Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 307: 【The incarnation of hatred】

"Of course, you don't have to be restrained by me. You have half the power of Asgard. You have every chance of defeating me, but it's only possible."

After a pause, Mangogo said: "Daughter of Odin, in fact, you have a better choice, then let me take Odin, I am only interested in Odin, I just want to torture him and take revenge on him, That's all."

"Let me take Odin, and you can become the new king of Asgard without taking any risks, instead of being a wronged princess who is doomed to lack love and inheritance, for your father and brother Throwing your head and spilling blood..."

From the consideration of interests, the suggestion given by Mangogo is indeed a good choice for Hela.

With the powerful restraint of a natural enemy, Mangogo will definitely be able to deal with Odin, who has only half of Asgard's power left. As long as Hela nodded in agreement and let Mangogo take Odin away, she could easily ascend to the throne.

But it's obviously not just a matter of interest.

Although Hela resented Odin, hated him for betraying her mother, hated him for reneging on his promises, and hated his naked patriarchy, but these were not enough to make her kill her father.

In the end, she rejected this choice in her heart.

It stands to reason that he knew his daughter Mo Ruofu, but after being separated from Hela for a thousand years, how could Odin understand Hela's mind? After listening to Mangogo's words, he couldn't help but be a little worried, worried that Hela really turned against him.

So he said to Hela: "Hela, my daughter... You are the heir I have chosen, how could I go back on my word?"

Hela looked at her father.

Odin was over four thousand years old, an old man, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face.

Compared with the long prime years, the old age of the Asa Protoss is very short, but it often comes suddenly. An old Asgard who is more than 4,000 years old is likely to have gray hair overnight.

According to Odin's current age, maybe hundreds of years later, maybe decades later, maybe just today, his only gray hair will turn all white, and his tall and burly body will become Rumpy, short, or bloated.

At this time, Odin was seriously injured, his clothes were stained with blood, and he looked even more haggard...

Mangogo asked again: "How is it, daughter of Odin? As long as you agree, the throne of Asgard is yours."

Hela took a deep breath: "Then..."

"I think you must have made the right choice," Mangogo said.

"Yes." Hela nodded calmly.

Mangogo smiled and was about to say something when he heard a roar: "Boom-"

Miao Ernier flew from the side, and with earth-shattering power, directly knocked him out and slammed into the energy shield of the Golden Palace.

The energy shield swayed with ripples, and Mangogo leaned up and looked angry: "Daughter of Odin, you made a stupid decision!"

Hela didn't speak, and drove Miaoernir again, the warhammer turned the arc of the arc in the dazzling rainbow brilliance, and hit Mangogo hard in the face.

Mangogo staggered, and his huge body collapsed several buildings one after another.

He clenched his fists: "You only have half the power of Asgard, do you think you can defeat me with this alone?"

Before he finished speaking, Mangogo threw a fist at Mjolnir.

"Boom!" Miao Ernier was instantly shocked.

But then several giant swords flew from Hela, leaving several wounds on Mangogo.

Mangogo opened his mouth and shot out a dark red light, heading straight for Hela.

Hela's expression did not change, her body shimmered, and the originally damaged armor was instantly restored, and it almost covered her whole body, leaving no dead ends.

The dark red light bloomed, but Hela went straight to Mangogo with it, and at the same time stretched out her hand, Miao Ernir turned back to her hand.

Then she gave a soft drink, waved Mjolnir, and smashed it **** Mangogo's corner.


Under Mjolnir's heavy blow, one of Mangogo's horns snapped.

Before that, Mangogo had suffered various injuries, but he could recover quickly, but this time the corner did not recover immediately.

Looking at his broken horn, Mangogo was even more furious and at the same time a little scared: "Daughter of Odin, will definitely regret your choice today!"

Hela didn't give him a chance to breathe, Miaoernier waved constantly, the thunder light flowed and rumbled, obviously gaining the upper hand.

Rowe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He flew into the air, looked around for a moment, and found another group of demons.

These demons are still injured, and naturally they are not his opponents. The battle is over soon, and he has not recovered all his mana.

After having sufficient mana again, Rowe flew into the air and raised his hand to add a Holy Light Beacon to Hela.

"This is..." Hela was startled.

"Fight with confidence." Rowe didn't explain much, turned around and flew to Odin's side.

He was about to treat Odin when he suddenly froze.

Odin was judged to be evil by the Sanctuary...

The Holy Light can only kill, but not heal, evil beings.

Odin was stunned for a while, and seemed to have guessed something: "Your holy light can't heal me?"

Rowe: "Yes... yes."

Odin lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed slightly: "Give treatment to Sleipnes."

Luo Wei came to the eight-legged Pegasus, first poured some holy light into it, and then released a flash of holy light.

A dazzling holy light immediately erupted from Pegasus Eight-legged horse, and the injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the process, due to the existence of the Holy Light Beacon, Hela was also indirectly treated, and her injuries recovered.

Mangao Ge was at a disadvantage, and when he saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked: "What!"

Rowe then flew to the vicinity of a group of Asgardian wounded soldiers, raised his hands, and the light of dawn bloomed.

The wounded soldiers who were hit by the light of dawn recovered quickly.

The healing effect produced by the Beacon of Light is more affected by the number of people. The more people Rowe treats, the stronger the treatment Hela gets.

Several dawn lights were released, not only did a large number of wounded soldiers heal, but Hela's injuries were also healed, and the battle with Mangogo became more and more courageous.

After a while, Mangogo's body shrank again and again. His original tower-like body shape finally became only two or three meters tall, and his momentum was greatly weakened, and he was chased and beaten by Hela.


Mjolnir once again penetrated Mangogo's body.

Mangogo screamed in horror, and his body shrank further, becoming only more than one meter tall, which was worse than ordinary people.

With this size, he seems to be unable to maintain the stability of the entity.

Immediately, I saw a few flashes on his body, and with a "bang", it turned into a shapeless black fog, like a ghost, with only two red faint lights, like eyes.

Hela threw Mjolnir, but Mjolnir seemed to only pass through the air, nothing happened, Mangogo shook his body and returned to normal.

Hela tried several times, but the result was still the same, no matter how he attacked, he could no longer hurt Mangogo at this time.

Mangogo in ghost form floated in the air, his voice resentful: "I am the incarnation of hatred, you can defeat me, but you cannot destroy me! No one can destroy hatred!"

"Really?" Rowe's voice sounded from not far away.

Mangogo in ghost form shook his body and looked at him, his voice showing fear: "You..."

Rowe held the sword of Rivendell, and a layer of divine brilliance lit up on the blade...

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