Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 93 You are so happy

Half an hour later.

Lu Li has reached the stage of refining the Red Flame Fruit again.

This time, Lu Li didn't dare to scream again even if he died. He held his breath and held the ground fire switch firmly, ten breaths, thirty breaths...three hundred breaths.

Suddenly, his hand shook!

"Hahahaha, it worked! It worked!"

This time my hands were not really shaking, but I was excited to turn off the ground fire, and then I jumped up and down, laughing, as happy as a five or six-year-old child.

After laughing, he ran to the door and roared into the yard. Then he calmed down a little, and walked back to take out the emerald green pill with red stars.

"It seems a little different from the one I ate before? Isn't it poisonous?"

Lu Li remembered that the one Zhang Song gave them before was dark green, and the color was far less bright. Maybe he didn't pay much attention at the time, and he didn't seem to notice the red stars.

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Lu Li suddenly hesitated.

After thinking about it, Lu Li decided to try it on an animal first, forget about people. Although he was cruel to his enemies, there was no way Lu Li could do it if he was asked to capture people for no reason to test the medicine.

He took out an empty jade bottle, put the 'Acupuncture Pill' in it, walked out of the Taoist temple, and started looking for it on Qingliang Mountain.

Qingliang Mountain was too desolate, with rocks everywhere. He searched for a long time, but couldn't even see a ghost, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

At this time, he was no more than ten feet away from the official road at the foot of the mountain. He was standing on a big stone and looking around. He thought that there was no other way, so he had to take the big black horse to test the medicine.

Thinking of this, he sighed and prepared to return to the top of the mountain.

Suddenly he glanced around and saw that the dry thatch two feet away in front of him seemed to be moving. He looked happy and jumped over instantly.


As soon as he rushed to the thatch, a big gray guy jumped up from it, screamed, and jumped more than ten feet away in an instant.

"What a speed!"

Lu exclaimed, and then with a little effort, he chased after him.

Seeing Lu Li chasing after him, the big guy jumped up again. Lu Li grabbed him down and only pulled out a handful of gray hair.

Only then did he realize that the guy was actually a rabbit half as tall as a man.

A strange cry of ‘You can’t escape! ’ Then he directly transformed the true energy in his meridians into the wind attribute, launched the Wind Step, and surpassed the giant gray rabbit in the blink of an eye.

The gray rabbit was still running wildly, but it couldn't stop in time and crashed into Lu Li. Lu Li turned slightly to one side, and as soon as the opponent passed by him, he stretched out his right hand like lightning, grabbed the opponent's long ear, and lifted him up.

squeak squeak...

The gray rabbit screamed and struggled.

"Little one, if you compare my speed with me, you're still a little behind." Lu Li stared at the big gray rabbit and smiled, then he shined a light on his forehead, making the gray rabbit stunned, and he was about to return. Taoist temple.

"Fellow Taoist, stay!"

Suddenly, an urgent cry came from the official road at the foot of the mountain, and then a young man in white roared towards him, and landed on a strange rock above Lu Li with a clatter: "Tao..."

Before he finished speaking, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the young man's face, "Wow, you actually got hit by me. It's really hard to find a way out, and it takes no effort at all to get along, hahahaha..."

Lu Li raised his eyes and looked at the laughing boy calmly, "What are you laughing at?"

The young man wore a Qingyang Sect official disciple badge on his chest. Lu Li guessed that he was here to arrest him, but he was only at the fourth level of Qi training, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

"What are you laughing at?" The young man restrained his smile slightly, "Junior Brother Lu, I can't hide your affairs anymore. Are you going back by yourself...or is Senior Brother going to invite you personally?"

"Really!" Lu Li finished his sentence and appeared in front of the young man the next moment.

The young man's heart skipped a beat. It was only now that he realized that he had never seriously looked at this 'junior brother'. In a panic, he could only quickly use his energy to protect his body.


A sudden punch landed on his chest, and he only heard a cracking sound coming from his ribs. Then he flew out involuntarily and landed heavily among the strange rocks with a loud bang.

He looked horrified and felt severe pain in his chest. He struggled to get up, but unexpectedly, a foot suddenly fell from the sky and cracked his right calf bone.


He couldn't help but scream in agony, and dug his hands into the cracks in the stone next to him.

All this happened so fast, just a few breaths away. He didn't even have time to use his skills before he became a useless person. But now was obviously not the time to think about this, because he felt the murderous intention of this 'junior brother'. .

He struggled to stand up in fear, but his feet couldn't move at all, "Tao, fellow Taoist, this... is all a misunderstanding... I, I recognized the wrong person, please spare my life..."

"Ha, did you admit the wrong person?" Lu Li showed a faint smile and leaned down to look down at the young man, "I didn't say I wanted to kill you now?"

"No, don't kill me?" The young man was a little disbelieving, but mostly happy, "Thank you, thank you fellow Taoist!"

"You're welcome."

Lu Li looked harmless, took out a jade bottle and poured out the newly refined acupuncture pill, "This is the divine pill I just refined. Should I feed it to you or you?" eat by yourself?"

" this?"

Lu Li's face darkened, "You have no right to ask, either eat or die!"

As he spoke, an axe emerged, "You have to think about it. Even if you die, you can't have a good time... I will cut off all your skin piece by piece, and then sprinkle salt on it..."

Hearing this, the boy felt uneasy. He understood that Lu Li had no intention of letting him go. He hated himself for being so excited that he ended up like this.

Seeing Lu Li's eyes like knives, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer and said quickly, "I, I'll eat it."

In his opinion, since Lu Li fed him the poison pill, he must have some effect. As long as he survived, he might find a chance to escape.

"You're smart." Lu Li held the pill and shouted in a deep voice: "Open your mouth!"

Then he flicked his finger and the pill shot directly into the boy's throat.

The boy coughed a few times, but he couldn't spit out the pill.

The pill entered his stomach, and the boy looked extremely painful at first, but after a while his face gradually became strange, even with disbelief and surprise. His last acupoint that had been unable to open for a long time was actually broken. He was at the fifth level of Qi training!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Hahaha, kid, you're done......!"


Before he finished speaking, Lu Li chopped off the boy's head with an axe, and said faintly: "I'm not happy, why are you happy!"

Then he calmly sacrificed the blood soul flag to suck it into a dry corpse, and then cleaned up the corpse, and then walked towards the mountain, thinking: It's true that someone will send a pillow when you are sleepy. It's much safer to use people to test drugs than monsters.

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