Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 829: Kel'Thuzad goes crazy

   Kel'Thuzad actually despised the melee career.

   As a glorious Lord Fa (was, now a Lich-not a pure Lord Fa), is it not natural to sling all warriors?

  Although Drunk Wind is a monk, in the eyes of Kel'Thuzad, he is no different from a warrior...

   It's a pity that it is such a pandaman who Kel'Thuzad doesn't look down upon, but he has become his own big nemesis.

   Not to mention the coincidence of Kalecgos-just at Dunhold Castle, Kel'Thuzad experienced the taste of failure in Drunk Wind.

   Whether it is strategy and tactics, or heads-up on the battlefield, Kel'Thuzad was defeated.

  The layout of Dunhold Castle was completely seen through, and the most important stronghold of the natural disasters of the entire South Lordaeron was killed.

   In the frontal battle, Kel'Thuzad could hardly complete the normal spellcasting under the drunk wind's swift action, and even sacrificed a phylactery before barely escape.

   For the proud Kel'Thuzad, this is totally unacceptable!

   You must know that Khadgar who tried to hunt Kel'Thuzad had to maintain a defensive attitude, but as soon as Drunk Wind came out, he simply destroyed all Kel'Thuzad's hope.


   Kel'Thuzad was a member of the Dalaran Council of Six before he was thrown into the arms of the Lich King-and he was the one second only to Antonidas and Kael'thas in strength!

   From Kel'Thuzad's point of view, if the old man Antonidas was too much older than himself and Kael'thas race advantage, he would be the most genius in Dalaran!

   This almost conceited pride made Kel'Thuzad refuse to admit his failure, especially because of the failure caused by drunkenness.

   In addition, afterwards, because the pig teammate was placed by Kalecgos, Kel'Thuzad is a lich, but also a hysterical lich.

   It's all right now, Kel'Thuzad finally saw the man who gave him the first failure, still on his own territory!

   Kel'Thuzad, who has the home-court advantage, felt that he should teach this **** Pandaren a lesson he will never forget!

   As for the people behind Zuifeng...

   Medivh, Khadgar and a dragon.

In Kel'Thuzad's view, Medivh is no longer the guardian of the past after his resurrection, which is not a problem; Khadgar is a bit troublesome now, but Kel'Thuzad also has his own way; the most difficult one is Nozdor Oh, Kel'Thuzad didn't really realize who this was at the beginning, but when Nozdormu started to raise the sand, Kel'Thuzad understood.

   Bronze Dragon King...

   It seems that I can only use the crowd tactics to delay it!

   I have to say that although there are only four people on Zuifeng's side, they are strong enough.

   When the fallen death knights were pulled up again, together with the necromancers, they surrounded Nozdormu.

   However, what was unexpected to everyone was that Nozdormu was restrained in the face of these undead, without the demeanor of guarding the dragon.

   It shouldn’t be-the death knight was pulled up from death again, that’s a real miscellaneous fish, shouldn’t Nozdormu be unable to handle such a flock of miscellaneous fish?

   But in fact, Nozdormu is also unspeakable-for the bronze dragon, the undead is more troublesome than the living! ,

Because they are no longer the living, time is not as deadly as they used to be-under the erosion of the sands of time, the undead will decay, but the resistance of the undead far exceeds that of the living. ,

   When Khadgar and Medivh saw something was wrong, they no longer kept it, and went straight to shoot.

   All of a sudden, billowing **** flames and long blizzards filled the entire space, interpreting the two heavens.

   However, unlike what Drunk Wind imagined, Kel'Thuzad did not organize these undeads to retreat temporarily for repairs, but quickly re-mobilized a small team, and then went to Drunk Wind (or, drifting towards Drunk Wind).


"... Are you so confident?" Although Kel'Thuzad had no expression after becoming a lich, Drunk Wind was able to see his strong self-confidence from his performance, "You really count on your subordinates The guy trapped Khadgar and Medivh?"

   "You have seen a lawbreaker." There was no fluctuation in Kel'Thuga's German language, "Coincidentally, I also have a little research on this."

   Zuifeng was stunned.

  In the Battle of Stratholme, the Obsidian Destroyer of the Undead Scourge was almost destroyed. Theoretically speaking, the Undead Scourge has no unit that can specifically restrain magic.

   But the existence of the drunk wind has caused a huge change in the entire Northrend situation. Compared with the original undead natural disasters that call the wind and the rain, and everyone talks about it, the undead natural disasters seem to be a bit tepid in this timeline.

   is a threat, but not fatal.

   And Zuifeng also subconsciously lowered the threat of the Lich King.

   is a force-but that's all.

However, when Zuifeng saw with his own eyes that a group of black humanoid units easily moved forward against Khadgar’s blizzard and Medivh’s **** flames, and forced the two masters of magic (skills) to move on the battlefield, he really Some of them are speechless.

   When Undead Scourge produced this kind of black technology?

  Is this degree of magic immunity really fake? Charge against a blizzard?

   It seems that these guys are all wearing thick armors--because these armors are too heavy, the specific situation of these people is not true.

   But all in all, the Lich King seems to have mastered some great black technologies.

   Just when Drunk Wind was still looking around with his neck, Kel'Thuzad spoke, and he interrupted Drunk Wind in a predictable way.

   "Don't look, when I catch you, I will let you see enough!"

   Drunk Wind came back to his senses, exaggeratingly showing a sudden realization.

   "That's how you want to have a heads-up match with me?"

   Kel'Thuzad did not speak, but stretched out his right hand.

   The withered hand bones were vacantly gripped. The next moment, several sharp and crystal ice cones directly plunged into Drunk Wind.

   And Zuifeng also leans back directly, trying to avoid these ice cones.

   But the cone of ice in mid-air, the flight path has changed strangely.

   Under the manipulation of Kel'Thuzad, the cone of ice shifted slightly downward-still heading straight to the point of the drunk wind.

   Watching Bing Cone fly over, Drunk Feng did not hesitate, and sat down on the ground, avoiding Bing Cone.

   On the other side, Kel'Thuzad crooked his neck when seeing Zuifeng's act of indifferent image and demeanor, and the next wave of ice cones arrived.

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