Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 129: Dalin's Wheel of Hatred

   Sudden exposure made Dai Lin's heart sink. Exposing at the enemy's base camp is not interesting. It means endless encirclement and hunting.

  In a decisive decision, Dai Lin waved the tide blade in his hand and slashed towards the warlock. The sharp blade almost cut through the space, miraculously rippling waves-obviously there is no water around, but the orc warlock still magically heard the roar of the sea.

   This is embarrassing.

Daelin Proudmoore is an out-and-out legendary powerhouse. This is a cut with all his energy. This poor warlock found that he couldn't escape the cut. In desperation, he could only summon a hideous exoskeleton. Demon armor, I hope I can buy myself some time.

   Things backfired, the seemingly solid armor did not save the warlock, and he was cut to pieces.

   Before Dai Lin could breathe a sigh of relief, a sharp cry echoed in the Grim Batol Fortress.

   "It's not good! The master was killed!"

   A flame imp is yelling while pulling his neck in a weird orc language.

  Although Dai Lin doesn't know what this kid is yelling, he can still figure it out with his toes. This guy is definitely not saying good things!

**** it!

   Dai Lin emptied his left hand, a big hand made of sea water appeared out of thin air, pinched the throat of the flame imp, and then sent it back to the Twisting Void.

   It's a pity that Grim Batol's Dragonmaw Orcs had been alarmed at this time, and a large number of Orcs started to walk towards the lower level with torches.

   While Dai Lin was still thinking about what to do, he was unconsciously hit with a fist on the back of the head and passed out into a coma.


When    woke up, Dai Lin found himself buried in a pile of rubbish. The foul smell irritated Dai Lin's nose, and he felt his neck hurt.

   Not far away came the sound of orcs arguing. Although Dai Lin didn't understand them, he saw the orc named Logosh being beaten by the dragonmaw orcs with a stabbed whip through the cracks in the garbage dump.

   The corpse of the warlock who was severed by Dai Lin was lying on the ground, at this time it had been burned beyond recognition by the lava. While pointing at the corpse on the ground, the Dragonmaw Orc seemed to insult Nargosh.

   "What's going on?" Dai Lin was very puzzled, "Could it be that Logosh saved himself?"

   Seemingly tired, the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan let go of Logosh, held him to the side of the garbage dump, and then yawned and left with a curse. It seemed that they were sure that Rogosh couldn't escape. This time they didn't even bother to lock the cage door in front of the room, so they left here directly.

   The orc finally walked away, and Logosh began to summon the power of the water element to heal himself, and then began to try to communicate with Dai Lin.

   Logosh doesn't speak lingua franca, nor does Dailin speak orc language, but the two can talk to each other wonderfully through the power of water.

   A stream of water slowly flowed towards Dai Lin, and the little splash seemed to greet Dai Lin: "Hello, human."

   Feeling Logosh’s kindness, Dai Lin replied to a stream of water and whirled in front of Logosh: "Hello, did you save me?"

   It seems that he understood what Dai Lin meant, and Logosh grinned, showing an ugly smile-his teeth had been knocked out, and only his gums were now.

"Yes, I think I need to help my friend destroy this demon fortress."-The water turned into a water polo and hit the wall and the ground. Dai Lin couldn't understand the specific words from the current. , But he still understands the general meaning of the orc.

   Now Dai Lin is even more confused.

   It seems that because Logosh, who was healing on the side, touched the wound, the water suddenly rippled, and then fell into calm again.

   In Dai Lin's doubts, the calm water flow fell into a weird stillness, seeming to express his apology, and then the water flow turned into a bubble and enveloped Dai Lin, as if to explain that he wanted to protect Dai Lin.

   Dai Lin nodded, and the current drew a big skeleton, and then an orc enslaving the dragon. With the blessings of court education in the past, although Dai Lin is a rough man, he can still draw a few freehand paintings and manipulate the water flow. Dai Lin expressed his own question-where is the orc holding the demon soul?

   Logosh pointed to his wound with difficulty, motioning to wait first. After a long time, after he finally regained some energy, Logosh controlled the flow of the water and began to carefully construct a model in the air.

   Dai Lin squinted his eyes to observe this model for himself. This seems to be the situation of the entire fortress. In each room, a small water person is used to express the things or people in this room easily.

  The water model was finally completed, Logosh coughed, and then frozen the model into ice. Afterwards, he dipped the blood from the corner of his mouth to mark a room in the upper corner. Then Logosh thought for a while, and drew a path between his room and the marked room with his blood. Dai Lin found that there were almost no Dragonmaw Orcs standing guard on this road.

   handed the model to Dai Lin, Logosh lay on the ground feebly, waved his hand to signal Dai Lin to go quickly, Dai Lin ignored the holding this **** ice sculpture and left the prison.

   On the way, Dai Lin's heart was really a little confused.

   From the admiral's point of view, orcs were **** who didn't know what justice was, but this orc completely refreshed his impression.

   Do you really want Zuifeng to say that the orcs of the Frostwolf clan are different?

   Dai Lin thought, and hurried to the meeting place.

   It was late at night. After arriving at the gathering room, Dai Lin found that Zuifeng and others were already waiting for him.

"Dalin, what's the matter with you? The orc seems to have a warlock killed, and all walked to the location you searched for-are you okay?" Seeing Dai Lin appeared, Drunk Wind let out a sigh of relief," Huh? What is in your hand?"

   Dai Lin probably recounted what happened, and probably retelled the cries of the Dragonmaw clan orcs.

After Drunk Wind listened to it, it took a lot of effort to translate it. It was indeed Logosh who carried the pot for Dalin. The insult of the Dragonmaw Orc was that he didn't know good or bad, if it wasn't for this Rogosh who controlled Dragonmaw. Some important secret of the clan, he has been killed.

   "In other words, this orc is basically credible?"

   Zuifeng nodded.

  Dalin raised the ice sculpture in his hand: "This is the terrain of the Grim Batol fortress he gave me. It seems that the place marked by blood is the location of Nekruth."

Seeing the mark of blood, Onyxia thought about it carefully: "No wonder we couldn't find the trace of Necruz. He hid himself in an inner room, and then disguised the door of the outer room as a wall! There I was I have seen it, there is no door, just a Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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