Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 769: Greed is a virtue

Speaking of goblins, people can always associate money with them.

Regardless of "time is money, my friend" or "fair price, no deception".

Just like the great traveler Brian Bronzebeard wrote in his own book-"These little green-skinned dwarfs will write gold coins and desires into the depths of their souls, indivisible and indisputable" .

This sentence is no exaggeration.

Greed-or the desire for money has become an instinct of the goblin.

Perhaps for humans, greed is evil, but for goblins, greed is a virtue.

This desire is understandable, and it can even be said that this greed has made the goblins what they are today.

But in the face of Yogg-Saron's relic, greed becomes a huge trouble.

After the goblin saw Yogg-Saron's tentacles, it was as if Guru saw the Lord of the Rings, with "my baby" in his eyes.

But unlike Garrosh, who is affected by jealousy, the goblin does not become brain-dead, on the contrary, in order to obtain these "babies", he will become smarter-or, cunning.

"Hey, big man, what the **** are you doing?" The goblin rolled his eyes, and then gave a reluctant smile. "What do you want? The power in this? Or the matter? Or everything?"

"Of course it's all!" Garrosh waved the high imitation gorehow in his hand impatiently, "Energy, matter-I want it all!"

Hearing Garrosh say this, the goblin nodded, and then began to think.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just pretending, in the heart of this goblin, a stiff plan for Li Daitao has taken shape!

Garrosh trusted this goblin.

Because this goblin named Zanras is the chief alchemist of the Blackfuse Group.

In Garrosh's view, the Blackfuse Group is the most likely goblin force to join the tribe, and their engineering and alchemy are of great significance to the tribe.

The reason why the negotiation has not gone smoothly is that it is just a matter of price!

As for hot sand? Please, what is there to talk about the guy who has been reluctant to give up the alliance business? !

And this time, Zanlas will definitely go all out-after all, he paid three times his salary!

It's a pity that Garrosh doesn't really understand goblins.

A high salary only means that the probability of betrayal is reduced, not that it will not betray!

As long as the profit gained from betrayal is high enough to ruin personal credibility, then betrayal!

Zaranth had already thought of the whole plan, he pretended to be preparing, and began to ask the orcs to arrange alchemy equipment.

The magic flame was ignited, and the alchemy experiment platform was installed. Zaranth had always put on a cautious look, as if he had entered a working state.

In this case, Garrosh did not find any problems, so he gradually let go of his guard-it seems that this goblin has a way to achieve fusion and extraction?

Zanras began to prepare potions. After a large amount of magic materials were extracted and processed, he got a bottle of potions that looked amazing.

The purple potion kept bubbling and even formed a small whirlpool.

Then Zanlas picked up Yogg-Saron's tentacles.

Just when Garrosh thought he was going to add this tentacles to the potion, Zanlas suddenly threw the bottle of potion in his hand to the ground!

At the same time, Zaranth put his tentacles in the container he had prepared in advance, turning his head and ran!

When Garrosh was taken aback, this goblin was about to rush out of the room!

The Warsong Orcs hurriedly intercepted, but it was too late.

Zanras activated the rocket belt, and at the same time, smoke filled the hall.

The orcs quickly lost their goal, and after regaining their sight, Zaranth had already taken that piece of Yogg-Saron's tentacles and fled!

Garrosh and the remaining warsong orcs wanted to block the mountain, but considering the actual situation, Garrosh could only shook his head severely!

How to find?

Who knows where that goblin is!

There is no landing gear on Garrosh, goblins can jump directly down the mountain, Garrosh can't!

After losing a piece of tentacles, Garrosh's eyes turned redder, and it seemed that it might explode anytime.

"I can find him!" Seeming to see through Garrosh's mind, Zaira suddenly said, "Here, no one can escape the ancestor dragon, and it seems that he is not a powerful character."

Garrosh narrowed his eyes slightly, then stared at Zaira.

"Don't lie to me!" Garrosh finally spoke for a long time, his voice deep and terrible, "Otherwise, you will have to pay a price far beyond your imagination."

Zaira nodded, but his heart was full of disapproval.

Garrosh's state is very wrong, even the tone and wording of his speech are different from usual! !

It must have been influenced by the ancient gods!

Although Garrosh is usually impulsive, it is definitely not such a dark cloud!

At this moment, Zaira had made up his mind. As long as he was free, he would return to Durotar and tell Thrall all this.


Garrosh let go of Zaira, and then Zaira left the creation field along the passage.

On the outside platform, she quickly called out her ancestor, the young dragon Fenghou.

As soon as he stepped onto the dragon's back, Zaira quickly issued the order.

"Wind roar, come back to Durotar!"

Seeing the ancestor young dragon swooping away quickly, how could Garrosh still fail to guess Zaira's little abacus?

Obviously, she deceived herself!

But Garrosh did not show any frustration on his face.

Carrying Gao's gorehowl, Garrosh broke all the remaining containers with tentacles.

The slimy tentacles seemed to have a certain rhythm.

The same slimy liquid flowed all over Do you think this can stop me? Hahaha, a big joke! "

"I am Garrosh Hellscream! No one can stop me!"

"Zanras, Zaira! You are done!"


On the other side, Zaira was hurried to Durotar, and then she found Zanras by coincidence.

This goblin looked very bad. He firmly held a transparent container containing the tentacles of the ancient gods, and then walked step by step in the snowy Northrend.

Zaira didn't know what the goblin wanted to do, but it was certain that his mind seemed to be affected in some way...

The problem is in trouble!

Zaira did not stop, but rushed to Durotar as needed.

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