Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 4 Hope

Come to the temple.

When Li Xiangyun saw Zhang Song's scary old face again, he couldn't help but take a step back in fright.

"Little guy, you seem to be afraid of me?"

"No, it's not."

"Haha, don't worry, I am an immortal and will not harm you." Zhang Song showed a smile, stepped forward and said in a gentle tone: "Come, take this pill, if you can hold on, you can become an immortal. ”

"Really?" Li Xiangyun suddenly showed excitement after hearing that he could cultivate immortality.

"Of course, I never lie to children." Zhang Song handed over the elixir.

Li Xiangyun stared at the elixir, stretched out his little hand, took it, and threw it into his mouth after a moment's hesitation.


In an instant, Li Xiangyun's face was distorted, and he fell to the ground with a thud. His body was shaking wildly, as if he was having an epileptic fit. Within a dozen breaths, he kicked his feet and stopped moving.

"Master." Fan Zhengping looked at this scene and hesitated to speak.

Zhang Song's face turned ugly, "Okay! Deal with him. I will go down the mountain to continue looking for the elixir. You guard the Taoist temple and wait for me to come back. If anything goes wrong, I will only ask you."

"Yes, master."

Zhang Song flicked his sleeves, turned around and went back to the room to clean up. After a while, he walked out of the room carrying a package and stared at Fan Zhengping: "Zhengping, I know you have a kind heart, but you have to remember that you are a cultivator." However, good intentions cannot achieve great things. When I come back next time, I hope you have changed..."

"Yes, master."

After Zhang Song left, Fan Zhengping sighed again, picked up Li Xiangyun's body and left the hall.

There was a small door on the left side of the yard. Fan Zhengping opened the small door, and in front of him was a large pit with a radius of several feet. The pit was full of stench, filled with flies, and countless corpses were piled in it.

Some corpses have just begun to rot, while others have turned into bones.

Fan Zhengping just glanced at Li Xiangyun and threw him away. The originally lively and cute child became a target of flies and ants in a blink of an eye.

Time went by and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Mud monkey, the fat man said, Xiang Yun has been quiet for several days. It seems that he is not in the room at all."

In Room 1, Lu Li was leaning against the partition wall, and the worried voice of Qin Shouren next door came from a small hole next to him that was no bigger than a fist.

After these few days, several people's initial panic has turned into numbness.

The three of them punched a small hole in the wall of the adjacent room with their fists. Next door to Chen Zhong was Li Xiangyun. No matter how Chen Zhong called Li Xiangyun these days, the other party did not respond.

"I understand." Lu Li responded calmly, but there was no further explanation.

Except for the adjacent partition wall, which was made of bricks, the surrounding walls of this room were made of large rocks, which could not be shaken. He really couldn't think of where to escape.

"Are we going to die?" Qin Shouren's voice was trembling.

"I don't know." Lu Li didn't know how to comfort him. If his guess was correct, Li Xiangyun might have had an accident and it wouldn't be long before it was their turn.

Under the dim light, Lu Li raised his left hand, stared at the small tower pattern in his palm, and murmured, "What the hell are you?"

Upon closer inspection, he suddenly discovered that there were words on the small tower. In addition to the four words "Three Treasures Glaze" written on the base of the tower, the three floors from bottom to top were respectively engraved with the words "Jie", "Kong" and "Shi". word.

"Three Treasures Glazed Pagoda?" Lu Li blurted out, wondering if this is not a ghost, but some kind of treasure?


Just when Lu Li was about to take a closer look, the door was pushed open, and a young Taoist about 17 or 18 years old stood at the door. He glanced at Lu Li on the ground and said, "Master is not here, come out and breathe."

It was Fan Zhengping.

Can you go out?

The fresh air that had not been seen for a long time rushed into the room. Lu Li suddenly stood up and rushed out in a few steps, breathing in the air outside.

Not long after, Qin Shouren and Chen Zhong also ran out.

"I'll kill you!" Suddenly, Chen Zhong waved his fist and rushed towards Fan Zhengping.

Fan Zhengping frowned slightly, and the moment the opponent rushed in front of him, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked Chen Zhong on the chest, sending him flying back and hitting the wall behind him heavily.

Chen Zhong screamed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Lu Li and Qin Shouren's expressions changed and they rushed over to help Chen Zhong up.

Fan Zhengping shook his head and looked at the others, "I have violated the master's instructions by letting you out. If you don't know what to do, then I will have no choice but to lock you back."

"Where's Xiang Yun, what did you do to Xiang Yun!" Chen Zhong was still struggling to rush forward, roaring.

"If you are talking about that child, I can tell you that he is dead."


Qin Shouren and Lu Li were both stunned when they heard the news. Although they had already made assumptions, they still found it hard to accept the news.

Qin Shouren's fists clenched and he was about to rush forward, but Lu Li stopped him and shook his head at him: "Go back."

Qin Shouren showed unwillingness and went back to the room angrily, slamming the door shut.

Chen Zhong glanced at Lu Li seriously, unable to hide his disappointment, and turned back to the room.

"You're very smart. Even though I'm only at the first level of Qi training, I'm not something you mortal brats can handle." Fan Zhengping glanced appreciatively at the skinny black boy, who was a head shorter than him, and turned towards him. He walked towards a stone chair in the middle of the courtyard and said as he walked: "Let's talk."

Lu Li took a deep breath and followed slowly.

After arriving at the stone chair and sitting down, Fan Zhengping patted the side and said, "Sit down."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment, then sat over without saying a word.

Seeing that Lu Li was silent, Fan Zhengping said to himself: "Actually, like you, I was once caught to test medicine, but I was more lucky. He suddenly gave me an awakening pill, and I I happen to have five spiritual roots, so he accepted me as his apprentice to help him. He has taught me a lot of skills over the years. I am very grateful to him, but I don’t want him to continue killing people, so... I am very conflicted. ”

Hearing this, Lu Li looked at Fan Zhengping in surprise. Unexpectedly, he was also captured. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look forward to it: "Master Immortal, in this case, can you secretly let us go?"

Fan Zhengping shook his head, "It's not that I don't want to let you go, but I can't. Not to mention that the master treats me badly, if I let you go, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive after he comes back."

"Can't we leave together?"

Fan Zhengping glanced at Lu Li strangely, "Why should I leave? The master is testing a kind of elixir. If the test is successful, my cultivation level will definitely improve by leaps and bounds... Maybe the master is right, mortals should become us cultivators." Proud of the stepping stone.”

To put it bluntly, it is just selfishness. The so-called benevolence only exists when the interests of the other party are not touched.

From the few words the other party said, Lu Li understood what the other party meant. It turned out that the so-called immortals were not as greedy as he thought. They were even more greedy than mortals.

Hearing this, Lu Li stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Fan Zhengping said again: "Although I can't let you go, I can give you a hope..."

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