Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 280: 【Saka Star】

Luo Wei raised his brows and woke up from a coma. His ears were full of noisy voices and all kinds of shouts, as if he was in a busy city.

"He's awake!" someone shouted.

Then there was the sound of dense footsteps, mixed with the voice of discussion.

"He should be able to sell for a good price..."

"Selling this is a stupid choice. The greedy Carlo will definitely not pay us enough, and will even **** it. Varg caught a powerful guy and sold it to Carlo for five million. "

"Five million, so much!"

"Multiple farts, Waglyn sold the surrender disk together, and a surrender disk is almost five million, which is simply a free gift."

Luo Wei shook his dizzy head, his vision gradually became clear, and then he saw a group of humanoid creatures wearing masks crowding around him, looking at himself like a rare beast.

"Haha, you're welcome, new trash," said a man wearing a grimacing mask.

Luo Wei frowned and looked around, but only saw these masked people and the dark and closed environment. Hela was not there, and neither was the horse-faced Thor.

The Flame Gloves and the Sword of Rivendell disappeared, and the box in which the venom lived was nowhere to be seen. It must have been snatched away. Fortunately, the holy deed is still there. Probably the mediocre appearance and the wordless content of the holy deed cannot attract anyone's attention.

In addition, the pointer of the Holy Light is swaying around, obviously, a considerable part of these masked people around are infected with sin.

In addition to the loss of equipment, there are still waves of weakness, and the hunger and thirst are unbearable, as if he has spent ten days without eating or drinking.

The sacred mana in the body is also in a depleted state, and due to this state of hunger, the mana recovery is also very slow.

"Where is this?" Rovello asked silently.

"Of course it's Saka," said the grimacing masked man. "When you were exiled here, weren't you told the name of this planet?"

"Saka Star!" Rowe was startled.

Unexpectedly, after passing through the wormhole, I actually arrived at the Saka star, which is the junkyard planet where Thor fell in Thor 3.

"That's right, Saka Star, a planet that houses criminals, the mentally handicapped, and garbage. This is the largest exile land and garbage dump in the universe! Now, you are one of the garbage in this garbage dump." Grimace said with a red mask. , "You can call me 'Red Ghost'. "

The red ghost then asked, "What's your name?"

"Where's my sword?" Rowe didn't answer, but asked.

"Do you mean this?" The red ghost took out a sword from somewhere, it was the sword of Rivendell, "It's not impossible for me to give it back to you, but you must help me fight, help me sweep clear the enemy."

"Apart from the champion of the arena, you are the strongest person I have ever seen. I think this should not be difficult for you."

Rowe looked at him: "So, the rest of my body is also with you"

"Of course, your sword, your gloves, and your unopenable box," said the red ghost.

The silver round box that houses the venom is a creation of Asgard, and its switch is very stubborn for most creatures, and it is difficult to open.

From this, it can be seen that this group of masked people in strange clothes are very weak and should be similar to the humans on earth.

After Luo Wei knew it, he nodded, and then suddenly shot, punching both left and right, directly knocking out the two masked people beside him.


The masked people quickly stepped back.

Luo Wei was about to continue to shoot, but suddenly, a strong numbness came from his neck, as if a hand passed through his neck and pinched his heart, which directly dissipated his strength.

His body twitched, and he fell to the ground with his eyes shining.

The red ghost is holding a remote control device, and the indicator light on it is flashing.

"Rebellion is definitely a stupid choice." He snorted and said, "No one can resist the power of the "surrender disk", not even a champion. "

He pressed the remote control device again, and the strong numbness finally faded from Rowe.

Although it was only for a short time, Luo Wei was still tortured to the point of sweating and panting, and it took a while to regain his senses.

He touched his neck, only to realize that there was a small disc on it at some point, tightly embedded in the flesh and blood.

this thing...

There is no doubt that this "surrender disk" is the device that Valkyrie subdues Thor in the movie. I didn't expect that he would be installed one day.

The red ghost continued: "Don't try to remove the disk, or it will die with you. I managed to get a surrender disk, and if you destroy it, I will definitely tear your body into eight pieces! "

Rowe gasped, his masseter muscles agitated.

This thing Thor is powerless, he wants to break free, it seems that he can only use the Holy Shield technique.

However, he was very weak at this time, and it was not the time to get out. Since the other party was not going to kill him, let's recover first.

"You want me to help me fight, at least give me food." Rowe said.

"Give him food." As soon as the red ghost waved, a masked man came over with a metal basin.

There were some chopped lumps in the pot, what should be mushrooms, and the mushrooms were sprinkled with colorful and unknown powders and sauces, which were probably seasonings.

As the **** of dignified barbecue, Luo Wei felt very bad seeing these crude and disgusting food.

But obviously, he had no other choice, even if he ate this pot of crushed mushrooms.

"One more pot."

For the Protoss, the energy provided by this food is very low, and the digestion speed is very fast, so after eating several pots, Luo Wei finally got rid of his hunger.

Then he stayed in place quietly, leaning against the wall and dozing, allowing the mana in his body to slowly recover.

two hours later.

In the dim room with a faint stench, Luo Wei was still sitting in the corner recovering his mana while listening to the masked man's discussion.

" A masked man took out the sword of Rivendell and looked at it for a while: "Tsk tsk, such a sharp weapon, I am afraid that only Gao Tianzun and the Asa Legion in the north have it. "

"Boss - boss!"

Suddenly, a panicked voice came from outside.

"What's going on?" the red ghost asked.

"It's Wag, he brought someone to attack us!" said the masked man who ran in.

"Damn." The red ghost said angrily, slapped his forehead as soon as he picked up the gun, and looked at Luo Wei who was sitting in the corner.

"I forgot, we've got a big guy now! Hey, big guy, if you don't want to try surrendering to the tape again, help me take out the enemies outside. I'll give you more delicious mushrooms."

Rowe looked calm and looked from the darkness: "I need weapons."

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