Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 825: The drunken trail

In the tortuous tunnel, four people cautiously followed the phantom of Professor Putriside shaped by the sands of time.

Yes, it's the tail line... the quiet one.

Although it may seem trivial, this is indeed a problem that is inevitably faced when solving a problem from the perspective of time.

It is a very dangerous thing to rashly intervene in the past. For example, stealing back the demon soul during the War of the Ancients is very dangerous, drunk and even suspicious, Nozdormu’s black There is no small connection between transformation and this rash action!

So even if you are observing and not personally participating, you need to be cautious and trembling.

Azeroth's time is networked, and if you want to get from one point in time to another, you must cross time in some way.

As Nozdormu's current method does not need to change history, there is no such problem, and it is relatively safe.

It's just going against the timeline for a while!

The three Drunk Winds guarded their faces—this kind of alternative time travel is always accompanied by the sand of time.

In this way, the four people followed Professor Putriside's phantom and moved forward slowly.

"Drunk Wind, where do you think Arthas will hide?"

After walking for a long time without reaching the end, Khadgar seems to be a little impatient-Khadgar, who has become a guardian, obviously has not changed his personality because of this. In many cases, he is still like a curious young man- —Especially after the new spring of life has been radiated recently.

"This, I really don't know." Drunk Feng shook his head reluctantly. "The ghost knows where he is hiding. You don't know where in Northrend. There is a place on the top of the mountains, and there is still under the earth. There is room."

"That's the same-I hope this operation goes smoothly. After solving the Lich King's affairs, I may really need to stay in Ulduar." Khadgar let out a long breath, "This feeling, It's really hard to tell."

"Why, don't you go back to Karazhan?" Drunk Feng looked at Khadgar who was a little lost, and smiled, "Why do you sound a little reluctant?"

"It's not reluctant." Khadgar frowned and carefully organized his language. "I always feel that after becoming a guardian, things are different from before. I even wonder if I can continue to maintain my likes and dislikes. This responsibility is really heavy..."

"What's the difference." Drunk Feng didn't care about Khadgar's words. "You can ask Medivh about this kind of thing-he has experience."

"... Why did you get me involved?" Medivh was a little surprised when he heard Zuifeng suddenly mentioning his name. "What experience can I have, can I fail?"

"Where did you fail?" Seeing that Medivh has been in low spirits, Drunk Wind simply stretched out his arms and put them on Medivh's shoulders, "I think you have a good time in the Dark Temple, eating and sleeping every day. Fighting the devil."

"What's not bad." Medivh obviously didn't agree with Drunk Wind's statement. "I'm not a fighting freak. Don't impose Illidan's hobby on me-I have not yet figured out why you and Illidan became Good friends?"

"...That's a very complicated story." Zuifeng thought about it, and found that it seemed a bit unclear. "Maybe it's because I am Illidan's matchmaker?"

Hearing the words of Drunk Wind, the expression on Medivh's face became extremely exciting.

Matchmaker... Are you poisonous?

Illidan’s embarrassment is already a well-known proverb in the vow. It describes the love triangle. This pun proverb is not only about Illidan, Vashj and Maiev, but also alluding to Illidan before. With Malfurion and Tyrande.

Medivh shook his head.

I'm not the big radish, I'm more hand-controlled.

Garona and I don't have so many things.

(Well, with that said, we can think that Medivh is a double ponytailed orc control?)


Just as the few people in Drunk Wind were chatting, the phantom of Professor Putriside in front suddenly became illusory.

Now everyone is energetic.

Becoming illusory, and then broken-this is the precursor to the phantom meeting the body!

In other words, Professor Putriside is not far ahead.

Nozdormu no longer advances, but casts a spell to separate the people from the state of time travel and return to the plane of reality.

"Should we mark here to go back and gather the people? Or do we rush in now?" Nozdormu pointed to the front, and then asked Zuifeng his own question, "This decision requires you to come."

This is really a difficult choice.

If nothing else, this is probably Alsace’s nest.

On the one hand, if you rush in now, with the firepower of these four people, there may be no problem for a short time, but once you fall into the siege of the undead natural disaster army, Drunk Wind can't guarantee that he is unscathed!

And also take into account Alsace and Kel'Thuzad-although these two guys are not that strong in singles, they are difficult to chew when they have subordinates!

But if you go back to mobilize the army now, it is very likely that you will miss the opportunity.

Do you want to take a gamble?

Drunk wind touched his chin.

Come to brush the Frozen Throne with four?

It seems... not impossible!

So, Zuifeng expressed that he hoped to rush over now.

In this regard, Medivh and Khadgar expressed their praise, Nozdormu expressionless.

In this way, a battle started directly.


Since he chose to start the war directly, Drunk Wind will no longer play tricks-anyway, there are no stalkers in the team, and there is no way to inquire about intelligence, so it is better to go head-on!

Drunk Wind takes the lead.

Because I'm underground now, Zuifeng can't rashly perform excessively exaggerated moves-things like the world of law or summoning the gods are more likely to get stuck in the soil-so Zuifeng chose to have not used it for a long time. A trick.

Elemental clone.

Now Drunk Wind’s element clones are no longer the four before.

In addition to the original earth, gusts, flames and lightning Drunk Wind has one more misty clone.

A Pandaren clone whose whole body is shrouded in mist-this clone has certain healing powers and can also create and control mist.

After unremitting efforts, Zuifeng finally made a breakthrough in the way of weaving fog-gratifying!

Five avatars swarmed up, aggressively.

Then... after turning the corner, he bumped his head against the cold gate.

The closed door blocked the path of Zuifeng and others.


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