Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 54 Seeking the Red Flame Fruit

After turning left and right.

The few people have arrived in a valley. Unlike the jungle before, the temperature in this valley seems to be much higher than outside.

Except for Lu Li, the other three people look very uncomfortable. Zhong Ping and Junior Sister Fu, who are walking in front, have sweat soaking their backs.

Junior Sister Ling's cheeks are also red, like ripe apples. She blinked her big eyes and looked up at Lu Li, and asked curiously: "Brother, don't you feel hot?"

Lu Li tilted his head to look at the other's eyes, and the familiar feeling became stronger. He shook his head, "I'm fine."

After saying that, he couldn't help asking, "Junior Sister, have we... met somewhere before?"

Zhong Ping in front paused, "Junior Brother, what are you kidding, I tell you, Junior Sister Ling has a high status, not something you, a casual cultivator, can reach. You should still have some self-knowledge."

Fu Yao in white thought that Lu Li was very courageous, but unfortunately he was not strong enough.

Junior Sister Ling looked thoughtful when she heard this, and said as she walked: "I also feel that you are somewhat familiar, but I just can't remember..."

"Junior Sister, concentrate your mind, we are almost there." Zhong Ping interrupted.

Junior Sister Ling stopped talking after hearing this.

After a while, two red cliffs suddenly appeared in front of the few people. There was a small crack between the two cliffs, which was very narrow and could only accommodate one person.


But at this moment, a manic beast roar suddenly came from the depths of the crack. The roar came from the crack and shocked people.

Lu Li frowned. Just by the sound, he could tell that this thing was definitely not easy to mess with.

Thinking of this, he slowly stopped his pace.

Seeing Lu Li stop, Zhong Ping, who was about to walk towards the crack, suddenly turned around and said, "Junior Brother, why don't you leave?"

This won't work. He still needs Lu Li to help attract the attention of the flame lion.

"Hehe." Lu Li smiled, "Brother, you haven't told me why you came here. You are all acquaintances, but I am alone. What if you all try to trick me?"

"Besides, you all went straight to this valley. Obviously, there is something you want here. I have no benefit, so why should I help you?"

Zhong Ping frowned, "Brother, what you said is not right. If I hadn't killed the tusk boar, could you have walked here safely... Don't you even have this little gratitude?"

"Yes, brother, you can't forget your roots." Bai Yi Fu Yao said with a turn of her eyes.

"Heh, forget your roots." Lu Li stepped back a few steps and stared at the few people vigilantly, "I didn't pick up a single spiritual medicine along the way, but helped you save Sister Ling. Speaking of forgetting your roots... I'm afraid it's not you who are talking about it."

"Brother Zhong, this brother is right. Since we asked him to come with us, he should also have a share of the Red Flame Fruit. Let's tell him the truth." Sister Ling said.

Red Flame Fruit!

Hearing this, Lu Li's heart was pounding.

The Red Flame Fruit was the last spiritual medicine on the acupuncture pill recipe. Fan Zhengping had drawn it with a pen, and Lu Li had seen it in the "Spiritual Medicine Treasure Book". He thought: No wonder the air here is so hot, is there a magma land inside?

I have already received the news about Lei Huolan, and now the Red Flame Fruit is right in front of me. It seems... God is helping me.

While Lu Li was thinking, Zhong Ping made a decision with a flickering look in his eyes. He said:

"In that case, I won't hide it from you. Deep in this narrow gap is a valley with a diameter of more than 50 feet. There is a cave at the bottom of the cliff behind the valley. According to the clues I have collected, there is a pool of magma in the cave, and the red flame fruit grows in it."

"But to enter the cave, you must pass through the valley, and there is a level one intermediate spirit beast Flame Lion in the valley. What we need to do is that three people attract the attention of the Flame Lion, and the other person takes the opportunity to enter the cave to collect herbs."

"Level one intermediate spirit beast?" Lu Li frowned, "Are you sure you can deal with it?"

Level one intermediate is equivalent to the fourth to sixth level of Qi training. If Zhong Ping is so cautious, it must be at least equivalent to the fifth level of Qi training.

Zhong Ping shook his head and said, "There is no need to kill it. The Flame Lion is huge. It can't enter either the gap in the cliff or the cave behind. We just need to hold it back for a while when our teammates go to collect herbs."

Is that so?

Lu Li's eyes flickered, "Okay, I agree, but... how are you going to divide this Red Flame Fruit?"

Zhong Ping smiled but didn't smile, and said directly: "Since we are sharing it together, of course we will divide it equally."

After saying this, Fu Yao and Junior Sister Ling looked over in surprise.

Lu Li thought, "This guy said it so straightforwardly, it seems that he is not going to share it with me, and he might even kill me after he succeeds... But he has the highest cultivation among the few people, and it is obviously impossible for him to enter the cave to collect herbs. Then I..."

Thinking of this, Lu Li pretended to smile happily, "In this case... Thank you, Senior Brother!"

"Haha, you're welcome, let's go!"

The group then walked into the narrow gap one after another, Zhong Ping in front, Fu Yao, whose cultivation was higher than Lu Li and reached the fourth level of Qi training, walked in second, Lu Li was third, and Junior Sister Ling was the last.

It seems that Zhong Ping is going to let Junior Sister Ling go to collect herbs. In this way, can he snatch the Red Flame Fruit from Junior Sister Ling?

Just as several people entered the gap, in the canyon in the distance, a group of shirtless men were watching this scene with shining eyes.

"Boss, should we follow him in?" Wang Hufa rolled his eyes and said gloomily.

The burly man in the lead said with his eyelids slightly lowered, "Just wait here. There is a Jedi behind the gap. They can't escape."

"Okay, the boss is still wise. We will sit here and reap the benefits. The fur of the flame lion is worth a lot of money."

"Hehe, in fact, I have discovered the flame lion inside a long time ago, but I have been worried about the casualties of my brothers, so I didn't touch the beast. These ignorant people dared to go in. I must have something to rely on. I will wait here until they run out of cards, and then, hehe."

The boss obviously didn't know the real purpose of Zhong Ping's trip.

The end of the crack.

Lu Li looked forward through the gap between the two people in front of him. It was indeed a valley inside, surrounded by towering cliffs. The valley was sparsely covered with grass and trees, and a giant lion was lazily lying between two ancient trees.

The male lion was nearly two feet long, with strong limbs, fangs in its mouth, and a red body. It lay on the ground like a small mountain. It was not easy to mess with.

Through the sparse redwood, Lu Li could vaguely see a two-foot wide and five-foot high dark cave entrance opposite the valley. It must be the cave where the red flame fruit was mentioned by Zhong Ping.

At this moment, Zhong Ping turned his head and said in a serious tone: "I will count one, two, three, and the three of us will rush out together to lead the flame lion to the left, and then Sister Ling will take the opportunity to go to the cave to pick the red flame fruit. Remember it."

Several people nodded.

Seeing this, Zhong Ping held his breath and began to count lightly: one, two, three!

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards the flame lion.


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