Zhuxian Formation was broken, it is Feeling sarcastic,

Tongtian glanced at Zhunti and said:”The days are like this, why bother to say more. But it’s not a loss for Pindao to be able to mention Taoist friend’s face accurately.”


The Qibao Miaoshu in Zhunti Taoist’s hand trembled, and he wanted to have another showdown with Tongtian, but was stopped by Jieyin Taoist.

While several people were arguing, Taiyuan flicked the Wordless Heavenly Book, the most precious treasure of merit and virtue, and the four immortal swords of Punishment, Killing, Trapping, and Jue were suspended in front of Taiyuan, and the Wordless Heavenly Book was also put away.

At this time, the Four Immortals Sword no longer had the killing energy flowing out. It was not that its evil energy disappeared, but that it was sealed in the sword by Taiyuan’s great magic power.

The four fairy swords look restrained in their brilliance, making it difficult for outsiders to see clearly.

But the saint can see the clues at a glance, and the power of the treasure cannot be hidden from the eyes of the saint.

Taiyuan waved back, and the Four Zhuxian Swords flew in front of Tongtian, and were caught by Tongtian.

This action surprised not only Tongtian, but also several other saints.

After seeing the power of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, no one would be willing to face this Zhu Xian Formation. If the god-killing calamity is to arouse it, the saint will inevitably take action. If Tongtian temporarily loses the Zhuxian Formation, Jiejiao’s strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

But now Taiyuan returned the Four Swords of Zhuxian to Tongtian without any hesitation, which will undoubtedly help Tongtian, who was originally weakened, to recover.

Leader Tongtian was also surprised, although he was not worried that the Four Swords of Zhu Xian would not come back. But it can be done if Taiyuan is in charge temporarily. There is no need to give it to yourself now.

Seeing everyone’s confusion, Taiyuan knew what they were thinking of writing.

Ignoring the doubtful looks of these people, he said to Tong Tianyan:”Although this Immortal Killing Formation, fellow Taoist, is powerful, the formation has not been completely refined into the Four Immortal Swords, and the four swords are never one. If fellow

Taoist can refine the formation , Entering the Four Immortal Swords, the four swords are integrated into one. Even if the four saints come out at the same time, I am afraid it will be difficult to break the formation.

This time, the poor Taoist is just a fluke!”

Although the tone of Taiyuan’s words was polite, Tongtian would not I believe Taiyuan can win because of luck.

Only when you face him do you realize how terrifying his strength is. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, there is one thing Taiyuan said that touched Tongtian’s heart, that is, the Immortal Killing Formation still needs to be perfected. The four swords of Zhu Xian are not completely compatible with the formation diagram, and the four swords cannot be integrated. It’s a big flaw after all.

When Taiyuan broke through the Immortal Killing Formation, Tongtian already knew the flaw in it.

If the formation diagram is refined into the Four Immortals Sword, it is uncertain whether it can fight against the four saints. But one thing is certain, the Immortal Killing Formation will definitely be more powerful by then than it is now.

The four swords of Zhu Xian are integrated and operate as one.

Unless the Four Saints are united, they may not be able to break the Immortal Killing Formation.[]

Now that Taiyuan mentioned this, Tongtian couldn’t help but secretly thought:”What does this Taoist Taiyuan mean? What good will it do to him to instruct me to perfect the Immortal Killing Formation?”

Although he had other thoughts in his heart, his face remained calm.

Tongtian still bowed and said:”Fellow Taoist Taiyuan has great magical power and boundless magical power. He is worthy of being my Pangu sect. Tongtian admires him endlessly.”

Even when facing the leader of the Three Pure Ones, Taishang Laojun, Tongtian did not let his posture show off. So low.

Everything is strength.

If Taiyuan didn’t have this strength and his unruly character, how could he say these words.

The reason why the saints fight each other is that they don’t want Tongtian to get the world-destroying great grinding mill. Now that the number of days is clear, the world-destroying grinding mill is indeed not available to the saints. Several saints fought with each other, and finally realized that it was just a vain fight.

The Great Mo of Destruction would never have joined the Jie Cult, and he was just doing some useless work by waiting for the saint.

Although the Master of Tongtian was defeated by the Immortal Killing Formation, Taiyuan pointed out the shortcomings of the Immortal Killing Formation.

Who knows if he will perfect the formation after returning. If it really reaches that point, can the Four Saints really defeat Zhu Xian?

In decades, can Tongtian perfect the Immortal Killing Formation?

We can only find out later.

Tongtian said:”I won’t accompany you anymore, I’ll say goodbye!”

After saying that, Tongtian left first. He is going back to perfect the Immortal Killing Formation.

Seeing this, Nuwa also said goodbye to the saints and went to Taisutian.

The Two Saints of the West also left Chaos and returned to the Western Paradise.

The remaining saints also went back separately, and the tense situation in the chaos suddenly calmed down.

Only those with great supernatural powers were left looking at each other..

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