Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 834: Ereda and Delaney

Originally, after knowing Medivh’s purpose, Zuifeng wanted to take a trip to Feralas with him-but Northrend really couldn’t go away. Zuifeng could only stare at the search results. After all, the Lich King may show up at any time.

   And Medivh, this is his first time in Feralas.

   Feralas, which has not been disturbed by the war, is not peaceful, but it can calm people down-the two giant holy light buildings of Errethalas and Storm Fortress also have a certain degree of soothing function in Feralas.

   This is the first time that Medivh has had the opportunity to carefully observe this peculiar vitality, the first time to carefully observe the draenei and blood elves.

  I have to say that the two races of draenei and blood elves are really inexplicably harmonious. Erethalas has almost become a city of holy light, and there are long ears with octopus beards everywhere...

   Medivh just flew in the sky a few times in the form of a crow, and finally did not choose to enter Ere'Thalas.

   I am also a warlock how I say it now-although it will not cause any misunderstandings, but now Medivh has already repelled the Holy Light, and it is better not to touch it.

   So, Medivh directly found Vinucci, the son of light of the draenei.

In the laboratory of Storm Fortress, Vinucci is experimenting with his Holy Light Resonance Crystal-this is his 648th experiment. He has not yet found an Atama crystal energy substitute suitable for the main gun of Storm Fortress. , Now if you want to fire a cannon, you have to consume the Atama Crystal...

   Then, the experiment failed again, and Vinucci was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Medivh.

   But to Medivh's surprise, this young-looking draenei was just startled.

   After seeing Medivh’s face clearly, Vinucci immediately calmed down.

   "A warlock... have we met before?"

   "No." Medivh smiled and shook his head, "But I have been famous for you for a long time."

   "Me?" Vinucci raised his eyebrows, "It's really strange that someone actually said that to me-or the famous Guardian of Tirisfal."

   Now that Vinucci has seen through his identity, Medivh no longer hides it.

"Yes, I'm Medivh-I'm looking for you this time because we found a Burning Legion Demon's transition ship by chance. I hope the draenei can send craftsmen to help us repair this A jump ship, maybe it will become our weapon against the Burning Legion!"

   Before Medivh could finish speaking, Vinucci's eyes had already started to shine.

  As a leader, similar to the master craftsman Gelbin, Vinucci is more like a technical house in many cases.

  Because of a certain degree of infection, Vinucci is actually in the state of a half-broken-so he prefers to stay in the huge laboratory of Storm Fortress and study his own Holy Light technology.

   Vinuc chose Vinucci as his successor, in large part because of his innocence.

   will not be shaken by the outside world.

  Before becoming Naaru, Velen was once tortured by his own "destiny". He was obsessed with prophecy and escaped all the way, but he was still uneasy.

In the Battle of the Dark Temple, Velen discovered that Vinucci’s traits were different from his own--maybe this little guy could not see through the fog of fate, but he was able to make a choice that fits his heart. It is what the current draenei lack.

   So Velen finally chose to embrace his destiny completely, and then made Vinucci as his designated heir.

   Many years have passed in a blink of an eye. Looking at this decision now, we have to admit that Vinylon made the most correct choice.

   Faced with the chaos of Azeroth, Vinucci and Delaney chose not to get involved—on the contrary, Delaney has been rapidly climbing technology for so many years.

  The jewels that had been stocked for tens of thousands of years were sold off. During their stay on Haguero Island, the draenei madly absorbed the knowledge of goblin engineering and dwarf engineering.

   After relieving the predicament of Ere'Thalas, the draenei and the blood elves came together again, and a group of longevity species together frantically explored the energy supply of the Holy Light.

   So in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Storm Fortress was shocked.

   Now, when Vinucci learned that Medivh had acquired a Burning Legion jump ship, he almost couldn't restrain his excitement.

   Subconsciously, Vinucci almost chose to escape from work and Medivh to the Dark Temple...

   Of course, this idea is fleeting, Vinucci is no longer the kid he once was, now he is the leader of Delaney.

   After some discussion, Vinucci agreed to send his craftsmen who are best at repairing and maintaining the spacecraft to the Dark Temple to help repair which jump ship.

   Of course, the draenei will also get technology sharing, which is a win-win situation.

   After finalizing the cooperation agreement, Khadgar did not stay in Feralas for a long time-the scent of light here made Medivh really uncomfortable.

It’s interesting to say that Medivh, who was once a mage, does not hate the power of arcane magic, but feels helpless with the power of the Holy Light. As a warlock, this is the only in Nuo Drunk Wind is waiting very anxiously for the Dragon Sleep Temple in Sende.

   I don't know why, feeling in the drunk wind, the Lich King seems to be about to show up.

  The unsearched area is getting smaller and smaller, and the adventurers also begin to gather consciously.

   Luminus, it is said that there has been a breakthrough in the study of her body transformation and the death knight magic breaker.

   Just as Drunk Wind guessed, these death knight paladins are indeed in a special state with special armor and special rune swords, ensuring that they are not harmed in the face of energy erosion.

   Although the specific reasons have not been fully studied, in general, it seems that the last hole of the Lich King was also opened by the red fruit ground because of Kel'Thuzad, and it was exposed to everyone.

   The final battle is just around the corner.

The Forsaken army has been assembled and is ready to set off at any time; the reorganized Silver Hand has also sent the main force (they will also deal with the traitor Kel'Thuzad along the way); even the tribe has sent a part of the library as if to declare a sense of existence. Karon warriors come to the Temple of Wyrmrest to stand by.

   Then, just when everyone had just finished the assembly, Zuifeng finally received the news.

   The trail of Alsace has been found.

   And along with Arthas, there is also the Saratas.

  唔, looks like you can kill two birds with one stone?

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