Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 345: 1 Like our ancestors (Fri/Fri)

  According to Archimonde’s idea, it’s good for this battle to continue like this. Anyway, the angry guards have always had the upper hand, and those tauren are willing to come and die, so casual!

   But her men couldn't help it after all.

   The rewards and punishments of the devil are very distinct. Don't look at these lords who look very beautiful, but they will step down after two failures. If your ability is similar to yours, you have more credit than you, and you have to step down.

   In this case, although Archimonde was unwilling to take the risk, the lords under his command were highly motivated.

  Of course, Archimonde can completely suppress them, but the tauren's acting skills are really good.

   For a whole day, with heavy casualties but no retreat, plus the shadowy demigods, Archimonde finally believed that these guys were tempting himself to do it.

  Since you want me to do it, then I will not do it-I will let my subordinates do it, and then your soldiers will collapse. What else can you do?

   And let Archimonde have this idea, the tactics of the oath succeeded.

  The so-called empty city plan not only has a function that does not allow people to use it, but also has the function of making you want to use it manually!

   Archimonde, who misjudged the form, fell into the trap of the oath after all, and made the decision that the oath hoped to see.


   Anxious Kane took the lead and charged in front of everyone. Now his task is to destroy a demon commander and then rescue his son!

   Under the eagerness of Aiko, Kane directly penetrated into the enemy's line, and happened to meet a real commander.

   Dreadlord leader-Anselon.

   When he found the target, Kane promptly launched a charge.

   Seeing Kane wielding a rune spear to charge, Anselon was really shocked. He didn't expect that he was the first among all the demon leaders to meet the enemy, and he was the last one!

  Moreover, Kane’s race really made Anselm’s soul outrageous.


   The tauren of Azeroth!

   For the Dreadlord, there is nothing more terrifying than this.

   After other demons are killed by their immediate boss, they are often excited to find and kill that guy, and then take the lead.

   But the dreadlord is an exception.

On the one hand, this kind of demon is too cautious—well, it’s cunning, and they won’t make a move without full confidence; on the other hand, it’s because these guys are hard to be killed. They are often killed in the face of absolute The strong, in this case, to avenge is tantamount to death.

   And the tauren left a deep impression on these dreadlords.

   At the time, Huen Gaoling, who was holding the spear of the eagle, directly picked Tichondrius among the armies, and the entire Nathrezim race was shocked.

  Although the demons of other races mostly laughed at Tichondrius being killed by a bull, but Nathrezim's internal alarm sounded the tauren.

And in this battle, facing the tauren with totem poles on his shoulders at the beginning, the dreadlords were unwilling to step forward. Until they saw that the angry guards really gained the upper hand, only a few dreadlords dared to come out and knock. Beat the side drum.

   And this time Archimonde ordered a general attack, Anselon originally refused, if Hu En is still there, wouldn't he be finished?

   But the military order is like a mountain, this is Archimonde's order!

   The helpless Anselon walked tremblingly at the end, trying to make soy sauce.

   Then, he met Kane Bloodhoof.

   is tall, his beard is braided, and he holds a spear (actually the rune spear is a halberd-but it looks almost the same anyway), rushing to the front...

   The Dreadlord felt terrified.

   But fear is useless, and Kane is about to rush to Anselon.

   Helpless Anselon subconsciously cast a sleep technique, hoping that the killer **** in front of him would fall into sleep.

   This is obviously impossible. Kane put down the totem pole behind him long before he charged. With the help of the ancestor's spirit, he entered a violent state, and Anselon's hypnosis had no effect!

   At the very moment, Anselon tried to turn into a bat and run away. This may be punished, but it is better than twisting the void and waiting for resurrection!

   But the nervous Anselon did not notice that a shock wave had arrived at his feet!

   Following Kane's roar, Sasser hit the target.

   Poor Anselm slipped and his transformation was interrupted...

   The helpless Anselon could only take the angry blow from Kane head-on.

   Then the Dreadlord was beaten into the air-you read that right, when Anselon crossed his claws and stopped the rune spear, he was directly lifted by Kane's huge power.

   Anselon can fly, but flying by himself is completely different from being beaten. At least when flying by himself, balance can be mastered.

   Anselon, who had nowhere to relay in the air, flapped his wings to try to regain his balance, but it was too late.

   How could Kane, who has been on the battlefield, give him such a chance?

  Don't think that the fighters can't be against the air!

   Kane in a violent state directly threw out his rune spear——throwing heroically!

   The huge rune spear carried the great power, and flew into the air in a circle. Before the dreadlord lord could regain his balance, he directly hit the target.

   The sharp blade on the side of the rune spear slashed Anselon's head.

   Kill with one blow!

   The corpse led by the Dreadlord fell softly and landed beside Kane.

Kane pulled off his halberd, cut off Anselm’s head, tied it to his waist, and then turned back to look for Bain's At this time, Bain also killed him. The goal.

  Although he is young, Baine is not a good friend. Although Ahe has not actually participated in battle before, he has participated in hunting at most, but don’t forget, he is the son of Kane Bloodhoof, a powerful warrior!

Soon after Kane killed Anselm, Baine also neatly resolved a dreadlord who tried to sneak attack on him. The hapless guy did not understand until he died, why he had clearly chosen one who looked so young and naive. Opponent, why does this happen...

The poor Dreadlord Dragon Set had no idea. He wanted to steal a tauren and kill a tauren in order to improve his status in Nasrezim. However, he met the strongest young tauren and kicked the iron plate. The price is his own life-I hope he can run away from the twisting void as soon as possible.

   When Kane found his son, Baine also cut off the dreadlord's head. When the father and son met, they laughed and raised a Nathrezim's head and roared at the same time!

   Cenarius, hiding in the forest, happened to see this scene. The time seemed to have returned to ten thousand years ago. He saw the figure holding the spear of the eagle, rushing from left to right.

   The tauren is right. In this land, they have lived for generations, obeyed the rules of nature, and defended the glory of the race—just like their ancestors.


  The five changes are over! (To be continued.)

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