Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 570: [My good boy] 6 more

Remember for a second【】

With that said, Laufi waved his hand and motioned for the frost giants to leave, leaving only him and Loki in the hall.

"Did you expect it earlier?" Loki asked.

Laufey smiled. "Of course. I think you should know why."

Loki was silent.

Laufey stepped off the throne, pacing, and continued: "Jortunheim should make him feel comfortable, the snow here is intoxicating, isn't it?"

Loki: "In that battle... Odin really took your child here?"

"Yes." Laufey said, and anger gradually emerged in his voice, "Odin shouted for peace, and made the appearance of a benevolent king, but he took away the coffin of Frost Winter and my only one. children."

"Odin keeps promises to be kind to my children, but so far I have not been allowed to visit him. I'm not sure what his name is now, what he looks like, or even if he's still alive."

After a pause, Laufi took a deep breath and said hatefully, "Odin, he is a complete thief, fraudster, and hypocrite!"

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Loki said, "I want to know the truth, I want to know...who am I."

"I want to know, too," said Laufey, walking up to him. "I've been waiting for a thousand and forty-eight years."

When he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, and a mass of ice-blue light brewed in his palm, emitting a strong icy power.

"Let's see the truth," Laufey said.

Loki nodded, and then let Laufey melt the icy blue light into his body.

With the entry of this energy, his body changed rapidly, his skin turned icy blue, his eyes were blood red, and his whole body exuded an icy aura... These features were no different from Lau Fei in front of him.

Looking at the changes in his body, Loki couldn't help trembling slightly.

Although he had expected it for a long time, after seeing it with his own eyes, his heart was still greatly impacted.

Laufey was obviously not calm, and exhaled, his voice fluctuating: "Your father is not Odin, but me, dear child."

He withdrew his hand, and Loki's image returned to its original appearance.

"Odin's power is stronger than mine. I can't permanently remove the spell he casts on you without the help of the Coffin of Winter," he said.

Loki didn't speak, he was still calming down.

The call of the corruption in the depths of the soul is growing stronger, constantly repeating to him, constantly inducing him, and driving him.

At the same time, the power brought by the Fall in the foreshadowing is also more clear.

Loki can be sure that as long as he obeys the call that seems to come from the abyss, he will gain ten times more power than he is now and become the master of ice and death!

"Father..." he finally said, looking at Laufey, the father who was connected but unfamiliar with his blood.

Laufey couldn't help but smile: "My dear boy."


New York City, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

In the laboratory, scientists working for S.H.I.E.L.D. are gathering and discussing endlessly around a peculiarly shaped long-handled blade.

This long-handled sharp blade is the peerless blade of the dead blade general. When Karl escaped, the peerless blade left behind naturally went to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It's unbelievable, I can't understand the material composition of this knife at all," said a young black scientist. "Its material does not exist in the periodic table at all."

"You're still too young," said a bald middle-aged man, pushing up his black-rimmed glasses, "As an elderly person, since I joined SHIELD to work, I have seen too many substances that are not on the periodic table of elements. "

"Based on the experimental data just now, I suspect that this knife can cut atoms."

"It's possible, it's the sharpest weapon I've ever seen, but further experiments and observations are required. If it can indeed cut atoms, it will be a major discovery."

"If only it could be replicated..."

As the discussion progressed, scientists suddenly talked about something unrelated.

"Do you know the Sentinel Project? "The speaker was a beautiful brown-haired woman who looked very young.

"Heard of... it seems like a weapons program against mutants, but it's been banned long ago. How did you bring this up, Simmons?"

"Isn't there a rumor recently that the federal government has decided to restart this program," Simmons said.

"Because of what?"

"It must be because of Magneto, who has done more damage to New York than aliens! There are also videos of him circulating on the Internet where he shouts to destroy humanity."

"It's not because of mind control..."

"Come on, even with mind control, Magneto is definitely a dangerous guy. I 100% support restarting the Sentinel Project, which is at least a deterrent. Deterrence has proven to be the foundation of peace. "

By evening, most people stopped what they were doing.

"Simons, where are you going after get off work?"

"watch movie."

"Go with Fizz, haha..."

The scientists left the lab one after another, and in the end only the young black scientist remained.

He looked around carefully, then took a deep breath and reached out to hold the peerless blade.

He didn't have any bad intentions, he just thought the knife was very handsome, so he kept it on purpose.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Finally, I want to have some fun.

The black scientist took out a metal object, slashed it with a knife, and easily cut it into two sections, the incision was smooth.

He smiled and prepared to cut something else.

However, at this moment, his movements stopped abruptly, as if petrified, and at the same time a black energy spread out from the peerless blade and poured into his body.

In an instant he was swallowed by this black energy, and the black energy was wrapped in a surging wave, and finally turned into a pale-skinned, unhuman-looking man of prey.

Deathblade General!

Leaning on the peerless blade, he knelt on the ground and gasped weakly.

In New Mexico, General Deadblade was indeed killed by Thor, but what Thor didn't know was that the Peerless Blade was the real life of General Deadblade.

As long as the peerless blade still exists, the dead blade general will have a way to resurrect himself. Of course, this is not without cost.

After being resurrected through the peerless blade, he became very weak, and for him now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is obviously a dangerous place. .

Therefore, he had to be extremely careful to escape SHIELD safely. After escaping from S.H.I.E.L.D., how to leave the earth and return to the dark quadrant seems to be a headache.

General Dead Blade breathed for a while, then stood up again, holding the peerless blade in his hand, and carefully walked out of the laboratory...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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