Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 78 I'll give you money too

After listening to Lu Li's plan, the three of them thought it was feasible.

In this way, they would not have to confront Bai Ri Village head-on and be taken advantage of by other mountain villages, and they could also make the other side lose a general, and Bai Ri Village would no longer have the right to speak in the western section.

However, this was also extremely risky. If they were unable to rescue him in time, Lu Li would probably not be able to escape the clutches of the devil.

Lu Li bluntly told the two not to worry, and he had only one way, which was to let the two of them ambush.

After some discussion, Lu Li left.

Li Chenghu also kindly arranged a house for Lu Li, and Lu Li did not refuse. After coming out, someone came to lead him to the house. Lu Li and Lei Ming exchanged some politeness and followed the man.

The house was on the east side of the square, along a green stone road to the end.

Bihu Garden.

Looking at the towering walls and the black gate that was more than ten feet wide, Lu Li was a little surprised.

This Bihu Garden looked a little bigger than Lei Ming's yard.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, he entered the door and was shocked.

I saw the corridors winding around. In the courtyard, the gravel path was covered with rockery and flowers, and the fragrance of flowers wafted in my face. I passed through the front yard of more than 100 feet and a corridor, and saw a small blue lake.

Two long white jade bridges were suspended in the air in a cross shape above the lake, connecting the four directions of the inner courtyard, east, south, west and north.

Around the small lake, there were many attics and swaying green willows, which made people feel relaxed and happy. Surrounding the green water lake, there were many rooms in the east, west and north. The one in the north was slightly more luxurious and looked like the main hall.

After a walk, Lu Li's eyes were almost dazzled. Finally, he stopped at the intersection of the stone bridge above the green water lake and said to the respectful butler behind him: "I'll rest for a while, you go down."

"Okay, young master." The butler bowed and stepped back, then turned and left.

After the butler left, Lu Li sat down on the bench beside the stone bridge.

Looking at the blue sky and feeling the warm wind, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little dazed: thinking back on the journey, he was always on guard against being calculated by others, and his pure young heart seemed to have changed.

"Others treat me sincerely, but I don't even dare to use my real name."

"Is all this... really what I want?"

Lu Li muttered to himself while looking at the sky.

This sitting lasted for an entire afternoon.

Until it got a little dark, Lu Li sighed again, then walked down the stone bridge and walked towards a small building in the east of the lake.

The small building has two floors, the first floor is a spacious living room, the second floor is a bedroom, and there is a long corridor outside the bedroom, where you can see the green willows and blue lake below.

Lu Li was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery, so he closed the door and sat on the bed.

His mind sank into the medicine garden space. At this time, the medicine garden had grown to a range of ten miles. Counting the more than 400 Leihuolan plants collected in the jurisdiction of Youlong Village later, the number of Leihuolan plants in the medicine garden has now reached 850 plants.

The whole medicine garden was a dark blue.

What disappointed him a little was that the green bamboo grass that he had grafted before did not come back to life. It seemed that he had thought too simply. It could not survive without roots and stems.

In this way, he would have to pay more attention to the news of the green bamboo grass in the future.

What was gratifying was that the red flame fruit tree had more than fifty flower buds, red with purple, which was very beautiful.

After exiting the medicine garden space, Lu Li went directly to the Hall of Time. This time he did not plan to retreat for a long time, so he did not practice the Taixuan Sutra, but practiced the Swift Wind Step and the Shaking Mountain Fist.

The Swift Wind Step has now reached the minor success stage, and can move twenty feet in one breath, but Lu Li still feels a little dissatisfied, because with his current cultivation, even if he does not use the Swift Wind Step, he can sweep more than ten feet.

Of course, the speed will be much slower than the Swift Wind Step.

The Swift Wind Step cooperates with the Shaking Mountain, and only a residual image flashes in the Hall of Time, and a roar is heard from time to time in the hall.

The next day, July 1st.

According to the clerk at Jubaotang, there will be an exchange meeting later today, so Lu Li left the Hall of Time early.

Just as he was about to open the door and go out, there was a crisp knock on the door. Lu Li frowned and thought to himself, there seems to be no one else here except himself?

When he opened the door, he saw a little girl in a green skirt, holding a wooden tray with toiletries on it.

Lu Li asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The girl bowed and said crisply, "Sir, I am the maid that Huang Tong has found to serve you. You can call me Xiao He. Breakfast is ready. May I ask...sir, do you want to eat now or later?"

"Maid?" Lu Li wondered when Huang Tong had found a maid to come over. This was good, so that he didn't have to go around looking for food. After thinking for a while, he said, "Eat now."

He planned to go out for a walk after eating.

"Okay, sir, I will help you wash first?" Although Xiao He was not very old, she was obviously trained.

"I'll do it myself." Lu Li felt a little uncomfortable, took the tray and walked back to the room.

After a while, he followed Xiao He to the dining room.

Lu Li was eating by himself, and suddenly found Xiao He standing quietly behind him, and couldn't help but said awkwardly: "How about... together?"

"No, no need?" Xiao He shook her head repeatedly, "We have rules, we can't eat with the owner."

"What a broken rule." Lu Li curled his lips. He didn't like the feeling of being watched while eating, so he said: "Go and tell Huang Tong to prepare a portion for you next time he prepares food. Just say it was me who asked you to do it. Remember it."



"Yes, sir.

After eating in a hurry, Lu Li walked around the inner courtyard for a while, and didn't leave Bihu Garden until noon, and came to the streets of the town to stroll around.

Today's Dihu Town is much more lively than the first time he came here. Most of the people walking on the street have cultivation. Lu Li guessed that these people may also come for the exchange meeting.

This is good. The more people there are, the greater his chance of finding the alchemy furnace.

"Hi, Brother Qin!"

Suddenly, a girl in a water blue skirt suddenly ran up from behind and patted Lu Li on the shoulder gently.

The two men dressed as guards behind the girl also hurriedly followed and saluted Lu Li: "Meetings, sir Qin."

"Haha, you're welcome. "

Lu Li smiled and waved to the two of them, then looked at Lei Xiaoman beside him, "Why did you come out? Your father doesn't care about you anymore?"

Lei Xiaoman said happily, "Daddy seems to have changed his attitude, and... I said, 'I saw Brother Qin come out, he will protect me', so he let me out."

"Me?" Lu Li shook his head speechlessly, "Your father spent money to save you last time, do you think of me as a bodyguard?"

Lei Xiaoman pouted, "I will give you money too, will you protect me?"


"Well, I have money, how much do you want?"

Lu Li glanced at Lei Xiaoman dimly, "Little girl, you still don't understand, the money I'm talking about is not worldly gold and silver, if you take out 10,000 Ningzhen Pills, I will protect you, how about it?"

"Ning... Ningzhen Pills!" Lei Xiaoman exclaimed with her hands covering her mouth.

"Hehe, you can't take it out, right? "Lu Li waved his hand and walked forward quickly, saying as he walked: "Go back quickly, there are many people here today, if you are kidnapped again, your father will probably lose everything."

"Who said I can't take it out? wait!" Lei Xiaoman pouted, stomped her feet, turned around and ran away.

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