After another fruitless argument, the Supreme Leader also understood that Tongtian wanted to use the Immortal Killing Formation to consume him.

Therefore, Taishang Taijitu shook his head, dispelling the murderous aura in the Immortal Killing Formation, and also stepped aside.

Taishang Bianguai pointed at Tongtian and said:”Junior brother Tongtian, you are going against the will of heaven, and you will never be able to escape disaster.”

Tongtian said:”Senior brother, don’t talk nonsense, what is going against heaven? You and I are both Hunyuan. Saint, even heaven is beneath you and me. People in the world still know how to fight for a chance of survival, not to mention that as the leader of a religion, how can I see the Jiejie religion fall apart?”

“You and I are the Three Pure Ones and both belong to Xuanmen. The great mill that will destroy the world is in my hands. It will also be of great benefit to Xuanmen. Why bother to stop me, senior brother?”

“You are the ancestor of Xuanmen, but you always favor the disciples of Chanjiao. It is truly unfair and unjust, and not a son of man!”

“Today, if you can break this Immortal Killing Formation, I will admit that I am not as good as you. But if you can’t break this Immortal Killing Formation, then don’t blame me for not respecting you.”

I don’t know how long Lord Tongtian has been holding back these words. Anyway, this time he vented them all at once. What

Taishang Yuanshi was thinking is unknown to others. But when Taiyuan and the two saints of the West saw the split between the Three Pure Ones, they naturally felt something in their hearts. Secretly happy.

The Supreme Being smiled and said:”What’s so difficult about this? Don’t regret it?””

“Humph, who doesn’t know how to tell lies? I want to see what other methods you have.”Tongtian snorted, but he didn’t believe that His Majesty had other methods.

In the Zhuxian Formation, the universe was rippling, and the thunder was mixed. Fire clouds flew into the sand, and the sky and the earth were covered. The wind blew the sand and dust to cover the face, and thunder shocked The tigers and leopards were hidden; the lightning made the birds dance wildly, and the fog made the trees disappear without a trace.

Both leaders used their magical powers to a higher level.

The Zhuxian Formation trembled slightly, but it was Master Tongtian who brought the formation to its extreme.

Seeing the murderous aura getting heavier and heavier, the Supreme Master stepped on the golden bridge and touched the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows with his left hand.

He saw three lines of pure energy flying out from the Niwan Palace and appearing in the formation.

A Taoist priest wearing a crown of nine clouds on his head and a crimson robe with red and white cranes, holding a sword in his hand, shouted:”Brother Taishang, Taoist Taoist Supreme Qing will help you defeat Taoist Tongtian!””

Tongtian Cult Leader saw that this person was actually the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but he was surprised in his heart. There are only nine saints in total, and now there are only seven. Seeing the person in front of him, he was a little stunned.

Some He asked in surprise:”Who are you, a Taoist, who came to my Immortal Killing Formation?”

“There is no Taoist immortal in the universe that I don’t know, so why haven’t I seen you? The

Taoist Shangqing laughed loudly and said:”Ignorant Taoist Tongtian, I am your senior brother, but you don’t know it. Just listen!””

“Chaos never remembers years, I am the first to create the world”

“The heaven and earth have their own reasons, let you look into the sky and see through them”

“You are so ignorant.”

After that, he stood in the formation with a sword in hand.

The leader of Tongtian is the leader of Hunyuan Wuji, but he can’t see clearly the whereabouts of the Taoist in front of him.

I don’t know where the Taoist Shangqing comes from, but I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

This At that moment, another voice was heard, and a Taoist came.

This man wore a Ruyi crown, a light yellow bagua robe, and held Ganoderma lucidum Ruyi in one hand. After entering the formation, he shouted:”Brother Taishang, Taoist priest! I, Taoist Yuqing, will help you defeat Taoist Tongtian!

Tongtian asked again:”Brother Taoist, where did you come from, and how did I offend you?””

I only heard the Yuqing Taoist composing a ballad and saying:”At the beginning of Hanguan, we reached Kunlun and unified the Taoist sect of China. Life is easy but it is hard to grow old, but the nature of change of country still exists”

“Taoist Tongtian, you don’t even recognize me, your senior brother.”Taoist Yuqing pointed at Tongtian Dao.

He was confused, still a little confused.

But no matter what magical power Tongtian used, he couldn’t see the footsteps of these two Taoists. It was really strange.

At this time, there was another one. The golden light turned into a Taoist priest and appeared in the Immortal Killing Formation.

This man wore a Nine-Sky Crown and Eight Treasures and Longevity Zixia Clothes. He entered the formation and shouted:”Brother Taishang Taoist, I, Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing, will help you to hide together.” Tongtian Taoist!”

Tongtian Cult Master twirled his long beard, smiled softly and said:”Brother Taoist, where did you come from? Why did Pindao offend you again?”

Although these three Taoists seem to be Hunyuan Saints, Master Tongtian knows very well that they will never be Hunyuan Saints like himself.

If there are other saints, how could he not know about them.

But these three people are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s cultivation cannot be faked. For a moment, Tongtian Cult Master was also a little unsure.

After Tongtian finished asking, he only heard a Taoist song:

“At the beginning of the Hunyuan Dynasty, the Tao was judged first, and it was natural that there would always be and there would be nothing.”

“Purple air comes from the east for thirty thousand miles, and passes through Hanguan for the first time for five thousand years. Taoist

Taiqing scolded Tongtian Dao:”Ignorant Taoist Tongtian, we and the other three Tianzun are all your senior brothers, but you don’t know it!””

As soon as the words fell, Taoist Shangqing and Taoist Yuqing who were standing aside also started to move. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Taishang also used his magic power to interact with Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shang. The three Taoists of Qing Dynasty cooperated to take action.

Seeing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult panicked and quickly moved the formation. The murderous intent of the Four Swords of Zhuxian came towards the four Taoists, but before they got close, the murderous intent disappeared invisible.

Under the four Hunyuan Under the siege of Daluo Jinxian’s monks, Tongtian Cult Master could not hold on for a few times and was beaten several times. Tongtian Cult Master was furious and was about to take action, but the Supreme Master made a move first. The

Tai Chi Diagram was displayed, and the Immortal Killing Formation The murderous aura in him immediately subsided. The incarnation of Sanqing restrained Tongtian, and Taishang came over and hit the leader of Tongtian on the cheek.

Since the fight, although Tongtian has been hit several times, none of them hit the face. This time, Taishang It hit Tongtian firmly on the face.

For a saint, there would naturally be no injuries. But his face was completely lost.

If it weren’t for the Zhuxian Formation, Tongtian wouldn’t be able to hold on.

Outside the field When several saints saw the changes in the Zhuxian Formation, they were all impressed by Laojun’s strength.

Even Taiyuan had to admit that Taishang was still a bit threatening to him.[]

While Tongtian was still trying his best to resist, the three Taoists Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, the Supreme Being sighed secretly in his heart:”Although my magical power of transforming Qi into the Three Purities is powerful, it cannot be used for a long time. When the time is up, it will disappear. However, Tongtian’s face can be regarded as saving my face..”

With the Two Saints of the West and Yuanshi Tianzun in front, although the Supreme Emperor did not break the Immortal Killing Formation, everyone knew that he was suppressing the leader of Tongtian Cult. Even if they come out, no one will say anything.

After the last blow, Taishang was still standing on the white jade and gold bridge transformed into Tai Chi diagram.

Lord Tongtian still doesn’t know that this is Taishang Laojun’s Taoist technique.

The Supreme Being said to Tongtian:”Junior Brother Tongtian, I am hitting you on the face today because I want you to experience my magical power. Please listen carefully.””

“Laojun has cultivated Qi clones, and each of them is famous for his one-body mysterious skills.”

“Practicing morality with Hongjun, it turns out that one breath can transform the three pure things.”

After the singing stopped, the Supreme Being floated out of the Immortal Killing Formation.

He landed in front of the saints outside the formation, looking at everyone with pride.

PS: Thank you [Samuel Sammae1] for your monthly support!!!.

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