Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 593: Observing C'Thun in secret

In fact, the dwarf archaeological team and the spore people who enjoyed the host and guest are not clear, now Zangar Marsh has quietly lurked an uninvited guest C'Thun has been dropped here. Burning Wen Xiao?? Say??????????`

Originally, according to Drunk Wind’s idea, C'Thun should be thrown to Shadowmoon Valley to see you. I accidentally (?) smashed the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, so it is fair and reasonable to pay you for a dark temple?

But C'Thun was stupid, and his careful thoughts about drunk wind couldn't be more clear.

The Dark Temple is full of demons, as C'Thun, as the most dignified ancient god, how could he hope to be mixed with demons!

C'Thun could imagine that if he agreed to the drunk wind, maybe one day he would eat hot pot and sing a song in the temple grounds, and a group of demons would fall from the sky and give him justice.

So under his strong protest, Drunk Wind could only choose to throw C'Thun to Zangar Marsh.

After all, Zangarmarsh has no tribes and no alliances.

The truth is this truth, but in practice, there are still many problems.

First of all, C'Thun is not N'Zoth, he likes dry places, not wet Zangar swamp.

Secondly, even if C'Thun is used to the Zangar Marsh, Ahn'Qiraj worms, well, they should be called Zanga worms and they are not very used to the environment here.

In the end, C'Thun knew that he was currently weak in the deal with Drunken Wind, and he might be pulled out of the thunder at any time to fight the devil.

In summary, C'Thun decided to carry out reforms.

The first is the transformation of insects.

That's right, in order to adapt to the development of the times and changes in the environment, the first step in self-reform is to transform the worm.

At present, C'Thun, who is at the bottom of Panya Reservoir, is looking for a direction for self-reform.

But how easy is it!

For the ancient gods, years or decades is just a moment, but this time after "an instant", C'Thun might have to face the attack of the devil!

Just as C'Thun was preparing for the transformation of the bug man, he discovered the footprints of Azeroth’s creatures. For the ancient gods, the dwarves and dwarves had a strong taste of Titan, and the dwarf archaeological team entered Zanga. C'Thun found them in the swamp.

Although he didn't like it very much, C'Thun didn't kill them either, but sent flying insects to watch them from a distance.

But to C'Thun's surprise, the number of flying insects who came back to report was many fewer.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, will I be a sick cat? I, the ancient god, the old ruler, didn't care about you. You actually attacked me actively?

But after the bug report, C'Thun realized his mistake.

It was not a dwarf who attacked the bug man, but a biological fungus giant he had never seen before.

That's right, the dexterous bug man was attacked by the fungus giant!

It took many years for the insects from Ahn'Qiraj to finally adapt to the desert climate, but after one migration, things changed.

Zangar Marsh has no sand, no wind, only water, mud and various plant spores.

As a result, insects with good resistance to wind and sand cannot fly high in Zangar Marsh. The heavy carapace allows them to come and go freely in the wind and sand of Silithus, but in Zangar Marsh they will be moistened by the air. , And then, how to fly can not fly high...

Fortunately, these worms who came out for reconnaissance were all elite. Although they were flying at ultra-low altitude, the dwarves did not find them. Moreover, due to a misunderstanding of thinking, the life detector was not airborne, so the initial reconnaissance was It's smooth.

But the good times didn't last long, the dwarves didn't find them, but the fungal giants found them.

For the fungus giant, as long as he feels hungry, everything is edible.

Well, what are these flying in mid-air? Snacks? Let's taste it~

For the dwarves, the flying height of these bug scouts is considered a safe altitude, but for the fungus giant, they are flying close to the ground.

As a result, the huge fungus giant shot with agility that did not fit his size, and the hapless worm scouts in mid-air were directly pulled down and then stuffed into the fungus giant's mouth.

"Hey Lulu, squeak." (It's really chewy...)

After listening to the report of the wormman scout, C'Thun felt that he had discovered something interesting.

You know, the entire Zangar Marsh at this time is almost blank in C'Thun's perception. Not only can the Life Detector not detect the fungal giants and spore people, but C'Thun can't!

This is awesome!

C'Thun never forgot his ultimate goal!

I want to devour Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth!

Originally, what C'Thun was most worried about was whether his worms could stand cheap when fighting against other ancient Now it seems that he has found someone who can clean up Yoggsaron and Enzo. Good tool for Sri Lanka!

As long as these fungal giants can use them for their own use...

C'Thun could already imagine the surprise and despair of Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth when they were attacked!

As a result, when the dwarves received a lot of supplies and bid farewell to the sporemen and continued to go south, the wormmen under C'Thun almost moved out.

The fungal giants in Zangar Marsh were stunned, and many were attacked by creatures that had never been seen while searching for food, and then captured alive.

Even the spore bats and swamp stalkers did not catch many.

Of course, insects are not easy.

The skin firmness of these fungal giants exceeded expectations.

Physical attack?

Sorry, the sticky, slippery skin of the fungus giant makes it easy for physical attacks to slide apart and it is difficult to cause damage.

Magic attack?

Sorry, this skin is also extremely resistant to shadows and natural magic. It is a pity that the insects are best at these two kinds of magic...

Use poison?

To the fungus giant, the poison sac of the worm man nailer is just a small snack, and it is difficult for these guys to do anything even if they are soaked in the venom.

In the end, the worms could only rely on the priests, barely suppressed the consciousness of the fungus giants, and then led them to the depths of the Panya Reservoir. That’s right. The biggest problem with this group of guys is that they have simple minds, only the simplest, eat and eat. Instinct.

Looking at the fungus giant in front of him, C'Thun blinked excitedly.

The perfect creation!

The skin is durable, simple thinking, easy to brainwash!

"Yug-Saron, N'Zoth, you are waiting, trust me, I will give you a huge surprise..."

In the darkness, a creepy whisper spread across Zangarmarsh. (To be continued...)

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