Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 615: Waltz-like battle

Thrall did not do anything, he quietly waited for Agona to attack first. Fastest update

Whether it is in the concept of the orcs or the concept of humans, this is a battle of "the strong bullying the weak", but the difference is that "fighting with women is not right" in the eyes of humans, while it is "in the eyes of orcs" There is no point in fighting with people who are too weaker than yourself."

But in order to end this embarrassment as soon as possible, Thrall didn't mind doing something meaningless.

Seeing Thrall was unwilling to do it all the time, Agna gave a low growl and took the lead.

The one-handed hammer was electro-opted and hit Thrall directly.

Facing Agna’s indomitable attack, Thrall frowned slightly, and chose to dodge Agna’s warhammer on the sideways. The warhammer was obviously on a speed route, with a breeze lingering on it, and this full blow was obviously not in line with Agna. With the characteristics of the weapon, Thrall chose to be on the safe side when Agna was unclear.

Then the next moment, Thrall understood why Agna would do this.

After Thrall dodged, she hit the ground with a single-handed hammer, and Agna sank and squatted on the ground.

Before Thrall took the opportunity to fight back, suddenly a bright electric arc burst out.

Facing the violent elemental power, Thrall took a step back again and avoided easily.

But the attack is far from over.

The arc turned into a long whip, and Agna released the warhammer and held the lightning whip in her hand.


A bright lightning whip exploded in the air, and with a powerful force of thunder, it drew towards Thrall.

In front of the lightning whip, Thrall chose to dodge again. This thing is really too dangerous. Ordinary male orcs would not dare to play like this. Thrall, with sharp eyes, had already seen the scorching of Agna's palm due to the lightning whip .

Thrall's three consecutive dodges made Agna very dissatisfied.

"Guyle, face me head-on!"

With a loud shout, Agona waved the lightning whip in her hand again.

This time, Thrall finally stopped avoiding. He stretched out his left hand, fisted into a virtual fist, and whispered for the help of the Earth Spirit.

The spirit of the earth responded to Thrall, the soil and rocks on the ground seemed to be alive, and in the blink of an eye they "stand", forming a mud puppet that stood in front of Thrall.

This is not the earth element, but it is enough to withstand the attack from Agna.

As expected, the lightning whip smashed the mud puppets to pieces.

I have to say that this lightning whip is really a skill that is extremely suitable for Agna. Compared with male orcs, her biggest disadvantage is that she is not strong enough, and the lightning whip is not only elemental damage, but also smashing. After moving, the physical blow was also terrifying, which completely made up for Agna's lack of strength.

In front of Agna, who was holding a lightning whip, even King Saurfang could only choose to avoid the edge for the first time. Unfortunately, her opponent was not a warrior, but a shaman, or a world Sa.

After resisting Agona's attack with the mud puppet, Thrall got a moment of breathing opportunity. Taking this opportunity, Thrall also began to call for the power of the spirit of the wind.

The spirit of the wind heeded Thrall's call.

The gust of wind blew up, and the howling wind was like a sharp pair of scissors, cutting directly on Agna's wrist.

Unlike many orcs who pay attention to muscle memory and develop skills with a lot of training, Thrall, who grew up in the arena, often grasps the battle, more from his own analysis of both the enemy and the enemy.

When facing Agna's Lightning Whip, Thrall couldn't figure out the routine of this skill for the first time, but it was not important, Thrall had other ways.

After all, no matter what, swinging the whip always requires the strength of the wrist and arm. As long as Agona can't hold the lightning whip, this trick is useless.

I have to say that Thrall's combat thinking is clear and effective.

The wind shear cut on Agna's wrist, and the neural reflex made Agna instinctively unable to grasp the lightning whip, and then the lightning whip disappeared into the air when she subconsciously let go.

One of Agna's most powerful skills has failed.

Although the balance of victory has leaned toward Thrall, Agna still did not give up. She turned around and picked up her warhammer again, choosing to engage Thrall in close combat.

The warhammer of Windfury moved quickly, and Agna's attack never left Thrall's vitals.

It's a pity that Agna's opponent is the gladiatorial champion.

Than close combat, Thrall is really not afraid of a female orc!

It was an ordinary spear, but in Thrall's hand, it seemed to be alive.

Blocking the counterattack, parrying the counterattack, although Agna is dual wielding, no matter whether it is flexibility or aggression, she does not take advantage of it.

And it is obvious that Agna's failure is only a matter of time, and Thrall is looking for a decent way to defeat Agna.

After seeing Thrall gain an absolute advantage, she still looks Agna didn't know why she became even more angry.

No one has ever been so big in front of Agna!

"Get serious, the orcs have never had mercy in their battles!"

Angry Agna smashed the warhammer into the ground again, and then drew out the lightning whip again.

This time, Agna was severely burned with the whip in her left hand, and her right hand was severely burned, and she could no longer hold the lightning whip.

Seeing Agona, who was full of wildness in front of him, Thrall had a throbbing in his heart that he had never seen before. He had never seen such a strong, wild, and charming woman. The tenderness is completely different.

This is a woman who can even fight by her side!

Thrall finally put away the gentleman's demeanor influenced by humans, and took the initiative to stab his spear.

Agna's lightning whip was wrapped around the spear, and she tried to pull away, but her power was not Thrall's opponent at all.

Just when Agna wanted to let go, a large stone hand rose from the ground and grabbed her firmly. At the same time, under the strong wind, Agna also lost contact with the elements.

The next moment, the cold and sharp spear blade of the spear touched Agona's neck.

Freed from the shackles of the rock, Agna was silent.

Thrall smiled slightly, and then the spirit of flowing water began to moisturize Agna's burned hands.

I don't know when the orcs onlookers dispersed. Agona pulled out her hands from Thrall's big hands and observed that the wound was completely healed. There was no evidence of lightning burns here not long ago.

Then Thrall saw a face full of smiles.

"I want to go hunting tonight. Will the Warchief be with me?"

"Happy." rw

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