Chapter 63

On the pillow, the notebook lay quietly, keeping the original posture, and there was no response. +++ Mobile phone reading visit

It's just that where Gu Yi'an didn't know, the breath shrouded by the hanging ghost had increased.

Hang the ghost for a while.

What did it do wrong, why did Lord Ghost King put pressure on it again?


Princess's smile seemed a bit cold.

The little head of the hanged ghost began to think quickly.

In this way, the Princess was suspicious of Lord Ghost King.

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Why would the princess suddenly suspect Lord Ghost King?

Where did you expose (exposed) Lord Ghost King?

The hanged ghost immediately thought of it as an ant factory.

The problem stems from that gift!

The hanged ghost figured this out, and Zuo Ruo didn't know: "Princess, this gift I and the female Raksha also participated. This ball was picked up by me and the female Raksha for hatred. Who made it dare to hurt Lord Lu. Rasa and I were obliged to make it into (meat rou) balls. "

"This ghost does not subdue the ghost mainly for the credit of the adults. The two of us did not dare to take credit. This gift actually has our heart in it."

The more the hanged ghost said, the more he felt that he couldn't make it, and there were too many loopholes.

It looked at Gu Yian and then at the notebook.

It chose to give up.

The hanged ghost turned around.

"Master Princess, the little ones don't know anything, the little ones dare not say anything."

The hanged ghost pretended to be dead.

Gu Yian saw this place with a smile and anger.

She temporarily let go of the hanged ghost and said to the notebook: "Are you sure you want to install it?"

The hanged ghost has betrayed, and the notebook still needs to be installed?

Facts have proved that the notebook still recognizes the reality.

In the face of Gu Yi'an, the knife marks on the notebook returned to their original speed at the speed of (meat rou) 's eyes, and it quickly expanded to its original size.

Gu Yian saw this, she found a suspicious point that she had been neglected in the past.

The knife marks were so thin just now, she would really think it was a knife wound, and she took a closer look at the knife marks of the miniature version of the notebook, and saw that one end was deep and the other end was shallow, obviously it was such a small book.

What was she thinking about then?

Gu Yi'an looked away and looked away.

The two novice female players have been washed and they are sitting by the bed of their bed, looking at Gu Yian and his notebook with interest.

Immediately, the two of them saw Gu Yian's sight.

The two female players looked away guilty.

Gu Yian looked at the notebook on the pillow.

The notebook has opened automatically and a sentence is displayed on the paper.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

It wasn't the chic typeface of Longfeifengwu before, but it was written carefully one by one, and the strokes were all collected.

The attitude of the notebook to admit mistakes is too good.

Seeing here, Gu Yian didn't know what he had to say to it.

She seems to have nothing to say.

It ’s her who insists

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Frightened by the notebook's injury just now, it turns out that this guy is actually cheating.

According to Gu Yian's understanding of the notebook, it should have really protected her last night, but it was just not injured.

It ’s okay without being injured.

The notebook found that Gu Yian ignored it and used an old trick.


Huge characters occupy the entire paper.

Gu Yian saw the word and had nothing to say.

It is shameful to maliciously sell cute.

Don't think that she will not care about it.

Gu Yian eased his mood and said lightly: "Don't forge injuries like this in the future."

The injury was so worrying, she had to explain it to her, and she couldn't do it again in the future.

Gu Yian watched the original words on the notebook disappear, and a new line of text appeared on the horizontal line of the paper.

"I won't worry you anymore in the future."

If there was such a thing in the future, she would ... she could do nothing.

Gu Yi'an couldn't find any punishment.

She looked at another line of text on the notebook.

"I'm in your" after ", right?"

Gu Yian was silent.

She still remembers the idea she just had.

Yes, it is.

She has to admit this.

Gu Yian did not answer this question.

She closed the notebook.


Half an hour later, in the cafeteria on the first floor of the hotel.

Gu Yian and two female players saw three male players.

Two old players Dai Qi and Uncle Wu, the two have extremely heavy dark circles, as if not at all (sleep Shui) is good.

Only novice male players are full of spirit.

The novice male players greeted them energeticly, and after the three of them were seated, said: "Did your female player not encounter a ghost last night? I told you that they all came to our side, we met last night Many ghosts. "Jamida xs63.

Uncle Wu glanced at the novice male player and said to Gu Yian three people: "Last night, he shouted at us alone, saying that there was a ghost in the TV. When we watched, he himself had unplugged the power of the TV. No more shadows of women in red. "

The novice male player said: "My senior Gu and I learned. Unplug the power first, it will not come out."

Uncle Wu looked at Gu Yi'an and found the culprit. "It turns out that you taught him. This silly and bold. When I see any ghosts behind, they break their carriers first, and they are almost killed by ghosts."

Novice male players heard this and smiled embarrassedly.

Dai Qi, an old player who has not said a word, said: "Xiao Gu, did any of you meet ghosts?"

The two novice female players shook their heads. They (sleeping Shui) fell asleep. When they saw the daybreak, they didn't see any ghosts.

Gu Yi'an said: "There was a ghost who had fallen in love with the corpse-playing code in that room before. He wanted to do something with me and was solved by my companion."

Two female players were blinded.

Gu Yian didn't tell them about it.

They didn't know it until now.

Gu Yi'an realized this too, and she explained with apologies: "Because the ghost has been solved. In our room

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There is no ghost, and I forgot to tell you, sorry. "

Gu Yi'an's attention was on the incident of the laptop injury. The latter matter was resolved. The three of them arrived at the restaurant. She had no other chance to tell the two female players that they had ghosts at night.

The two female players are not ignorant of Gu Yian's state this morning.

They hurriedly said: "It's okay, but I suddenly knew it was unexpected. Thank you Senior Gu for protecting us."

They are not stupid. Looking at the mental state of the three male players, they know that they have escaped a lot of ghosts because they are in the same room as Gu Yian.

Everyone heard that Gu Yi'an's companion had solved the ghost's words, and knew that the companion in her words was actually the ghost she raised.

Uncle Wu glanced at Gu Yian more, "If Gu is here, we will be relaxed last night."

Gu Yi'an is a ghost-raiser. The ghosts around her may be more powerful than the ghosts they met last night.

The novice male player said: "Uncle Wu, if you don't knock me out, I can help you."

Uncle Wu sighed deeply in front of everyone.

it is more than words.

Dai Qi said: "We met last night, a TV ghost, a telephone ghost, a bathroom ghost, and a ghost under the bed. In this way, the ghosts we encountered were all the ghosts of the hotel . They left a mark on us and followed. "

Gu Yian agreed with this speculation, she said: "Have you remembered one thing. The female employee took us into the room last night, she left after a while. She knew there were ghosts, but she dared to enter the room, Dare to turn on the lights, and dare to stay. "

"You mean, those ghosts were deliberately placed to attract some lovers of ghosts?" Dai Qi asked.

Gu Yi'an said: "It's possible. There may be someone in the hotel who can control the ghosts. We are under their supervision every move. Not only the pinhole camera, but when we left the room, the door at the end of the corridor opened and someone was Keep staring at us. "

The novice male player shook his body when he heard this possibility.

He said: "If this is possible, isn't it that they wait for people to die every day?"

Gu Yian nodded.

"Yes. There are always a lot of curious people. They won't know that some are actually (dead si) scams prepared by others for them."

Female player Xiao Ling listened to their discussion, and she proposed another possibility, "Is it possible that the ghost in that room can stare at people? How many minutes do people stay in the room before they are stared at?" worry."

Dai Qi nodded to her with approval. Jamie Daxs63.

Everyone is just discussing now, and every player needs to speak actively.

As for the truth of the matter, it remains an unsolved mystery.

The people discussed for a while, and Uncle Wu suggested that everyone should still eat first, and then everyone sat down and ordered something to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Dai Qi said: "The manuscripts I submitted to major video sites have been rejected."

Uncle Wu glanced at him and said, "Isn't it good that everyone finds different Internet cafes and distributes them in time slots? Lest the other party catch up with us too soon."

Faced with Uncle Wu's doubts, Dai Qi said: "It's a waste of time. Those ghosts chased us so closely that they only left during the day. They are not during the day.

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They ca n’t stay here, but they want to slowly kill us. We can't afford it. "

He also made sense in saying this.

Uncle Wu did not refute anything.

Dai Qidao said: "In this way, we want to expose (expose) that it won't work at once. I also called the law enforcement agencies in this world. They asked for my address, but I didn't give it. We have to find the back of those hotels There are other forces that ca n’t reach a small website. "

Everyone had expected this, knowing that the crime was not easy to expose, and at this time it was not too disappointing to hear the news. Everyone ate breakfast.

Dai Qi went to the hotel reception and asked for a charger to come back.

At this moment, he suddenly said: "Someone contacted me privately on a video platform."

Everyone heard it and looked at him.

The novice male player said: "Is the person from that hotel coming to warn you?"

"No. It's someone else."

Dai Qi looked at the other players and said, "This thing will surprise people. You eat everything and swallow it, and put everything in your hands."

He was so serious about his affairs. After getting along with each other yesterday, everyone knew that he was n’t cheating, and let go of the things in his hand in coordination.

Dai Qidao: "The person looking for me calls himself a player."

Uncle Wu was surprised, "A player of our **** game?"

Dai Qi said: "He said he was a silencer."

The novice tip for this game of God is the silencer.

Gu Yi'an understood, she said: "It is indeed a player of God's game. If I guess correctly, he should be the player who survived the last game of God or the game of God a few games ago."

In Gu Yi'an's third game, although she successfully cleared the game, she only made a false ending, and her companion's game continued.

If the game of God is not perfect, it will never end.

She instantly confirmed the player's identity as the **** of that person.

Gu Yian glanced over and saw the novice male player look a little dazed.

She seemed unintentional to explain: "There should be many innings in this game of the Silent. Each inning is a new player. If one inning fails, no new innings will appear until the hotel falls. , The game that the newbie suggested to be the silencer will end. "

Three novice players heard this and almost understood what Gu Yian meant.

Uncle Wu said: "Isn't this person the helper who came to the door? We can let him help us. He came to this world earlier than us, and he knows more about the major forces and the forces behind the hotel than we do."

Uncle Wu said here, he suddenly reacted to something, "Our game is so difficult, because the previous people have not cleared the level? They died there, and it was us who finally affected us. I said why so many ghosts . "

Talking, Uncle Wu yawned, he was too sleepy.

Dai Qi looked at the phone and said to everyone: "This old player told me that only by being silent, not speaking, and always keeping silent about this matter, can we live in this world."

"We can only be silent." Dai Qi retells what he saw without any emotion.

When most players hear this sentence, the gods become a little ugly.

Only silence can live?

Female player Xiao Ling said: "Does this sentence say that if we don't report that hotel, those ghosts will let us go? The hotel's people can (fuck cao) control those ghosts?"

Dai Qi nodded slightly, "If you look at him, it should be the possibility of Gu guessing."

The hotel people may really be able to control the ghost.

Xiao Ling was a little reluctant, "can we really only live according to his words as a silencer?"

Gu Yian calmly said: "No, he is wrong."

"He chose to be silent, and from that moment on, he couldn't leave the world. He couldn't go back. He took the initiative to contact us this time, intentionally."

Gu Yian calmly faced everyone's eyes and said, "He can't be silent anymore. He wants to go back, and we have evidence in our hands."

"He will choose to cooperate."

& lt; hrsize = 1 / & gt; The author has something to say: Little angels, this chapter comments randomly dropped 50 small red envelopes. The red envelope was handed out at 9pm yesterday, thank you for your enthusiastic comments. Little angels continue to grab today!

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