Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 249: 【Jotunheim again】

After a while, under Rowe's transfer, Hela finally temporarily forgot Udu's words and talked about some trivial gossip.

"I will go to Jotunheim next month, Rowe, can you be my deputy commander?" Hela said suddenly.

"Of course." Rowe nodded, "Asgard is planning to completely conquer the Frost Giant this time?"

"Yes. Laufey's eldest son, Byrest, just awakened for the second time not long ago and obtained second-order divine power." Hela said, "Byrest is a strong and murderous person, and my father thinks that he should be killed as soon as possible. strangle."

During the War at Warnerheim, Laufey, the King of Frost Giants, disappeared and has not been heard from so far.

But Laufey's wife, Fabti, holding the coffin of Frozen Winter, and with the help of Jotunheim's favorable time and place, can also be called the top powerhouse in the Nine Realms.

Therefore, among the nine kingdoms, the Frost Giant is still Asgard's greatest enemy, or the only enemy worthy of attention.

Only by completely defeating the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, Asgard is the real suzerain state of the Nine Realms and the upper state of the Celestial Empire.

When he got home, Rowe first looked at the crystal bottle containing the venom.

When he saw Rowe, the venom that was lying quietly in the bottle immediately became violent, jumping vertically, and the crystal bottle swayed.

It's not without reason that Venom is so cranky.

At the beginning, Venom proposed to Rowe that he hoped to be able to eat once every three days, that is, let Rowe feed it a meal of holy light every three days.

However, Rowe soon discovered that Venom could actually be hungry for a long time, so the frequency of feeding became lower and lower, and it was only fed once every time he came back from the moon, which made the venom very collapsed.

Rowe opened the bottle, and the holy light lit up on his hand, signaling Venom to come out to eat.

As a result, the venom didn't come out, and it stuck to the bottom of the bottle, like "Even if I die, I won't take a bite of your holy light in the dead bottle."

Rowe shook the bottle, but the venom was still unmoved.

The two sides were deadlocked for a while.

Rowe thought for a while, and simply took the bottle cap from the side, ready to close the crystal bottle again.

Seeing the venom, the wriggling body stopped abruptly.

Then, just when the crystal bottle was about to be closed by Rowe, Venom suddenly gave up all his dignity, hurriedly got out, and climbed to Rowe's hand.

Rowe smiled, the holy light lit up again in his hand, and fed the venom.

"That...can you feed me more in the future, or let me eat." Venom said carefully while eating holy light, "Actually, I'm still very powerful and can help you a lot."

"Like?" Rowe asked.

"Like, um..." Venom was lost in thought.

"You can give the Cree superpowers, but I'm not a Cree," Rowe said.

"Asgardians can also gain more power by symbiosis with me," Venom said, "This has nothing to do with race, only the degree of fit. The higher the degree of fit between the symbiote and the host, the more effective it can be. greater power."

"How do we fit in?"

"It's okay," Venom said.

Luo Wei asked again: "In terms of fit, where can I probably rank compared to your previous host?"


Luo Wei: "How many hosts do you have in total?"

"Uh... two terms."

Rowe was silent for a while.

Venom went on to say: "In the symbiote's home planet Kuntar, we don't need to symbiotic with other creatures. Only when we leave the home planet does the symbiote need to find a host. I used to live in Kuntar until I was killed by the Kree. Take it."

"Although there are no more hosts for reference, at least you and your body don't have a strong rejection reaction. In this way, I can make you stronger and even recover from fatal injuries."

"But you are afraid of fire, and I am a flame supernatural power." Rowe flashed a few flames, startling Venom.

Although he has raised venom for several years, Rowe has never used venom in battle. The main reason is that venom is afraid of fire.

Although venom can greatly improve his physical strength and self-healing power, he is very afraid of fire, which means that if Rowe uses venom to fight, he cannot use flame. Once he uses flame, venom will withdraw.

After a while, Luo Wei suddenly asked, "Can you send the Holy Light to me?"

"Yes." Venom said, "but you have to prepare some more holy light in advance. I will return half of the holy light you sent to me at most."

"Then let me see how much holy light you can store." Rowe said, and then he released the holy light in his hand and poured it into the venom.

Venom has been lingering near the food and clothing line for all these years, and there is so much holy light all at once, and it is like a rain of rain for a long time.

After a while.

"Enough, enough... my body can't put it down." Venom said quickly after squirming for a while.

Rowe stopped the holy light infusion, and the mana in his body was less than 20% at this time.

According to Venom, it can deliver half of the Holy Light in reverse. In this way, with the help of venom, Rowe can have an extra 40% of his magical power in battle.

Taking into account the increase in the strength of the body with the venom, it seems that it is not bad to fight symbiotically.

If you have to use the power of flame, you can just let the venom leave at that time, and it shouldn't delay anything.

Rowe thought for a while and said, "I'm going to fight in Jotunheim next month, so come with me and let me see your power."

"Where is Jotunheim?" Venom couldn't help asking.

"Home of the Frost Giants."

Venom: "Sounds like a cold place, yes, I like it."

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Rowe went to Hadiya's blacksmith shop and asked, "Mr. Hadiya, is what I want ready?"

"Okay." The blacksmith Hadier smiled and brought a small silver round box.

Luo Wei took the small round box and looked at it, and then repeatedly flipped a twist on the top. With his movements the opening of the round box was repeatedly closed, closed without leaving a gap, and opened smoothly and naturally .

"Yes, how much?" Rowe nodded.

"This kind of gadget, what money is not worth, I will give it to you." Hadier said.

Although he repeatedly said no money, Rowe paid the bill before leaving.

When he got home, he opened the crystal bottle that contained the venom, put the round box on the mouth of the bottle, and said, "Come in, Eddie, this is a new residence for you."

The venom came out of the bottle and into the round box.

The round box is flat and small, but Venom's body is more stretchable, allowing it to slip through easily.

Rowe locked the round box on one side of his waist, and one on the side of Shengqi, both of which were easily accessible.

Then, with a twist, the round box opened, and the venom poured out along the exit, spreading all over his body along his fingers, turning Luo Wei into the shape of a symbiotic warrior with a golden appearance.

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