Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 137: Minions of the Ancient God

Death did not come as Logosh imagined. 『Ω┡小』』說ん

The appearance of Daelin Proudmoore prevented the black dragon from moving. As a pioneer in raiding Grim Batol with Drunk Wind, Daelin’s words were very useful. The black dragon raised his eyebrows, put away his weapons, and searched for it. Next target.

As early as when Deathwing opened the ceiling of Grim Batol and the dragons arrived in large numbers, Dailin pulled out for the first time and went to find Logosh.

For this orc, the admiral had too many doubts in his mind—not only did he have a different skin from other orcs, he seemed to have quite different ideas.

As a result, when Daelin rescued Logosh, the admiral had to face a new enemy before he could raise his own question.


The ancient gods have been parasitic in Azeroth for thousands of years, and they have had their own servants-most of them are bug people.

The strict obedience and lack of self-awareness between the worms and their superiors made them extremely easy to be controlled by the ancient gods.

The Ahn'Qiraj of Kalimdor and the mantid of Pandaria are typical representatives. Ahn'Qiraj obeyed C'Thun's orders, while the mantid worshipped Y'Shaarj madly (although Y'Shaarj is dead...).

In addition, there is another kind of servant that the ancient gods like most, this is the Faceless One.

The Faceless Man looks like a collection of human-shaped tentacles-a large group of tentacles tangled together to form a human form.

These guys seem to be a taboo, even the mages in Dalaran know very little about them, most of the time we can only make sure that they obey the orders of the ancient gods. Most of the faceless people seem to be sealed together with the ancient gods. Few people claim to have seen such twisted monsters-or that most of the people who have seen them are dead.

These faceless people who suddenly appeared are obviously N'Zoth's long-planned minions, and they appeared just after Deathwing completely fell. It can be seen that Deathwing has been completely infiltrated by N'Zoth long ago. Maybe he There is one's own will, but that can no longer stop N'Zoth's plan.

Although the Dragonmaw clan didn't like this slippery, disgusting monster, they really needed this breathing space. Under the urging of the warlord, these embarrassed Dragonmaw Orcs finally began to regroup.

At the same time, the black dragon men, green dragon men, and blue dragon men also had to put the group of orcs aside first, and instead faced these aggressive faceless ones.

As for the Red Dragon and the Bronze Dragon? Sorry, there are almost no dragons in the red dragon, and there are two bronze dragons in total-the bronze dragon king Nozdormu and the bronze dragon Lori Cronom (she also has a better known nickname, Kromi) .

Fortunately, the black dragons make tanks, the blue dragons output, and the green dragons support the formation is also quite good, coupled with the fire support of the young dragons in the sky, the dragon legions without the two color dragons can also cooperate with each other.

But facing the faceless army, this is not enough.

The minions of this group of ancient gods are difficult to deal with. The faceless people seem to share the spirit—their cooperation far exceeds that of the dragon people, and their number is also terrible. A large number of faceless people charge fearlessly and die. Let the dragon people retreat steadily.

Faceless fighters can always regenerate their limbs, and Faceless Wizards summon a lot of filth.

No wonder the lower level of the fortress under Dailin is so dirty, not only because the orcs don't take care of it, but also to cover up the traces of the Faceless!

Under this scenario, Admiral Dai Lin, who was not showing up and leaking along the way, showed his strength.

Where the Tide Blade is headed, a large number of water elements appear out of thin air-no, this is not a water element, it is a sea element!

With the force of the tide, these flowing elements rushed towards the faceless army!

To everyone's surprise, the sea elements that Dai Lin summoned seemed endless! This makes Dai Lin feel unbelievable.

Of course, Dai Lin soon knew the reason.

One by one, like a torrent, the vibrations were generated among the sea elements, and they gathered together to form a powerful sound.

"The king of mankind at sea! Please use this power carefully-this is a blessing from the tide hunter Neputulon. I hope you will teach that **** tentacle monster!"

Neptulon the Tidehunter! He has a more resounding name: Lord of the Water Elemental!

Although he was defeated by the ancient gods and had to join them, Neptune has been eager for revenge, and he hopes to get rid of the shackles of the ancient gods.

The arrival of the Titans gave him this opportunity. Although he was sealed for fighting for the ancient gods, Neptune felt that it was much better to be on the Throne of Tides than to follow the ancient gods.

N'Zoth apparently realized this. The most cunning ancient **** is constantly eroding everything about Neptune, and even directly sent naga and the Faceless to attack the Throne of Tides. Although it has not succeeded yet, but At this time, both sides have completely torn their faces.

And Daelin Proudmoore, as the vanguard of the Naga who fought against Azeroth for many years, was the one who had received the blessing of Neputulon-although this blessing is not worth mentioning to the tide hunters, it is true. It was indeed a contract that allowed Dai Lin to summon the power of the sea to fight for himself.

When Daelin summoned the power of the sea element this time, Neptune was sensitive to the breath of N'Zoth, and he simply increased the power of the blessing so that Daelin could continuously summon the help of the sea.

With more and more sea elements, Dai Lin even had to insert the Tide Blade into the ground and then pulled Logosh away from him.

A large number of sea elements completely changed the course of the battle, making this difficult battle end unusually fast.

The faceless army was quickly washed away by the sea element army. They waved their tentacles in vain, but they couldn't stop themselves from being washed away. And the dragon people did not miss this opportunity. In the blue dragon people's spell, the sea water and the faceless inside were frozen together, and then the black dragon people smashed to pieces with a heavy hammer. After it melted, the sea element was unscathed and faceless, and suffered heavy casualties.

No matter how strong the regeneration ability is, it can't save the faceless person whose body is torn apart.

And as the sea washed away, a large amount of filth summoned by the Faceless Mage was directly washed away, and the entire Grim Batol fortress was completely new!

Without the support of the Faceless, the Dragonmaw Orcs finally despaired. They desperately began a suicidal attack. Unfortunately, this did not cause much trouble, and the final counterattack was weakly disappeared under the suppression of the dragon people.

Just when the battle in the fortress was basically divided, the confrontation in the sky finally ended, and the "Death Wings" began to attack!

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