Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 251: [Venom is beginning to show its power]

Luo Wei didn't speak, rushed forward again, and fought with the long-toothed frost giant for a while.

However, the opponent's strength is really unusual, regardless of strength, reaction speed, combat skills, and of course, super defensive power.

Fortunately, this person has a single attack method, only a pair of daggers, otherwise it will be more difficult.

The two sides fought back and forth for dozens of times, and Luo Wei still couldn't help the frost giant with teeth.

He was about to add a king's blessing to himself, and then he thought about it.

This person is not weak, it is better to try the power of venom on him.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei took a few steps back, and at the same time reached out and touched his waist, opening the silver round box that contained the venom.

The golden light flashed, and the light-cast venom drilled out of the box and spread throughout his body along his hand.

Rowe's form changed rapidly. Except for the magic floating cloak behind him and the sword of Rivendell in his hand, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of pale gold.

This pale gold layer became his new skin, and at the same time, his size suddenly increased, showing an exaggerated muscular outline.

The original Rowe was nearly two meters tall, which was quite tall among the Asgardians, but after combining with Venom, his body size directly changed to nearly three meters, which was several heads taller than the long-toothed frost giant, and he was condescending.

Seeing this, the frost giant with long teeth couldn't help but froze, raised his head and took a few steps back.

Rowe felt the powerful physical strength, and the corner of his mouth hooked, and then he clenched the sword of Rivendell with both hands, and slammed it out.

The long-toothed frost giant will avoid the edge, and the sword of Rivendell immediately slashes to the ground.


The holy light bloomed, and a gully was torn out of the ground.

Frost stabbed out a dagger, and the two ice-blue daggers in his hand stabbed Rowe on Rowe's arm.

As soon as the dagger hit, the cold air was released, and an ice-blue halo spread to Rowe.

Luo Wei subconsciously used the flame power to resist, and then suddenly remembered that he could not use the flame power now.

However, he doesn't seem to have to specifically mobilize the flame power to resist the cold power on the dagger.

Only to hear Venom exclaimed excitedly at this time: "Exciting!"

Venom is afraid of fire and high temperature, and naturally likes cold, so the cold power on the Frost Giant's dagger has very limited killing effect on it, but it has a kind of stimulation similar to winter swimming.

The flesh and blood wounds caused by the dagger are even less worth mentioning to Venom. As soon as the dagger is pulled out, it heals immediately.

The long-toothed frost giant was a little frightened at this time.

Luo Wei flew up and kicked him out directly.


The long-toothed frost giant slammed into a rock, and the rock shattered immediately, and ice **** flew all over his body.

Rowe then killed again, holding the sword of Rivendell and slashing again.


The frost giant hurriedly dodged, but when the holy light bloomed, the sword of Rivendell was slashed into the frost shoulder armor.

He suddenly let out a groan, obviously this sword not only penetrated the armor, but also hurt the flesh.

Rowe swung his sword again, and the brilliance on Rivendell's sword was even better.

Sword of Justice!

The Frost Giant put the double daggers in front of him, blocking the Sword of Justice, but was unable to block the stunning power of the Sword of Justice, and immediately trembled, staggering several steps in succession.

When Luo Wei was about to kill again with the next sword, he had not recovered from the dizziness, so he had to fall to the ground and rolled to barely escape.

However, Rowe stabbed his sword into the ground.

The sword of justice!

The sword of justice pierced out of the ground, and the frost giant was caught off guard and screamed.

Immediately, he no longer had the will to fight, he got up and ran out.

Luo Wei didn't use the magic floating cloak. Taking advantage of his body size and physical strength, he directly strode forward, and the speed was extremely fast.

The frost giant, who was wearing heavy armor and was injured, naturally couldn't run away from him, and was soon chased by him.

The frost giant used twelve points of strength to escape, and the speed increased a little.

"Come and try this!" Venom's voice sounded.

The skin on Rowe's side wriggled for a while, and then several tentacles suddenly stretched out and shot like arrows. Grab the fleeing frost giant.

The frost giant swung the dagger and quickly cut off the tentacles, but more tentacles were grabbed, slowing down his speed all of a sudden.

In this way, Rowe caught up in a blink of an eye, and the sword of Rivendell released the holy light, and it was another sword of punishment.

The Frost Giant was cut off by a sword, and the severe pain and the force of sanctions hit him together. He screamed and fell to the ground, struggling to get up, but he couldn't get up no matter what.

"it's over."

Rowe stabbed the sword with both hands, and the sword of Rivendell hit the face of the frost giant.


When the ice **** splashed, the sword of Rivendell pierced through the frost giant's head and stabbed to the ground.

"How is it? I'll just say I'm very good." Venom said.

Luo Wei: "But the consumption of holy light has also become faster."

"I still have a lot of Light," Venom said, "or we could eat the corpse of this frost giant, which could quickly replenish our energy."

"No!" Rowe refused without hesitation.

"Why?" Venom was very puzzled. "Look at him, it looks very delicious. Brain, lungs, liver, spleen... I don't know where to start."

"I don't eat people," Rowe said.

Venom: "Don't you also eat the corpses of cattle and sheep, they are all corpses, why should you treat them differently? Do you discriminate against humans?"

"..." Luo Wei was silent for a while, "Anyway, I don't eat people, and I'll let you taste the flames if you talk nonsense."

Venom immediately shut up.

Rowe dealt with the fangtooth frost giant, and then killed the other frost giants.

The most powerful bald elder in this group of frost giants is entangled with Hela, and the rest of the frost giants are not Rowe's opponents at this time.

So for a while, in the battlefield, a golden figure nearly three meters high moved quickly with a long sword in hand.

"You can't eat That thing can always be eaten." Venom's voice sounded again, and at the same time a tentacle stretched out, pointing to the ice bear under the crotch of a frost giant cavalry.

Luo Wei thought for a while: "Eat it yourself, don't let me smell it."

"No problem." Venom was a little excited.

Then Luo Wei rushed to the Ice Bear cavalry, and after slashing the cavalry, he wriggled for a while, the venom's head extended out, and opened his mouth to bite off the Ice Bear's head.

Venom chewed on the ice bear and said, "Aren't you really going to try it?"

Luo Wei was about to speak when he suddenly found that as the venom was eating, a stream of energy was pouring in continuously, and the exhaustion he had just generated during the battle gradually subsided, and the Holy Light also accelerated.

After a while, the venom finished eating, and an ice bear was eaten with nothing left, not even bones, but only a bloodstain on the ground.

Luo Wei felt it for a while, only to feel that his physical strength was already abundant, and the Holy Light had recovered a lot.

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