Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 798: The mysterious shadow priest

After solving Sulton and harvesting a two-headed **** dog, Alan was in a good mood.

It is precisely because of Pluto that although the Abyssal Demon died this time, it did not cause too much "environmental pollution". The two teams can still discuss the next move in place.

Of course, the battle consumes a lot, and coupled with the side effects of the medicine, everyone's first reaction is to rest.


After a short break, the first step is to introduce yourself.

In the fight just now, both sides actually have a certain degree of understanding of each other's abilities, so this time the self-introduction is more about some insignificant aspects-favorite food, weather, and even small habits.

This is also a common posture of adventurers. When the team needs to cooperate with each other, everyone will explain their combat effectiveness-after all, it is easy to pit teammates if you don't know the situation.

After talking about their combat effectiveness, adventurers always habitually talk about irrelevant things in order to increase their relationship. Therefore, Allen learned that this dwarf hunter once had a bear, and he has been alone since the bear died. ; I also know that this soldier still has some potions, these potions are obtained from an old acquaintance; I also know that this thief is actually from Ravenholdt, but Ravenholdt’s sudden destruction made him lose He got the direction and became an adventurer.

And the priest that Allen cared about the most finally didn't say a word—after he said his name Sastar, he didn't speak again.

Therefore, Allen stared at the dark animal husbandry strangely, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't mind." Dekus hurried up to complete the game. "Sastar never likes to talk. She is one of the first members of our team."

"she was?"

In lingua franca, he and her pronounced differently for men and women. Obviously, Allen noticed Dekus's words.

Sastar's voice is neutral, and Allen didn't realize that she was a female for the first time.

Thinking about it now, this dark animal husbandry named Sastar is not tall and thin, but slim.

"Haha!" Seeing Alan's surprise, Dekus laughed loudly. He simply pulled Dekus past Dekus, ignoring the grinning Bruto, "Sastar is the leader of our team. Beauty! Don't look at her cold voice, before joining Xia Ji, people who chase her can be sent from Winterspring to Ashenvale!"

"Winterspring? Ashenvale?"

These two place names made Alan a little confused. Isn't that the night elves' territory?

"I used to believe in Elune, but now, I seek the power of shadows."

Seeing his captain confessed, Sastar finally took off his hood.

The shadows dispersed, and what appeared in front of Allen was a delicate lavender face.

In all fairness, Alan didn't have a cold with night elves, but after seeing the true face of Sastar, he was completely attracted.

What kind of eyes are these!

Quiet and profound, elegant and mysterious.

Alan is full of desire to explore from his heart!

At this moment, Allen only wants to understand the owner of these eyes, understand what she thinks, understand what she hopes, understand everything about her...

Suddenly a burst of coldness swept across the body, and after a burst of convulsions, Allen regained consciousness.

"Charm magic?"

Looking at Pluto, who was licking his own hand, Allen narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, the evil energy was flowing around the Warlock!

"Sorry." Sastar's voice was still cold, "I don't intend to offend. I can't control this kind of power myself."

"Don't pay attention to him." Seeing Allen was about to get angry, Luminus sat beside Sastar with a smile, "It's a guy who can't walk as soon as I see a beautiful woman..."


Allen wanted to excuse, but was directly interrupted by Luminus.

"What are you? Isn't it the same when you first met me!"

Luminus turned his head and blinked at Alan.

Allen flushed and stopped talking.

The atmosphere became a little strange.

"Next, shall we act together?" Dekus broke the silence with some embarrassment, "Maybe the next trial will become more and more difficult..."

"Still not." Luminus smiled and rejected the fighter. "Our state is too bad. Although Pluto has grown a bit, we may not be able to pass this trial, so after a rest , We may be leaving."

"That...that's really a shame." Dekus looked disappointed, "Our team really needs a mage..."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, we can still cooperate when we return to Misty Port."


After a nutritious greeting, Xia Ji team embarked on the road to continue the trial, while Allen and Luminus began to retreat.

In the room where Allen had enslaved the Hellfire, the two finally stopped.

"What did you find?" Looking at Luminus with a serious face, Allen finally asked his doubts, "You seem to have a lot of opinions on that priest."

"Of course." Luminus nodded, "Someone in the family often warns me that there are not many good things in the dark animal husbandry."

Alan looked at Luminus in surprise, he really didn't expect this to be the reason.

"Then has anyone told you that warlocks are not a good thing?"

"Warlock?" Luminus was stunned for a moment. "No one has mentioned are different from her."

"Where is it different?" Allen was full of I think something is wrong, but the specific situation is not clear. "

"That's because you are still a rookie." Luminus tried to put on a look like a big sister, "The legend of the dead mage of the Xia thistle team is very famous in Misty Harbor, and the caster always Will die bizarrely-even choke to death while drinking in a tavern."

"Drinking?" Alan was surprised. "Can't the caster drink alcohol?"

"Your focus is very wrong!" Luminus patted the wall, "The key is that priest, she used to serve Elune, and now actually manipulates the power of the shadow! There is definitely something we don't know about! "

"So, are you afraid of the legend of the Xia Ji team?" Allen shrugged, "Actually you didn't find the priest's problem."

"This is not fear." Luminus corrected Allen's statement. "This is the caution you should have as a lone ranger!"

"Well, be cautious!" Allen shook his head indifferently. "Then, I would like to ask the cautious Miss Luminus, have you figured out what we should do next?"

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