Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 668: Pandaren's Shura Field

What is the most in Un'Goro Crater?

   The Un'Goro Crater has the most dinosaurs!

   The group of Titans who were all thinking about experimenting left a large number of dinosaurs on the Un'Goro Crater. It seems to be for experiments, but to this day, archaeologists still don’t understand what this experiment is...

   Freeing dinosaur experiment? !

  In this vibrant, wild and unusual land, explorers have carried out unremitting exploration, and apart from discovering some unexplained Titan relics, nothing has been gained.

   Oh, that’s not true. At least the venture capital company thinks the biogas oil resources here are very good, and they have secretly built a few oil wells.

   Originally, Nomi and Lili killed a hapless Raptor, and just roasted its hind legs-but when Lili disliked Nomi, a big guy appeared.

   Devil tyrannosaurus.

  Although Nomi and Lili have never fought against such a big guy, they have seen Devil's Tyrannosaurus prey on the first day they entered Un'Goro.

   is terrible.

   Normi ​​and Lili saw this big guy over 10 meters tall, and easily tore a dinosaur not much smaller than themselves — by the way, they also stepped on an unfortunate tar beast to complete a double kill.

   At the time, Nomi was still excitedly pulling Lili up the tree, and talked about the conjectures about trolls and dinosaurs that Brian had mentioned to him.

   But this time, the target of this Devil's Dragon is himself, which is very troublesome!

   For Nomi, this dinosaur is not a deadly threat—after all, Nomi can fly.

  The key problem is that Nomi and Lili have prepared everything for camping. If they run away now, I am afraid that from now on, the two of them will have to sleep in the street...

   After being stepped on by this thing, Nomi didn't believe that his tent could still be used!

   Without any hesitation, Nomi turned into a dragon and took a deep breath.

   The raging flames wrapped the Devil's Tyrannosaurus-unfortunately it was useless.

Un'Goro's rich biogas resources and warm climate make this forest often spontaneously combust. Therefore, the beasts living in the Un'Goro crater have no instinctive fear of flames-even a huge part of the large beasts are good. Resistance to fire elements.

   Nomi's deep breath was learned from Onyxia, but compared to his mother, Nomi's level is completely insufficient.

   After getting rid of the flame, the Devil's Tyrannosaurus was frenzied. It opened its mouth and let out a harsh roar.

   Under the long flame, Devil's tyrannosaurus has sharp teeth and a mouthful of stench.

   Nomi grinned, it's all right now, at least not hungry...

   Okay, just kidding-Nomi succeeded in attracting Devil's attention with a deep breath. After stabilizing the hatred, he signaled Lili to take the opportunity to attack.

   Lili took up her weapon.

  As a top student in the Wandering Island, Lili is very proficient with sticks-although she is still small and can't exert her full strength, it is completely enough for sneak attacks.

   Especially Lili has a reinforcement.


  Although there is no healing from the Naraksha engine, the canister’s injury is not completely healed, but with the help of the blood elves of Ere'Thalas, the little guy can already exert his fighting power for a short time.

   Of course, like Ultraman, the current can can only fight for a few minutes.

   But this is enough!

   I saw the cans rising in the wind. From the miniature cloud dragon cans with the length of the forearm and the thickness of the thumb, they rose directly into the wind and turned into that star-studded Thunder God Cloud Dragon can!

   Lili pulled the can's tail. With a lightly flick of the can's tail, Lili turned over and sat on the back of the can.

   At this time, Devil's Tyrannosaurus just turned around and was about to pounce on Nomi in midair.

   The Cloud Serpent was as fast as the wind. Before Devil Tyrannosaurus could pounce on Nomi, Lili and the can had arrived.

   Lili raised the staff in her hand, exhausted all her qi, and smashed the Devilsaur.

  The intuition from the wild beasts prevented the Devil's Tyrannosaurus from standing there stupidly against a stick. It turned around quite dexterously, avoided Lili's attack, and threw its thick and long tail toward the can.

   The heavy tail wrapped in the sound of the wind, and he drew it straight towards the can. When he saw it was about to be drawn, the can suddenly shook.

   That's right, just a "shake"!

   The huge can is not cumbersome at all. It rushed towards the Devilsaur while twisting its body, shaking like a twine, and it happened to flash the blow.

   Just kidding, in the Cloud Serpent Knights, Drunken Wind and Cans won the obstacle course!

   When the rabbit flew and fell, the can and Lili had come to Devilsaur's side, and Nomi also flashed out of the Devilsaur's attack range.

   The next moment, the can suddenly became like a python, entangled the Devilsaur.

   When Zandalari invaded Pandaria, this move of the Knights of the Cloud Serpent destroyed the number of dinosaurs domesticated by Zandalari!

   As long as it is entangled, the developed muscles of the Cloud Serpent can directly crush the enemy's bones!

  Of's Tyrannosaurus can't sit still. After being entangled, it lost its balance, and it fell to the ground with the can—Lili took the opportunity to jump away.

   Devil's Tyrannosaurus began to roll, trying to throw away the can.

   But there is no egg use-the can has some special abilities. Although it does not spit out lightning, the body of the can is indeed entwined with the electric light.

   Under the stimulation of lightning, the Devil's Tyrannosaurus muscles were gradually paralyzed, and the struggle became weaker and weaker.

   Just as Nomi and Lili wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in the shadows, and after a flash of sharp blades, the Devilsaur suddenly stopped.

   The next moment, a red line appeared in the Devil's throat, and then the red line turned into a hideous wound, and blood spewed out.

   Just as Nomi was thinking about who it was, a familiar voice appeared behind him.

   "Nomi, let's study together in Ravenholdt, why did you leave me like this?"

   Then, the voice turned to Lili again.

   "Little girl, you must be decisive in the lore, not soft, otherwise it will be wasting the opportunity that Nomi has worked hard to create for you!"

   Valera is here!

   Just when Nomi felt something was wrong instinctively, the drunk wind with a bag of melon seeds also appeared.

   The weather in Un'Goro Crater is so good, it seems that the white album season has come again?

   At the beginning of Illidan's Shura Field, Drunk Wind was not easy to do, but this time-Nomi, I won't hold you back for the early love. You definitely don't mind Dad watching the show, right?

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