Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 583: Standing in front of the dark gate

In any case, the ending is good, Garona got rid of her nightmare, and Medivh got the tool to open the dark door.

The next step is very simple. Just go to open the Dark Portal again, return to Azeroth, open the other side, and the task is complete!

Mother Shahras was responsible for staying in the dark temple, and Illidan, Medivh, and Garona embarked on the road to the Dark Portal.

The journey from Shadowmoon Valley to Hellfire Peninsula was not close, but it was not too far for these three people. Soon, the three of them came to the front of the Dark Portal.

The simple and hideous gate has lost its magic wave. Although it has been abandoned for only fifteen years, it now looks more like a relic.

It is this door that connects Draenor and Azeroth.

Last time, Gul'dan sacrificed the lives of countless draenei and arakkoa in order to make this giant door work. There were even many orcs who were too weak. Garona had seen this door open. ——And the scene of countless draenei being sucked into their lives.

Looking at this lifeless door, Garona looked at Medivh with some worry.

"Can you open it?"

"Do your best." Medivh took a deep breath, then slowly walked up the steps, "I'm not sure."


After carefully examining the seal Khadgar left, Medivh was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong, except for any problems?" Seeing that Medivh's expression was wrong, Garona asked with some worry, "Is it impossible to open it?"

"Of course not." Medivh shook his head. "Kadgar did a great job. He didn't destroy the door, but he closed it completely-it seems that his talent is no longer below mine. I thought With the messy runes left in Karazhan at the time, Khadgar was only able to suspend the Dark Portal, but he did not expect that the kid would stop the entire door!"

"How can I open it again?"

"Everything else is okay. The only thing that is lacking now is energy-this door cannot be opened just by relying on this skull."

"Then you need it?"

"Wand of Sargeras!"

Hearing what Medivh said, both Illidan and Garona frowned.

The Rod of Sargeras is missing!

Mother Shahrush once mentioned clearly that the rod of Sargeras was taken away by a warlock, and it was also done by an Eredar warlock-in this case, it is simply an impossible task to find it. .

"Then, is there anything that can be replaced?" Illidan remembered the way the demon opened the portal during the War of the Ancients, "Soul energy?"

"Yes." Medivh nodded, "Soul energy full of negative emotions-but this kind of evil sacrifice, we can't do it, otherwise, what is the difference between us and the devil?"

The three of them fell silent suddenly.

Medivh finally regretted a bit.

After losing power, it is not just easy.

When opening the Dark Portal, Gul'dan sacrificed countless lives, but on the side of Azeroth, Medivh, who was possessed by Sargeras, opened the Dark Portal alone.

But now Medivh has long been "lost the courage of the past."

Now that C'Thun has moved to Haguero Island, it is absolutely too late to find the Rod of Sargeras.

Medivh began to think about whether there is anything usable in Magtheridon's collection-if it doesn't work, risk summoning demons and then sacrifice them!

Then the next moment, Medivh suddenly began to laugh.

"There is a way! How did I forget them!"

In the surprise of Illidan and Garona, Medivh turned out the legendary staff of Atyesh Guardian, and then drew a circle in front of the Dark Portal.

The circle was not big, and Illidan and Garona immediately discovered the void energy in it after completing it.

Medivh walked to the center of the circle, then held the staff high in his right hand, and began to yell out a language that the two had never heard before.

"L-fisss! Lemciss!"

Soon, Illidan felt a similar voice appear in his ears-deep and hoarse, elegant and mysterious.

Just after Medivh barely released an arcane wisdom, a racial creature that Illidan had never seen before appeared in front of the three.

"Prince Node Nerus, for your service-respected mage, what kind of transaction has Void Wind brought me?"


To be precise, it is the node prince among the virtual spirit merchants!

Looking at the bandaged guy in front of him, Medivh finally smiled.

"It's not easy. I actually contacted a node prince the first time I tried a void transaction."

"Voidling transactions always depend on the strength of the trading partner-your powerful power is worth my appearance-I hope your transaction will not let me down."

"Disappointment? Of course not!" Medivh looked at the prince of Node who was neither humble nor arrogant, with an unclear smile, "I am here, but I have what you want most!"

"...The joking I suddenly felt that this business won't make much." Nerus didn't take it seriously, "but it's enough to meet a powerful mage worth trading After all, the customer is the most important..."

"Don't try to talk about him." Medivh interrupted Nerus. "The world of Prince Node is very precious. I don't think you want your time to be wasted on meaningless mutual temptations? "

With that, Medivh took out Gul'dan's head.

"If I'm not wrong, it's you who traded with that idiot Martheridon?"

"...Interesting magic weapon, it seems to be the essence left after the death of a strong man?" Node Prince Nerus began to look at the skull of Gul'dan enthusiastically, "Oh, what did you just say? Marcelli Pause? Well, it sounds like a demon—just kidding, when did the Ethereal do the devil's business? Those chaotic guys will only mess up everything."

"Enough, Prince Node." Medivh paused the ground with his staff, "Don't try any more, there is the Abyss Demon in the list of the virtual spirit's favorite trading partners, and you responded too quickly, I I have never contacted the Void Spirit before, and the only thing that can make a node prince respond so quickly is this dead head, right?"

"It seems that it is a big business?" Nerus finally stopped talking about it. "Let's talk about it, what price should I pay to get the stuff in your hands?"

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