Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 276: 【Eternal Fire】

After being hit by the rainbow, the golden old man's skin cracked like a golden cast, a large number of fragments scattered, and golden blood floated everywhere.

His thin, broken body trembled violently, and his eyes were cloudy, as if he had run out of oil.

Pain, confusion, unwillingness, and hatred appeared on his face one by one.

The golden old man stretched out his left hand with difficulty, and his right hand was broken beyond recognition.

Immediately, he put his left hand on the blue gemstone on his forehead, and said intermittently: "Vengeance for me... let the attacker pay the price, let him lose everything, lose everything..."

The blue gem shimmered for a while, as if responding to something.

The golden old man murmured a few more words, then his movements gradually stopped, and the color in his eyes dimmed.

In the end, the golden old man turned into a broken corpse, drifting aimlessly in the starry sky, returning to death...


The universe is so big that no one knows the death of the golden old man.

The burning realm of Muspelheim, the battle between Odin and Surtur continues.

Facing Odin, who wielded the power of Asgard, Surtur had almost no strength to fight back, and he was completely defeated in a short while.

Odin held the spear of eternity and penetrated Surtur's head ruthlessly.


The rainbow bloomed, and Surtur's body of flame disappeared, leaving only a black skull like a horned helmet, a bleak twilight sword, and a bright flame.

The black skull and the sword of twilight fell from the air as soon as they appeared, and finally fell into the magma below with a "pop", and the flames flickered slightly and flew to the sky in the distance.

Odin hurriedly caught up, the rainbow light in his hand burst out, and he grabbed the flame.

The flame danced for a while, as if struggling, but after a while there was no movement. He held it firmly in his hand and burned quietly, as if it was just a cluster of ordinary flames from the mortal world.

Thunder throbbed between Odin's five fingers, and the arcs rushed towards the flame, as if to extinguish it.

The flame's momentum shrank, but it didn't go out, causing him to frown.

After staring at the flame for a moment, Odin said: "Surtur, since you are an eternal flame, spend endless years in my treasury."

After he said that, he turned his hand, and the flame disappeared, and I don't know where it was received.

Then, Odin looked down and said slowly: "From today onwards, the nine kingdoms are all subjects of Asgard, and all of them are bound by the laws and justice of Asgard."

Surtur was defeated, and the Musbeiers had to surrender even if they had any opinions in their hearts. The war in Muspelheim was over.

Odin came to Hela and smiled slightly: "My daughter, you will be responsible for the next governance of Muspelheim."

"Yes, Father." Hela replied.

Just as Odin was about to leave, the horse-faced Thor hurriedly said something in a timid tone: "Your Majesty Odin, have you...forgot something?"

Odin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly and embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and quickly said: "Ah, of course, Asgard started the war to do justice to the Corbins. Hela, you first find one for Bill's clan as soon as possible. New planets, and help them rebuild their homes, the resources spent are taken from Muspelheim, which is the price that the Muspells should pay."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Odin. There is no doubt that you are a great god." Although the horse-faced Thor said so, there was a little loss in his eyes.

Before that, he had always had a reverence for Odin.

Obviously, he has seen Odin's true thoughts. Odin never cared about helping the Corbins, he just used this pretext to clean up Surtur.

Odin undoubtedly felt the change in the attitude of the horse-faced Thor, and seemed to be touched, his expression suddenly became a little stiff, he smiled politely, and then turned and left in a hurry.

After Odin left, the Asgardian soldiers began to clear the field.

Luo Wei looked around, and then he dived into the magma river and swam quickly in the magma. He came to an area and looked around, as if he was searching for something.

What he was looking for was naturally Surtur's artifact, the Sword of Twilight.

As the weapon of the flame giant, the Sword of Twilight is definitely a first-class artifact in the Nine Realms. Odin had just defeated Surtur and left in a hurry after receiving the Eternal Fire, as if he had completely forgotten the Sword of Twilight.

It happened that Rowe had just noticed that the location where the Sword of Twilight had fallen was not far from him, so he came to look for it.

Might be able to pick up a leak.

However, picking up leaks is not so easy to pick up. Luo Wei turned around in the magma for a while, but found no trace of the Twilight Sword. He heard someone calling him from above, and finally had to give up.

After he left the magma, after a while, in an inconspicuous corner in the depths of the magma, a flame figure smaller than ordinary people appeared.

This flaming figure has a dim body, and holds a long sword in his hand. It looks like the sword of twilight, but it is significantly smaller than the size of the previous one.

"This kid..." He looked at the direction that Rowe left, a bit of strangeness flashed in his eyes.

"Damn Odin." But then he left the humble **** behind Rowe, clenched his fists, his face full of hatred, "Take away my eternal fire, I will sooner or later. Make him pay!"

This bleak flame figure is naturally Surtur. It's just that the current Surtur's strength has weakened by a thousand miles compared to just now.

Surter was able to escape the disaster, mainly because of some tricks.

The Eternal Fire is already energetic and eye-catching. He just let the Eternal Fire fly away, causing Odin to mistakenly think that the Eternal Fire is his body, ignoring his true body, which is the one that just fell into the magma. The black skull shaped like a horn helmet.

At the cost of eternal Surtur was not captured by Odin or completely extinguished, but in this state, he absolutely did not dare to emerge, and could only dormant.

So he immediately swam in the magma, left the burning field along the magma river, and finally arrived at an inconspicuous lava pool in Muspelheim.

In the depths of the unknown lava, Surtur held the sword of twilight and closed his eyes silently, as if he fell into a deep sleep...


Asgard, Golden Palace.


With a coquettish cry, another cloud and rain came to an end.

Afterwards, Odin put his hand on Frigga's back, with a dazed look on his face, as if he was thinking about some major life issue.

"What are you thinking darling."

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