Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 796: Extremely difficult battle

The battle continued.

For Allen, having reinforcements does not mean victory.

The Abyss Demon King has always been not afraid of crowds-his huge body and thick demon skin have given him extremely strong defensive power, allowing the Abyss Demon Lord to tackle his most hated opponent first.

For example, the soldier with a dirty mouth in front of him.

As a warrior, especially a warrior who carries a shield and is responsible for defense, provocation is a very important method that must be learned. You must draw all the attention of the enemy to yourself in order to attract opportunities for your teammates. .

Unlike in the game, provocation and taunting is a very experienced technique.

For example, for different beasts, the methods of provocation are often different-raising the weapon when facing a scorpion, and shouting when facing a wild wolf. These skills require repeated practice.

Even when facing elemental creatures, many fighters need to apply various potions on their bodies in order to attract attention.

In general, although these fighters are not as important as the MT in the game, they are also the cornerstone of the adventurer team. The reason why many adventurers have been lone rangers is not because they like to be alone, but because They could not find a reliable fighter.

(Of course, Allen is not in this list, he is simply rejected because of his profession...)

The captain of the Xia Ji team, Dekus, is such a powerful cornerstone of the team.

Under his constant provocation, the Abyssal Demon was violent!

The angry Thalton completely ignored Luminus who was firing a fireball and Hellfire who was barely swinging his fist, wholeheartedly trying to kill Dekus.

Although Dekus was always knocked into the air easily, but he looked like Xiaoqiang, stood in front of the devil again and again, and then provoked.

Thurton is about to explode...

The Abyssal Demon could not wait to tear Dekus to pieces now!

But things will obviously not be so easy.

With the interference of hunters, mages, and warlocks, the assistance of priests, and even a stalker behind him sneakingly and maliciously, how can Thurton kill this defense-savvy warrior so easily?

The fireball left traces of burning on the devil's skin of the Abyss Demon King. The arrows and sharp blades gradually broke through Selton's defense. The battle became more anxious, and Selton seemed to have no upper hand.

How to do?

The furious abyss demon did not choose to change the target, but while continuing to attack with a double-headed spear, he started casting spells at the same time.

"Be careful!"

Allen, who knew about the devil, surrendered immediately.

Everyone quickly began to evade urgently.

On the ceiling of this hall, a strange purple magic circle appeared, and along with the waves of fel energy, a wave of hot flames poured down.

The billowing flames directly ignited the spider silk everywhere, and there was a sea of ​​fire everywhere.

Luminus flashed out of the range of the rain of flames for the first time. Allen turned on the demon armor and was unscathed. Dekus raised his shield, his arm was slightly burnt, and the thief turned on the shadow directly. The cloak, forcibly out of the battle-as for the priest? He was standing outside the battlefield at all, and he would only help when Dekus was knocked into the air.

Counting and counting, only the dwarf hunting Muscoro was unlucky. Although he was on the edge of the rain of flames, because of lack of defense, his beard was lit...

Fortunately, Muscoro is not a beastmaster or survival hunter.

In this case, the poor dwarf can only temporarily put away his shotgun and simply bandage himself aside.

This is not the worst.

Worst of all, the duration of Ellen's enslavement of demons has ended.

Although Dekus completely attracted the fury of the Abyssal Demon King, it is undeniable that the unfortunate hellfire is still the main force of the battle.

But now, hellfire finally collapsed completely under the bombardment of the rain of flame stones.

This means that there is no strongest guy on the adventurer's side now!

"Hahaha!" The Abyssal Demon finally laughed, "Stupid mortals, do you think that a large number of people can defeat the great Sulton? No, no, nothing you do can only lead to your destruction! "

Dekus frowned.

The difficulty of the trial exceeded his imagination. This was a search task, but in the second round of the trial, he actually needed to face the Abyssal Demon!

Under this circumstance, he even began to wonder, if there is another round in the trial, would he have to choose to give up with his team members...

But no matter what, now I must knock down this abyss demon, otherwise I won't even have the chance to give up.

Drunk Wind said very clearly when the trial began. The only way to end the trial was to die and retreat to the entrance. The only thing left was to time out and find the scroll!

In other words, there was no rescue of any kind in this trial.

"Canos, take medicine!"

Dekus shouted, and then took the lead in pouring a bottle of potion.

In the next moment, Dekus's hair began to grow wildly. At the same time, Dekus's power was also greatly improved.

The name of this potion is Lionheart potion.

On the one hand, the person who drinks the medicine will be violent like a lion, and on the other hand, the hair of the person who drinks the medicine will be like a lion.

As for the thief named Kanos, he has hidden in the shadows, and Alan also doesn't know what potion he drank.

After drinking the lion heart potion, Dekus was temporarily strengthened. He directly carried the large shield on his arm behind him, and then drew the short sword from his waist.

Holding the short sword in his left hand Holding the big sword in the right hand, Dekus yelled and started charging towards the Abyss Demon Lord.

After drinking the potion, Dekus already had the power to surprise Sulton. The Abyss Demon didn't dare to underestimate this lion-like man and chose defense for the first time.

The heavy double-headed spear directly stopped in front of the Abyss Demon King, blocking Dekus's charge.

But Dekus said that my attack was not that simple!

Just when Sulton focused all his attention on the warrior, a shadow appeared behind the abyss demon lord.

The thin abyss was like a feather, floating silently, and a pair of sharp daggers went straight to the back of the abyss devil.


The thick demon skin was finally drawn with a long slit.

At the same time, the priest also finished pretending to be dead, and directly hit the abyss devil with a punishment.

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