It is also said that Yuanshi Tianzun in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain taught his disciples how to become a god, and all the disciples returned to the mountain.

Either accept one or two disciples, or quietly recite Huang Ting without mentioning it.

Let us say that since Master Yuding left Kunlun Mountain, he quickly returned to his dojo, Yuquan Mountain and Jinxia Cave.

Along the way, the smile on Master Yuding’s face became stronger and stronger.

Since the last time he learned that there is the power of saints in Tiantiao, Master Yuding has been deeply worried. This level is no longer beyond his reach. Even his master, Yuanshi Tianzun, would not offend other saints easily.

Yang Jian wanted to save his mother, but it was very difficult.

Now Yang Chan is destined to be the Empress Nuwa and is favored by the Empress Nuwa.

This is not only Yang Chan’s own opportunity, but also an opportunity to teach.

Nowadays, Yang Chan is not only Yang Jian’s sister, but also the link between Chanjiao and Nuwa Empress. It is inevitable that Master Yuding does not pay attention to her.

At the same time, Master Yuding was also glad that he had taken Yang Chan in as well. Although the Yuqing Immortal Technique was not taught to him, he was taught a lot of other 17 spells, which can be regarded as having a good result.

As soon as he entered Yuquan Mountain, Master Yuding heard the sound of martial arts training.

It was Yang Jian who was practicing the martial arts and spells taught by the real person Yuding.

Seeing the improvement in Yang Jian’s cultivation, Master Yuding nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Yang Chan saw the arrival of Master Yuding and ran over to worship:”Shangxian!”

“Hahaha, no need to be polite!”Master Jade Ding smiled, waved his hand and a stream of immortal energy dragged Yang Chan up, but did not let her bow down.

He said to him:”I am here today just to tell you about an opportunity. of!”

“Opportunity?” Yang Chan was puzzled. Master Yuding just smiled and said nothing more. Instead, he watched Yang Jian practice martial arts first.

After a while, Yang Jian finished practicing martial arts. This time, he found that Master Yuding had returned.

He hurriedly came over and said:”Master, you came back!”

“Um! Master Yuding nodded and praised Yang Jian:”Master, I can see that your energy channels are full. It must be that you have gained a lot from your recent practice!” Yang

Jian cupped his fists and said,”Thanks to Master’s teachings, this disciple has now mastered the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills!””

“What? Master Yuding was startled and asked,”You said you have mastered the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques!””

Master Yuding has to be surprised. These Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques are the magical powers of the Yuqing Saint Yuanshi Tianzun deduced from the Pangu Dao. It is unpredictable and has endless mysteries. It can be cultivated to become an indestructible body.

It is the only one in the world. Very few people can practice such a great magical power, even among those who teach it. Although this magical power is not as good as the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique taught by others, it is not much different.

Master Yuding also decided to teach it not long ago This method was given to Yang Jian. I didn’t expect that Yang Jian would master it so quickly. It’s really an unexpected surprise that the human-immortal bloodline is so outstanding.

Yang Jian nodded heavily and said:”The disciple has already mastered it, but it’s just too much behind. It’s too profound. I still have many things I don’t understand, and I want to ask Master for advice!”

“OK OK!”

Master Yuding said hello three times in a row, which showed his joy at Yang Jian’s rapid progress.

At this time, Yang Chan asked Yuding:”Chief Immortal, just now you told me about an opportunity, not just what kind of opportunity?”

“Oh, my sister also has a chance! Yang Jian was overjoyed when he heard this and asked Yuding:”Master, is it possible that my sister really has some chance?””

Jade Cauldron twirled his long beard and said with a smile:”I have a great opportunity, so how can I lie?”

He said to Yang Chan:”When I left Kunlun Mountain, my master Yuanshi Tianzun told me that you have a master-disciple relationship with Empress Nuwa. I want you to go to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain and practice with Nuwa.”

Master Yuding told Yang Chan what Yuan Shi said in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

Yang Chan was a little stunned when he heard the words. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Master Yuding has already become an immortal like this It was a rare opportunity. I didn’t expect that I would be able to have a master-disciple relationship with Empress Nuwa. But after looking at Yang Jian, Yang Chan felt a little confused:”If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that I will treat you like a disciple in the future?” In Taisu Heaven, is it difficult to go down to the lower realm?”

Whether it is Yang Jian or Yang Chan, they practice immortal magic and Taoism all to save their mother.

If he is not allowed to go down to the lower world because he worships his master Nuwa, this is definitely not what Yang Chan wants. That’s why Yang Chan is in such a difficult situation.

For For Yang Chan, even worshiping a saint as her teacher is not as important as saving her mother.[]

This is also true for Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian said bluntly:”No, sister, it is a great opportunity to become a disciple of Nuwa, why don’t you miss it!”

“Second brother!”Yang Chan said hesitantly.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters acting like this, Master Yuding said:”You two don’t have to be so embarrassed. Yang Chan’s apprenticeship with Nuwa is not only an opportunity for you. It will also be of great benefit to you two in saving your mother in the future.”


Yang Jian and Yang Chan were stunned, and both looked at Master Yuding.

Master Yuding did not show off, and told them the cause and effect and secrets in detail.

There were many things that Yuan Shi said before , Master Yuding himself didn’t know. So it was not surprising to see the two people’s surprised expressions after hearing this. When

Yuanshi talked about the cause and effect of the Tiantiao in Yuxu Palace, Master Yuding also So.

There was even some fear in his heart. After all, a saint was involved. It was no longer something that Master Yuding could control. At that time, Master Yuding still felt a little regretful, regretting that he had caused a lot of trouble for Chan Jiao.

It was his fate to kill him, but his recklessness caused trouble for Yuxu Palace. 697

Fortunately, Yuanshi Tianzun had a plan and finally averted the danger. He also brought a saint ally to Chanjiao, which was a blessing in disguise.

After listening to Yu After listening to Master Ding’s narration, Yang Jian and Yang Chan finally understood that this Tiantiao actually had this origin. If this is true, then Taoshan is really not something that they can split. Master

Yuding said:”So Yang Chan worships his daughter. Under Empress Wa, even a famous disciple can still speak. If there is Taiyuan Sage’s accommodation in the future, I believe things will be easier for the Jade Emperor.”

The two of them also understood that there was nothing they could not do.

What’s more, being able to be related to Nuwa Empress also gave them a big background. It was much better than now.

Compared with being a disciple of the third generation of teachings, Yang Chan practiced directly in front of the saint’s throne. In terms of opportunity, he was better than Yang Jian.

In this regard, Yang Jian naturally wanted Yang Chan to go to Taisu Tiannuwa Palace.

Originally, Master Yuding planned to let Yang Chan go directly to Kunlun alone. Mountain, after all, Yang Chan now also knows the magical power of soaring into the clouds and mists, so it is not difficult to go to Kunlun. However, some changes inevitably occurred, and Master Yuding decided to send Yang Chan to Kunlun Mountain in person.

With Master Yuding’s escort, Yang Jian could only Don’t worry.

Master Yuding took Yang Chan all the way across countless fairy mountains and blessed places. They came to Kunlun Mountain, the ancestral home of Chanjiao.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of [三花五气]!!!.

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