Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 548: 【Johnny Blazer】

In the wooden house, Johnny Blazer was drinking stuffy wine, and across from him sat a white-haired old man with a beard. He looked disheveled and very vicissitudes.

The two seem to have just talked about life, and there is not much beer left in the glass, and there are not many remaining topics left.

After a while, Johnny found the topic again, hiccups while waving his hand as if he was turning a language organization machine: "Carter, have you ever fallen off a motorcycle? Hiccup."

"No." Carter Slay said.

"But I've fallen off a horse, and I think falling off a motorcycle should feel about the same."

Johnny waved his hands again and again: "Impossible, I suspect that you may have never ridden a motorcycle before. It's definitely more exciting than riding a horse... And I'm a stunt driver. I've jumped over six helicopters on a motorcycle."

"I still remember the first performance accident. I crashed into the wall at a speed of more than 100 kilometers. I still remember the shape of the bricks on the wall. Even the brain hurts."

After drinking the remaining beer, Johnny continued: "I thought it was a hallucination, or even a dream, after all, I don't even have a wound."

"I later learned that in that accident, my skull was indeed broken, but the power of the devil kept me alive."

Carter Shire nodded: "I know that feeling, the power of the devil will make the knight's body as indestructible as flames, but it will not relieve any pain."

Johnny shook the little beer remaining at the bottom of the glass, sighed, and entered into the memory of the past again.

In his youth, in order to save his dying father, he sold his soul to the demon king Mephisto from hell, but he never thought it was a scam.

After he sold his soul, his father's terminal illness was miraculously cured, but he died unexpectedly in the next day's performance.

He didn't believe that it was a pure accident. It was more likely that he was deceived by a cunning demon, but he couldn't do anything about it. Even if it is reasonable, he is at a disadvantage. The devil only promises to cure cancer, but he does not guarantee that his father will live a long life.

Since then, Johnny has inherited his father's business, and he also bears the devil's contract and becomes a "knight who can't fall to death", which brings him honor, but also brings him trouble and confusion.

"Ding dong ding dong." The phone rang.


Looking at the name on the caller ID, Johnny was jolted and instantly sobered up a lot. He answered quickly, "Roshan, I—"

However, the voice on the other end of the phone was not her Roseanne, but a gloomy male voice.

This voice sounded like a vampire in an opera, and Sen Han was a little distorted: "Ghost Rider, Johnny Blazer, your girlfriend is here with me now. If you don't want to lose her, you'd better take that share with you. Contract came to Santa Van Gonzal to find me."

"Black heart!" Johnny's expression changed greatly.

"Let your girlfriend have a word." Black Heart said, and then Roshan's voice came over the phone, "Johnny—"

Her voice stopped abruptly, followed by Blackheart's voice: "Take the contract of St. Van Gonzalo and come to me, now."

The phone hung up, Johnny couldn't help but clenched the phone tightly, gritted his teeth angrily, "Damn it!"

"What are you going to do?" Carter Srey asked calmly, "I have given you the contract, and now you are its guardian."

Johnny was silent, his eyes flickered for a while, the weather was uncertain.

He has always loved Roshan deeply, and since he took the initiative to leave Roshan, he always felt guilty and wanted to recover this relationship more than once, but the curse of the Ghost Rider made it difficult for him to do so.

He wanted to save Luo Shan, but this obviously failed the old man's trust and expectations.

After all, Carter Slay communicated with him without reservation, explained his doubts, and handed him the contract of Saint Van Gonzalo that guarded his life.

Carter Sley saw Johnny's entanglement and didn't embarrass him: "I'm already an old man who is dying. I can't do anything. It's up to you to decide. Any decision you make will not be worse."

Johnny lowered his head and said after a while, "Sorry, Carter... I can't lose Roseanne."

Carter Sley was not surprised: "Then go ahead, do your best, it's best to avoid the worst."

"Thank you." Johnny exhaled, and immediately got up and left.

"Wait a minute." Carter Shire suddenly stopped him, got up and said I'll give you a ride. "

Johnny nodded, and the two went out immediately. They each rode their cars, a motorcycle and a horse, and went straight to the village of St. Van Gonzalo in the dark night.

The fiery flames rose from the two of them, turning them into ghostly faces of flaming skeletons, like knights driving out of hell.

These flames spread to the motorcycles and horses under them in an instant, making them also blazing, leaving a string of fiery trails in the dark night.

Shortly after departure, Johnny was surprised to find that Carter Slay's horse was no slower than his motorcycle.

Feeling his gaze, Carter Sley smiled slightly.

Of course, only Johnny could perceive this smile. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was just a slight trembling of the flame on the skull.

Finally, they galloped all the way and reached their destination, the village of St. Van Gonzalo, when dawn was approaching.

Looking from a distance, a barren ruin can be vaguely seen in the darkness.

"That's St. Van Gonzalo." The old man's voice sounded a bit complicated.

"Saint Van Gonzalo is a peaceful place, until the gates of **** lead here, and the gates of heaven also lead here, making it a burial place for demons and angels..."

Johnny was silent, looking down at the St. Van Gonzalian Contract in his hand.

"My strength is exhausted." The flames faded from Carter Slay, and he took out an old flintlock gun and handed it to Johnny.

"There's only one last bullet in there, go ahead."

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