Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 738 You Come and Hide

Jiaojiao took the jade talisman and the map and glanced at them casually, then handed them back to Lu Li, "This jade talisman is the token of my sect, you can go there without worry, we won't harm you."

"Your sect? Are those people with you?" Lu Li was very surprised after hearing this.

"Yes, and no, the group of people you saw should be a branch of our sect..." Jiaojiao explained with a faint smile.

"Your sect is quite big, and you even have branches?"

"Of course, otherwise, how dare you do such a big business as the Infant Pill." Jiaojiao said proudly.

"You, aren't you afraid that the four first-class forces will come to trouble you?" Lu Li's eyes flashed slightly.

"Afraid? If we are afraid, we won't do this. Don't worry, even if the four first-class forces come to trouble us, it will not involve you, the independent cultivators, so this transaction is absolutely beneficial to you."

"Okay, I know."

After hearing what Jiaojiao said, Lu Li didn't say anything more, thinking that he would make a decision after going out and seeing the situation.

Judging from the current situation, Jiaojiao's mysterious sect is probably really ready to spread this news, otherwise they would not have given him a jade talisman when they caught him.

But in this way, I am afraid that it will not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the four major sects. How big a storm will it cause? We can only wait and see. If the other party really has the strength to compete with the four major sects, it is not too late to make a decision.

Seeing that Lu Li stopped talking, Jiaojiao flirted with Lu Li a few more words in a charming voice, and then sat aside bored. Lu Li was too lazy to pay attention to her and went directly into the Time Hall to rest.

About half an hour later, Lu Li stood up, stretched his body and flew away. Seeing this, Jiaojiao immediately jumped up, shouting, "Wait for me!" and quickly followed.

However, Lu Li's speed was very fast. Jiaojiao didn't follow for long before Lu Li's figure became blurred, which made her depressed. She thought, what's wrong with me, is it really like him?

She bit her lip, laughed at herself, and then turned and went in another direction.

On the other side, Lu Li saw that Jiaojiao was no longer chasing him, and he slowly slowed down. It was not that he hated Jiaojiao, but he had defined her in his mind from the beginning, thinking that this person had impure thoughts and had some plans for him.

It must be said that Lu Li's intuition was correct. At the beginning, Jiaojiao really had some thoughts about him, otherwise she would not have taken the initiative to approach him.

In the following days, Lu Li continued to search and move forward on the sea hills as before.

However, as he went deeper and deeper, his luck was not as good as before. After running for half a month, he only got three pieces of purple yin ginger.

Moreover, the more he went, the more practitioners Lu Li met, and the hills under his feet began to be broken and dilapidated. There were traces of battles everywhere, and occasionally a few corpses could be seen...

It seems that after more than two months of forbearance, some people finally couldn't help but start to take action.

On this day, Lu Li finally came to the edge of a river about ten feet wide.

According to the map, this river should be the nameless river mentioned by Yuan Junlong. If you follow the river all the way north, you will reach the "Yunhe Mountain", and the space where the Earth Emperor Ginseng mentioned by Yuan Junlong is located is at the bottom of Yunhe Mountain.

After a short pause, Lu Li set off to fly north along the river. After more than a day's journey, Lu Li finally saw a majestic mountain that was pressing on the source of the river.

And this nameless river flows from the bottom of the mountain.

Lu Li took a look from a distance and flew over there. Not long after, he came to the foot of the mountain. At this time, there was a wide arched stone cave in front of him on the right, and the water of the nameless river rolled out of this stone cave.

Lu Li stared at the stone cave, then released his spiritual sense to sense the surrounding movements, and then his eyes flashed, and he soared directly into the sky and landed in the jungle on the upper half of the mountainside above the stone cave.

After restraining his breath, he sat still like a stubborn stone.

Although there was no fighting along the way, flying in the air and using pupil skills from time to time still consumed a lot of his energy. In order to prevent any danger if he went in rashly, Lu Li decided to recover first.

While Lu Li was recovering, several people flew over his head one after another, but they just flashed by and did not stay in Yunhe Mountain. They looked very hurried.

Of course, Lu Li now used the Hidden Breath Technique, so even if someone used spiritual consciousness to search this mountain, it would be impossible to find him.

About half an hour later, Lu Li finally recovered almost. He stood up and prepared to fly down the mountain to find out, but then he frowned and hid behind a slightly larger tree trunk.

At the same time, in the sky opposite, more than a dozen young men and women were flying towards this side. It seemed that their goal was very clear.

When they flew closer, Lu Li found that the people who came were actually wearing the badges of the Huangji Xianzong. Their cultivation levels were not low, and the highest one even reached the late stage of great success.

The dozen people moved very fast, and after a few breaths, they landed steadily not far in front of the stone cave, staring at the direction of the cave entrance.

A man and a woman in the middle were talking while looking, but the distance was too far, so Lu Li could not know the content of their conversation.

After the two of them exchanged a few words, the young late-stage cultivator gave instructions to the others, and then waved his hand. All of them suddenly rose into the air and flew towards the hillside where Lu Li was.

Lu Li had never expected that these people would suddenly fly up, and it was too late to fly away or find a place to hide.

But to his surprise, after these people rose into the air, they actually dispersed and hid in various places in Yunhe Mountain. Only one of the female cultivators landed next to a small tree ten feet away from him.

It seemed that she did not discover his whereabouts.

However, what made Lu Li depressed was that after the female cultivator paused slightly, she walked straight towards him and soon came to a place ten feet in front of him.

Seeing that he couldn't hide any longer, Lu Li could only cough lightly, slowly walked out from behind the tree, and smiled awkwardly, "You hide first, I'll leave first..."

The female cultivator didn't expect that there was someone behind the tree. Lu Li's sudden appearance scared her so much that she flew back and screamed, "You, who are you!"

The movement here immediately alerted the people nearby. With two swish sounds, two men came to Lu Li's left and right in an instant, forming a triangle to surround him in the middle...

"Junior Sister Xue, what's going on?"

The man on the left asked solemnly while being wary of Lu Li and looking at the young woman.

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