Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 847: Unexpected duel

At this moment, facing Garrosh's battle axe, Arthas almost felt suffocated.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't because Garrosh's attack was too sharp, but because Garrosh's IQ was problematic-Arthas felt like thousands of Kodo beasts rushing past, and it was hard to tell.

It seems that Saratas has let go of Garrosh's thinking restrictions, can Garrosh talk to Arthas?

Garrosh is controlled by Saratas, and it seems to be controlled by force, so they must be enemies, right?

The enemy's enemy may not be a friend, but you can talk about it, right?

But Garrosh didn't know if it was because of the rise of the kill or something. He didn't have the consciousness to talk to others, and copied Gorehowl to chop even more vigorously!

Is this orc poisonous?

Is this orc sick?

Or do you not understand the lingua franca at all?

After barely supporting two moves and discovering that Garrosh was indeed unable to communicate, Arthas also had a rare emotion called anger...

OK, no brains, right? Do you like fighting?

It just so happens that I need a mindless guard!

Just feed Frostmourne first, and then fight the pandaman outside!

When Garrosh slashed headlessly again, the second rune on Frostmourne lit up, and Arthas was enveloped in an aura of evil. This power was like shadow and fel.

Gorehowl and Frostmourne collided again.

This time, Garrosh had a new feeling.

His heart seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, this hand suddenly tightened, and Garrosh's heart suddenly stopped!

With this sudden cardiac arrest, Garrosh's movements couldn't help but stagnate—if he hadn't supported Garrosh's next movements with his strong combat instincts, he might be strangled by Arthas!

Even if he wasn't hit by the subsequent homeopathic slash, Garrosh was directly at a disadvantage - and it was a huge disadvantage.

Under the influence of Alsace's death blow, Garrosh was extremely weakened. This time the weakening came from the aspect of vitality. The erosion of the negative energy of the undead seriously affected Garrosh's energy. In a confrontation, Garrosh It's as if experiencing a series of battles, physically and mentally exhausted.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Arthas lit up the third rune on Frostmourne.

A sword slashed, forming a substantial negative energy combination and hit Garrosh altogether-Garrosh, who was weak, watched this group of unknown objects sink into his body.

Death Coil.

The iconic skill of the death knight, using negative energy to hurt the enemy or heal the undead allies.

Garrosh was already weakened by the death blow by a few points, plus the current death blow, now it is simply more imaginary...

Can hardly hold the weakness of Gorehowl.

Seeing this, Arthas finally let go of his heart (if any), and the scale of victory has fallen to him. This suddenly-appearing orc with a problematic brain will become his powerful general, and Sarata Si is dead too!

But in the next moment, Arthas couldn't laugh.

It seemed that he had reached the limit, Garrosh's anger broke out again-not only dispelled all kinds of negative effects, but even the speed and strength went up to a new level!

At this moment, Arthas finally understood why Saratas had sent such a mindless warrior as an assassin. Although he had some problems with his IQ, his combat power and explosive power were really terrifying!

This forced dispelling inevitably has various side effects-although for the orc's physique, it is not a problem to injure anything, but the stiffness and loss of force after the outbreak are inevitable.

Although Arthas was not very clear about this, he could guess some of it—so he directly activated the blood rune that was least commonly used on Frostmourne.

Come on, not for a long time, can you arrogant for a few more minutes?

As the boss of the death knight, Arthas's fighting ideas couldn't be more clear, and because of the close connection between him and Frostmourne (or the unity of human sword), the switching of various runes is even more flowing!

Under the blessing of the blood rune, Arthas, who was fully defensive, was quite calm, but Garrosh became more and more impatient.

After getting this power, Garrosh, who had been transformed by Saratas, once thought he was invincible, but after the battle with Arthas, he always fell in the opponent's rhythm, as if deep in a mire. It's hard to exert strength, this kind of taste is really uncomfortable!

Obviously an axe can smash Goron, but in front of Arthas, Garrosh felt like he was slicing a snowball, and it had no effect!

More importantly, the sound of dragging footsteps has already been heard outside, and it seems that a suture monster is coming-if Alsace is supported, this battle will really be over.

If this continues, I will really lose!

Realizing this finally made a big move.

At this moment, Garrosh's veins appeared, and his already strong arm was even thicker.

Taking advantage of Alsace's chance to parry, Garrosh took advantage of the situation and withdrew two steps slightly.

The next moment, Gorehowl shook his hand horizontally, and Garrosh slammed his foot on the ground.

With a roar, Garrosh leaped high.

In the midair, Garrosh's body was almost completely stretched out, and the moment he began to fall, his muscles and muscles suddenly became tight.

At this moment, Garrosh resembled a spring that was stretched to the extreme, retracting in an instant, and the **** roar in his hand turned into a bolt of lightning, smashing directly towards Arthas.

The attack came so suddenly, even though Arthas had already made an estimate of the orc's explosive power, but in front of such an axe, he had no time to take the sword and block it.

Between the electric light and flint, Alsace made his own choice.

Do you like jumping and splitting... OK!

The bone armor was activated, and Arthas did not dodge or parry.

The stabbed Frostmourne did not retreat, and directly slashed upwards towards Garrosh.

Life for life.

In this case, it is too late to think about dodge, so just fight it and see who can survive!

The **** roar that was smashed head-on was extremely sharp, and Arthas's bone armor collapsed.

The evil Frostmourne was also unstoppable, and Garrosh was unable to escape in midair, so he could only let this magic sword slash towards his abdomen.



With a dull sound, one person lost his strength and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the Stitch Monster's patrol team finally arrived late.

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