Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 593: 【No more 55K】

During the ascent, the elevator stopped several times, and more agents came in from outside, and only people came in, no one came out, and eventually the elevator was full.

Some of the agents were obviously nervous, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Although they are numerous, they are about to face Captain America Steve Rogers, a super soldier who woke up from World War II.

Everyone knows Steve's combat effectiveness, especially the agents, and they can't help but feel uneasy.

This is definitely a daunting task.

Steve noticed the cold sweat on some people's heads, and became more certain of the guess in his heart.

So when the elevator could no longer hold people, he said abruptly: "Before we start, does anyone want to go out?"

The atmosphere of the elevator was suddenly quiet, and the secret whispers that the agents used to disguise stopped at the same time, and the air seemed to fall into freezing point.

After about two seconds of solidification.

A black-clothed agent took the lead in breaking all this. He shouted angrily, stabbed an electric baton with his backhand, and hit Steve's chest directly.

Steve quickly avoided his attack, and at the same time, other people in the elevator also shot, electric batons and magnetic handcuffs came straight to Steve.

If it was the previous Steve, this would undoubtedly be a tough fight.

But today's Steve is no longer the 55-year-old!

At least, he will no longer fight with the people in this elevator.

Steve held both hands, and the dazzling holy light instantly opened, filling the entire elevator.

Blind light!

Under the illumination of the blinding light, all the agents fell into a state of blindness one after another, all attacks failed, and they collided like headless flies.

Immediately, Steve punched a child like the wind, knocking out all the dozen or so agents in the elevator in just a few seconds.


Then Steve opened the elevator, only to see a group of heavily armed agents facing him, with dozens of black muzzles aimed at him.

"Put down your shield and don't move!" the armed agents warned.

Steve did not hesitate, the holy light surged in his palm, and a holy light shield about the size of the elevator door was instantly formed.

Immediately, he was wearing a huge light shield and rushed directly to the agents outside.

"Bang bang bang!" The agents hurriedly fired, the gunshots came one after another, and the bullets rained.

However, their bullets cannot shake the Light Shield at all.

This huge shield of light is generated around Steve's dragon shield, not to mention carrying a few bullets, it is not a problem to carry a bazooka.

Facing the hail of bullets, Steve rammed the light shield all the way, and all the dozens of agents were knocked over and fell to the ground.

Immediately, Steve made a punch, knocking everyone who was conscious.

"how so!"

Looking at the footage from the surveillance cameras, Alexander Pierce and the bald man Sitwell were all shocked.

It's not that they didn't think about the failure of Crossbones, but they didn't expect this to be the case.

Dozens of heavily armed elite agents were unable to stop for even a minute, but were easily subdued by Steve Rogers.

"I heard that he went to Asgard for a few months after disappearing to be trained by the Sun God... Is this true?" Sitwell said in a daze.

"Stop him! Stop him no matter what!" Pierce ordered angrily. The surveillance showed that Steve was on a rampage with S.H.I.E.L.D. and quickly approached here.

More agents went to stop Steve.

But that obviously didn't help.

If they fully understand Steve's current strength and make adequate preparations, with the rich means of SHIELD, they might be able to defeat Steve.

But in fact, they prepared too hastily, completely unable to deal with Captain America who has become a paladin.

After a few minutes.


The sound of the door lock breaking suddenly sounded, and then Steve held the shield, pushed the door open, and stared coldly at Pierce and the others.

Pierce turned pale and swallowed, "I think... this is a misunderstanding."

Steve didn't speak, but opened the Eye of Reckoning, and two flaming holy lights lit up from his eyes.

Looking at these burning eyes of reckoning, Pierce, Sitwell, and the others only felt a shudder in their hearts, as if they were being watched by a natural enemy, and the sense of doomed fear uncontrollably rose in their hearts.

"Sure enough, the Eye of Reckoning can open the door to a new world." The corner of Steve's mouth twitched.

He knew that there were Hydra spies in S.H.I.E.L.D., but no one could find out the existence of these spies, and neither could he.

Until he has the Eye of Reckoning.

Under the gaze of the Eye of Reckoning, the true nature of human beings is revealed. Although the Hydra cannot be directly distinguished, it is enough.

Pierce and the few people around him were almost all red, even if they weren't Hydra, they definitely committed an unforgivable crime.

"I can see at a glance that you are not good people!" Steve shouted, and immediately shot.

There were no less than 100 agents who fell into Steve's hands just now, and the few civil servants in the room were naturally not opponents.

Shortly after Steve subdued Pierce, Tony Stark rushed over in his battle suit.

"Sorry, I seem to be late." Tony shrugged as he looked at Captain America who was questioning Pierce.

Steve looked at him: "Where have you been, Tony, Fury almost died."

"I just found out." Tony said, "Actually I'm investigating another matter. Fortunately, you are here, and it seems that there is no major problem."

"Investigate what?"

Tony hesitated for a moment: "Mind Scepter."

He continued: "At the time of the New York War, General Deathblade came to Earth with the psychic scepter, but he did not take it back. The scepter was taken by a guy who should be a mutant, and his whereabouts are unknown."

"But now we have some news. If the information is correct, the psychic scepter is now in the hands of Hydra."

"In the hands of Hydra..." Steve frowned and couldn't help looking at Pierce, "Is this true?"

Pierce was silent.

"Is he a Hydra?" Tony was surprised.

Steve: "I haven't admitted it yet."

"Actually, I thought he wasn't a good person for a long time - the genius's intuition is right." Tony said disapprovingly, and then suddenly smiled, "In that case, just come and try my new invention."

He walked up to Pierce: "Jarvis."

"Understood, Mr. Stark." Jarvis responded with a mechanical voice, and then the arm part of the battle suit opened, and several tiny electrodes protruded from it, shaking like tentacles.

"This... what is this?" Pierce paled.

Tony said solemnly: "Well, to put it simply, the current of these electrodes is very small, he will not cause any harm to you, at least not physiologically, but it can simulate some wonderful neural signals, how about it, want to try ?"

"Or tell us the truth, tell us what you know, such as the specific location of the mind scepter."



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