Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 321: This is Gnomish Technology

Roja Hille, a senior engineering student at Gnomeregan University, a classmate of dwarf leader master craftsman Gelbin Mekatok, a rare realist dwarf.

In Azeroth, there are two kinds of engineering that are widely known, one is the shocking goblin product, and the other is the magic dwarf product. For a long time, the two kinds of engineering are always inseparable.

However, in recent years, as Gazlowe has taken the Ratchet City Construction Group to the west, the awareness of goblin engineering has become higher and higher-although the products of goblin are often inexplicably dangerous, we change our thinking. Wouldn't it be good to use these things as explosives?

The dwarf engineering has been declining in recent years.

Most of the gnomes are idealists. Although they strive to combine engineering and magic, the products they get are often useless. They become bigger, smaller, chickens, and dinosaurs... These tricks gradually disappeared from the market. Many At that time, even the jobs within the alliance were robbed of business by goblins.

As for war engineering, the dwarf is even hanged up and beaten by goblins.

Although the dwarf’s aircraft are very good, and the steam tank siege is also very powerful, but the maintenance of these big guys is too difficult.

The war engineering of goblins is quite simple-art is explosion!

Although the effect of the goblin's explosives is unstable and the detonation conditions are unstable, it is very stable that it will explode! In addition, the price is cheap and the skin is durable, and it was once widely used. In the Battle of Gilneas, Lordaeron hired the Blackfuse group as the best example.

As a rare realistic dwarf, Roja has a serious sense of crisis. She believes that the dwarf needs to promote her engineering, and can't let the goblin steal the limelight!

So, when the dwarf decided to support, Luo Ya volunteered to take her latest invention into the battle. She believed that she would definitely be a blockbuster!

When the explosion began, Roja began to stare at Khadgar's projection, recording the effects of shields of different colors and one-handed swords.

"The red shield, the explosion effect is good, the problem is that the direction is difficult to determine, it can be changed to fragments..."

"The red one-handed sword has an unstable deformation effect. Half of the demons have been turned into squirrels, and the other half have been turned into dinosaurs. After the transformation, it seems that the body is out of control and can cause large-scale chaos."

"The Blue Shield Frost Bomb failed."

"The blue one-handed sword frost ray works well, slows down significantly, and it is difficult to achieve a sharp freeze on the big goal."

"The distorting effect of the yellow shield is not obvious, it needs to be observed in the next step..."


In general, a considerable part of Loya's invention has worked well.

Turalyon and Khadgar felt unbelievable for a while watching the demons messing around in the projection.

"I never thought that dwarf engineering has such a powerful destructive power!" Turalyon shook his head, "Now the demons are probably stupid!"

"What surprised me the most was Roya's combination of engineering and transformation." Khadgar's point of attention was completely different. "Let the devil transform into a dinosaur, maintain combat effectiveness but lose self-control, Lord Roya deserves to have been A top student in Dalaran for further studies!"

"Good-looking, big man!" Luo Ya raised her eyebrows, "You can be a disciple of the Guardian, do you still have two brushes-you can recognize the most technologically advanced invention at a glance, it is promising!"

When the Alliance was marveling at Loya's invention, Tichondrius on the Burning Legion was about to be blown up.

The dreadlord had just ordered the entire army to attack, and there was an explosion. Looking at the suspicious eyes of the surrounding demons, Tichondrius felt very angry.

"Damn little dwarf, you dare to try to play with the great Dreadlord leader?" Tichondrius took a deep breath, "You will pay for it..."

Slightly calming his mood, Tichondrius raised his right hand.

"Dreadlord, Eredar Mephit Knight prepares for an air raid!"

"Succubus, Destroyer Sneak, advance carefully!"

Although due to repeated and repeated failures, the devil had doubts about Tichondrius’ command ability, but after all, in the relatively strict Burning Legion between the superior and the lower, the demon still accepted Tichondrius’s command. command.

The dreadlord flapped its wings into the air, and the Eredar warlock also mounted the mephit-the weather is good today and the visibility is high. The demon did not find the dragons.

On the other side, Turalyon laughed loudly when he saw the demon sent an air force to try to find the place.

"Unsurprisingly, the ambush on the ground directly frightened the Dreadlord, and they really didn't dare to continue rushing forward! The following will be handed over to the dwarf helicopter team!"

"No problem!" Luo Ya directly took out a walkie-talkie, "The dwarf helicopter is ready, the dwarf helicopter takes off to check!"

"The dwarf helicopter team has completed the inspection and the dwarf helicopter is ready-the ace pilot has applied for the battle!"


The dreadlord and the Eredar mephit knights soon came to the center of the battlefield. Before they could feel the terrible feelings of the demon guards and doom guards below, there was a mechanical roar in their ears.

Looking up, the demon was surprised to find that a large number of aircraft had already taken off. These small and exquisite aircraft relied on two propellers to maintain balance and could fly relatively quickly, and soon arrived in the form of a complete formation. Above!

"Gnomeregan Flying Brigade, dense formation, anti-aircraft artillery preparation!" On the leading dwarf helicopter, the pilot shouted at the walkie-talkie, "Let them feel the power of the dwarf-tell this group of **** demons, who is it? You are the king of air combat!"

After speaking, the dwarf put down the walkie-talkie and shouted to the side: "Hey, Kutcher! Come and cover me!"

"No the dive, give me and Aurel your flanks!"

Then, among the surprised eyes of countless dreadlords and Eredar mephit knights, the densely packed dwarf helicopters began to dive and shoot in a dense formation.

Casting spells in the air is not easy. Before the Dreadlord and Eredar Warlock started to counterattack, the formation of the Demon Air Force was disrupted by a swoop shot from the dwarf helicopter formation.

The dwarf anti-aircraft artillery is a mass fragmentation weapon specifically aimed at the Air Force. The sharp and rapid fragmentation of a single piece is extremely lethal to unarmed units such as the Dreadlord and Eredar Warlock!

After a burst of fire, more than one-fifth of the demon air force fell directly to the ground!


In war3, the human unit is called Gyrocopter. In fact, their name is flyingmachine, which is a flying machine. The guy inside is not a dwarf, but a dwarf...

In addition, Toshley, Kutcher and Aurel do have their own people. You can guess who these three are, haha! (To be continued.)

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