Where does the neuropathy come from?

He thought he was God?

The man is still watching her. +++ Cartino Novel Network www.wuxiaspot.com

Gu Yian looked up and looked out the window.

There is no one on the balcony of the residential building in the distance, and most of the windows are closed.

Could someone in the residential building be watching her through the window?

Gu Yian quickly closed the window and closed the curtain without hesitation.


Gu Yian looked at the phone.

The newly received text message is displayed on the screen.

"You are the embodiment of my love and desire."

Gu Yian looked at these words indifferently.

After a few more seconds, the other party should have reacted and Gu Yi'an drew the curtains.


A new text message arrives.

"Dear, don't be afraid, I will come over to save you at night."

Gu Yian raised his eyebrows.

She must be afraid, and the person she is afraid of should also be this neuropathy who sends spam!

Who wants him to save?

He came over to be the worst case.

Was he trying to come over (gangan) such bad things as kidnapping?

A strong sense of crisis enveloped Gu Yian in an instant.

At night, someone (Mo) will come over to find her.

Did he think (kill sha) of her?

Gu Yian couldn't help but speculate.

Things related to (death) death always make people irrational.

Gu Yian looked at the SMS interface and took out his wise card.

Regardless of whether this card can really bring her calmness, she is now looking for a psychological comfort.

Gu Yian traced the lines on the cards.

She calmed down temporarily.

First, she is now in the third game of God.

God is watching them.

The novice tip for this game is that there is no coincidence in the world.

Their player's props that have an attack on the ghosts (sexuality) cannot be used.

They were assigned the status of investigators and entered an investigation bureau whose former investigator was about to die.

Most of the investigators' (dead si) deaths were "accidents".

It seems that what their players have to do now is to find the behind-the-scenes hand that keeps creating accidents.

But what happened to this inexplicably text-sending person?

The mobile phone system recognized the person as a stranger and also knew his name, Liu Han.

Gu Yian appeared in this room for ten minutes.

That means that this person has been secretly observing the Bureau of Investigation, so she will see her in the first place.

From this point on, the stranger Liu Han sent her a text message saying that he would come over to save her. The rescue in his words was a real rescue.

That means that the Bureau of Investigation is very unsafe.

Gu Yian looked at the direction of the window covered by the curtain.

The curtains were heavy, and when pulled up, no light could penetrate.

She thought, too, that there was a blood case in this place (fa), and more than fifty staff members who had died in this office building accidentally (dead si) died, how could they not get on with safety.

But there is no way, their players currently only have this one option, and they land with them.

Gu Yi'an thought, his eyes inadvertently parked on a camera.

Not a camera.

Stranger Liu Han should not be looking at her through the camera.

After she closed the curtains, he basically stopped, and no new text messages have been sent.

Gu Yian put away his mobile phone and card.

The appearance of this stranger Liu Han means that these players must do more than just find out the behind-the-scenes who caused the investigators to accidentally die.

They have to do something else.

But what is specific, Gu Yi'an currently has insufficient clues to infer.

She looked at the large boxes piled up on the wall and the standing bookcase and rolled up her sleeves.

Since there are few clues, she will look for it from now on.

Gu Yian started to flip over from the big box.

The top large box is a storage (sleep Shui) bag.

This is something that everyone will use at night.

Gu Yi'an took out all (Shui Shui) bags and removed the top empty box.

The new box on this floor is a bedding, which is very dry at first glance.

Gu Yian took a look at the inside.

She saw dark blood stains.

Gu Yian hesitated for a while, and finally took the box down and opened the bedding inside.

At the moment when the futon was opened, Gu Yian saw a small thing rolling out.

That thing rolled too fast, Gu Yi'an didn't see clearly.

She put down the bedding, but she didn't know when she got up and there was an extra person in the room!

The man stooped and picked up the objects on the ground.

After picking up things, he resumed his standing posture and looked at Gu Yian.

At the same time Gu Yi'an also saw his face.

The man was square and tall, and it was the man who was called by Lu Zize to be Brother Yong, and one of the two uniformed men in front.

When did he come here?

Why didn't she hear anything?

Gu Yi felt at ease, let go of his hand, and stepped forward to say hello: "Senior."

The man nodded his head casually and said: "Who made you move these?"

His inquiries came fiercely, and because he was strong, he gave a great sense of intimidation.

Holding a prop in his hand, Gu Yi'an showed a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face. She explained: "Sorry, Senior, it's my own idea. I think there is a duvet. Be more comfortable. "

"Don't move if you shouldn't."

The man warned.

He glanced at the open box and the bedding that was just put down by Gu Yi Ansong's hand on the box, and ordered: "You put that back in."


Gu Yi'an agreed quickly, and her actions were equally fast. She stuffed things back two or three times and closed the box again.

"You give up."

The man approached Gu Yian, his tone impatient.

Gu Yi'anba could not stay away from him, and immediately moved away a few steps.

Then she saw the man move the box she had just closed to the ground.

The man repeated Gu Yi'an's previous actions. He began to check each box one by one, and even took out the contents of the box for inspection.

Gu Yi'an stared at his actions all the time, and also looked at the things he focused on.

The man seemed to be particularly concerned about a portfolio and a notebook, but he put it all back.

Seeing the behavior of men, he is more like a player than Gu Yi'an at this time.

After the last box was checked, the man closed the lid and looked inadvertently at Gu Yi'an who was standing quietly.

The man's demeanor shook, and suddenly asked: "Why are you still here?"

Without waiting for Yi'an to speak, he said again: "Like a female ghost."

This time the sound is a little lower than just now.

Judging from his reaction, Gu Yi'an would have been scared by her if she could not see the man. She had lived in vain for so many years.

Gu Yi'an could not answer the man's words.

Where can she go without being here?

Lu Zize said to let her rest here.

She did not dare to go elsewhere.

Gu Yian remained silent.

The man was scared by Gu Yian and knew he was losing face.

His tone was not as fiery as before, but he said stiffly: "What's your name?"

Gu Yian didn't care about the man's tone, she said: "Gu Yian."

Gu Yi Anshun took out his work card and hung it around his neck, so that the man could see the name on the work card.

The man saw Gu Yi'an's behavior, still using a blunt tone: "Working with a badge while working, usually less. Some boring guys, like to find our contact information from the official website, send us a mess every day. s things."

"Thank you for reminding me."

Gu Yi'an thanked, and figured out how the stranger Liu Han knew his contact information, presumably from the official website.

Will there be contact information for each investigator on the official website?

She changed her mind and asked, "Senior, will our work clothes not expose us? Are we investigators?"

The man stretched his leg and kicked the box with the bloodied bedding. Hearing Gu Yi'an's question, although impatient, he replied: "Our work clothes are the same as the law enforcement team. They dare not provoke the law enforcement team."

Gu Yi'an knew it, it turned out to be tiger skin.

Men's Road: "Don't yell about any seniors. It sounds weird. Like Xiao Lu, call me Yong Brother. I should be older than you."

Brother Yong carried the blood-stained box in one hand and put it on his shoulder. He said to Gu Yian: "You follow me and wash your hands. The last investigator who took me died in a poisonous poison that I didn't know where to go . Things above. "

Highly toxic?

Gu Yi'an did not expect this.

Her last two games were ghosts, and they (sha) had certain rules, and they were completely unpredictable like poisoning.

Brother Yong's voice was very quiet, saying: "My teacher has a habit of using his thumb to slobber to read the document. That day, he was reading the document and sent his thumb to his mouth as usual. When we found out, his body was all It's cold. "

He walked to the door and looked back at Yi An. "Aren't you going?"

Gu Yi'an shook his head, "Brother Yong, I have nothing to do. I came a little tired today and want to take a rest."

Brother Yong looked at Gu Yian coldly for a while.


His voice could not hear the anger, "Anyway, if you come in, you will have to die. It will be the same as early death and late death."

Brother Yong disappeared at the door carrying the suitcase.

Gu Yian was relieved.

Between trusting Lu Zize and Yongge, she chose to trust the former and stay in the room to rest.

She is also not sure whether her choice is correct.

Brother Yong's words just seemed to sound like a heart, he looked like a hard-hearted person.

But after all, it just looks.

Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing.

Neither Brother Yong nor Lu Zize can have absolute trust.

Gu Yi'an slowed down, recalling the movement when Brother Yong left, she didn't seem to hear any footsteps.

His footsteps were very soft.

Xu Yong has deliberately practiced lurking.

The lights in the room are bright.

Gu Yi'an first found the bottled water, and then found the pumping paper.

She dipped the paper in water, wiped her hands several times, and threw the paper into the empty paper basket.

She found a clean place, put her work clothes under the cushion, and sat on the floor.

Several cameras are working in the room.

She turned over the cabinet again, I'm afraid Yongge would come over again.

An inspiration faintly formed in Gu Yi'an's mind.

Is there no ** in this world?

She sits in the same place, her thoughts gradually empty.

Suddenly, a loud voice reached Gu Yi'an's ear.

It was the clutter of footsteps and the sound of people talking.

Gu Yi'an just stood up and saw (dry gan) clean and refreshing Lu Zize, as well as players who were in awkward situation, came in with big bags.

Compared with the tense atmosphere before going out, their atmosphere this time is very harmonious.

Players' title to Lu Zize has also become Lu Ge, even if some of them look older than Lu Zize.

"Brother Lu, did you really squat outside the door?"

Lu Zize replied patiently, "Yes. They can hear their movements clearly."

Several male players heard the words and suddenly (exposed) a wretched smile.

Several female players in the rear looked at them with disgust.

Gu Yian couldn't understand their conversation, she was keenly aware of the alienation between herself and the crowd.

Because she did not participate in the trip, she seemed to be excluded from the crowd.

However, Lu Zize always paid attention to Gu Yi'an.

Instead of answering other players' questions, he gave the player behind the hand to the player behind him and walked to Gu Yi'an.

He looked at the curtains behind her and asked, "Ian, what curtains did you draw?"

Gu Yian skipped his title and nodded.

She said: "Someone is secretly (toying) peeping. He also texted me. I drew the curtains."

"He texted you?"

Lu Zize asked questions faster than he usually spoke.

It sounds like he is a little unhappy at the moment.

Gu Yi'an found that Lu Zize's focus was on someone texting, not someone (stealing tou).

Did Lu Zize know that someone secretly (stolen tou) peep?

She thought like this in her heart, but nodded, but nodded, "Yes, he sent a few text messages."

Lu Zize immediately said: "Show me."

His tone was a little uncomfortable.

Gu Yi'an was a little surprised to listen.

Based on Lu Zize's previous performance, his temper was very gentle, which should not be the case.

Lu Zize saw Gu Yi'an's expression, he helped his black frame glasses, smiled deliberately.

He said softly, "Are you scared? This is not your business, this is the thing that affects the face of all our investigators. Please show me the text message he sent. If it is for help, we Investigate immediately. If it is intentionally disturbed, we immediately contact the law enforcement team to arrest him. "

Can that person be arrested?

so serious?

Gu Yi'an is still not clear about the rules of this world.

Although I hate people sending text messages like that, if I just send text messages, I will be verbally addicted and will not be arrested.

Of course, if the person really implemented the last piece of his text message and ran over to find her, then he should be arrested.

Gu Yian had no intention to sing with Lu Zize, she took out her mobile phone, turned to the information page sent by the stranger Liu Han, and handed it to Lu Zize.

"Senior Lu, can these text messages arrest that person as evidence?" Gu Yian asked.

Lu Zize's gaze stopped on the screen.

Text messages lie there.

Lu Zize's tone was calm and scary, "Yes, enough to make him die.", Everyone remembers to collect g5g1d or keep in mind g5g1d, g5g1dm .. free and fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft. Error report. Find a book. Chat

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