Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 392: Searching for Gu Tiechui

February 13, Gu Family Refining Room.

The lotus throne with dim light slowly rotated above the ground fire.

The eighteen lotus petals along the edge slowly opened and closed, and green runes were all over the lotus platform, flickering. The dark black color added a bit of weirdness to the solemn lotus platform.

The man in white made a seal with one hand, and the green true essence line was always connected to the lotus platform. The green breath visible to the naked eye slowly flowed into the lotus platform along the thin line.


Suddenly, the dim light of the lotus platform surged, instantly covering the light of the ground fire.

After a few breaths, the light disappeared, and even the flickering green runes on the lotus platform also retreated.

Seeing this, Lu Li's face was delighted, and he quickly controlled the lotus platform to slowly fall into the pool. With a sizzling sound, white mist immediately rose in the pool.

After a long while, Lu Li finally picked it up. Looking at the dark lotus platform as big as a basin in his hand, he couldn't help showing his joy, "Finally, I have a top-grade flying magic weapon."

After playing with it for a while, Lu Li put it away and picked up the mysterious iron hammer that was leaning on the wall next to him.

This hammer is called the Heaven Shaking Hammer. The hammer handle is five feet long, and the hammer body is huge and square. The whole body is covered with spider web-like cracks. The cracks reveal red and blue colors, which looks like flames and lightning hidden in it, which is quite extraordinary.

What makes Lu Li satisfied is not only that the Heaven Shaking Hammer contains the power of thunder and fire, but also the gravity characteristics of the Heaven Shaking Hammer. Not to mention that its body has reached a weight of 3,600 kilograms, it also contains ten gravity amplification runes.

If all are driven, a hammer can burst out a force of 360,000 kilograms, which is quite violent.

After putting away the two treasures, Lu Li left the weapon refining room.


These days, Gu Chungang has been in a state of anxiety, and he comes to wait outside the weapon building whenever he has time.

Although he was not worried about Lu Li running away with the money with Mu Yang's guarantee, he hoped that Lu Li could refine the Heaven Shaking Hammer, so that his grandson would have more protection.

Today, before he even got close to the weapon building, he saw a young man in white clothes coming out from afar. He couldn't help but show a trace of doubt, holding the corner of his clothes and ran over quickly, "Daoyou Lu, you?!"

He thought, it's only been thirteen days since he came out, could it be that the materials were wasted?

Lu Li looked surprised, "Master Gu is waiting for me here?"

"Yes, I haven't been eating or sleeping well these days, I've been burning incense and praying, just hoping that Daoyou can successfully refine the Heaven Shaking Hammer, but Daoyou coming out so soon makes me even more uneasy." Gu Chungang did not hide his inner thoughts.

Lu Li asked curiously, "Why are you uneasy? Do you think I failed in refining?"

Gu Chungang was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "Fellow Daoist, could it be..."

Lu Li smiled, and immediately a dazzling sledgehammer appeared in his hand, and he threw it to Gu Chungang, "Fortunately, you have fulfilled your mission."

Gu Chungang reached out to take it, but unexpectedly, his hand suddenly sank, and his whole body suddenly bent down, and the sledgehammer fell to the ground with a clang. He was stunned for a moment, "Why is it so heavy!"

In fact, with his initial perfect cultivation, this 3,000-pound sledgehammer was not difficult to handle, but Lu Li threw it out suddenly, catching him off guard.

Then, he bent down again, raised the sledgehammer, with the handle facing down, and hit the blue brick with a clang, directly breaking the blue brick into pieces.

After taking a closer look, he said, "Good, good, it's really the Heaven Shaking Hammer, great!"

As he said that, he raised his hands upwards, and at the same time, with the surge of his true energy, the hammer body hummed and instantly became the size of a yellow barrel, and the hammer handle also directly became more than three feet long.

Then he smashed the hammer to the side.


A deafening sound suddenly came out, and blue bricks mixed with soil flew everywhere, and then fell to the ground like a rainstorm, leaving a big pit of four or five feet in radius, which was shocking.

"Good hammer, really a good hammer!"

Gu Chun just took back his true energy, stroked the Heaven Shaking Hammer and praised it, looking like he couldn't let it go.

Seeing this, Lu Li smiled and said, "Master Gu, can you give me this Heaven Shaking Hammer first? As long as your grandson is still alive, I can guarantee that he will be safely sent back to the Gu family.

But I am in a hurry. After rescuing your grandson, I am afraid I will not have time to come back to get this Heaven Shaking Hammer."

According to the other party's previous statement, Gu Tiechui was robbed on the way to Linye City to deliver goods, and Linye City is located in the south of Beiyin City. It is very likely that the robbers are also in the south.

If he can get the Heaven Shaking Hammer in advance, after rescuing Gu Tiechui, he can go directly south to Tianqiong Mountain in Huanhai Country, and there is no need to turn back to get this Heaven Shaking Hammer.

Hearing what Lu Li said, Gu Chungang immediately showed an embarrassment, "Well, Fellow Daoist Lu, it's not that I don't believe you, but the truth is, if my Gu family loses this Heaven Shaking Hammer, we will no longer have the qualifications to negotiate with that thief.

How about I give you 100,000 spirit stones first, and when you rescue my grandson, I will give this thing to you, how about...?"

"That's fine, at most I will make another trip then."

Seeing that the other party didn't agree, Lu Li didn't say much. After collecting the spirit stones, he asked again, "Have you taken your grandson's personal belongings?"

"Found it, found it." Gu Chungang heard the words and quickly put away the Heaven Shaking Hammer, then took out a brocade box and handed it to Lu Li, "Fellow Daoist, look, this is my grandson's hair."

When Lu Li heard it was hair, he couldn't help but feel relieved. If it was just clothes, it might be difficult to collect the Qi, but hair is different. The shed hair is enough to ensure that the Qi will not dissipate for more than ten years.

After opening the brocade box and taking a look, Lu Li was a little surprised and said, "Your grandson has curly hair?"

Gu Chungang was stunned, "No, my grandson is bald."

Lu Li looked strange, and suddenly he showed a look of sudden realization, and his face twitched slightly, "I understand, Master Gu, don't worry, I will go to find your grandson now, and I hope that Master Gu will keep his promise and hand over the Heaven Shaking Hammer to me."

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Lu, I Gu Chungang always keeps my word. Although this Heaven Shaking Hammer is precious, it is not worth mentioning compared to my grandson's life."


After separating from Gu Chungang, Lu Li left Beiyin City without stopping.

When he came to a secluded place outside the south gate, he took out the curly hair in the brocade box, and then sacrificed Qianji Yin, crushing the hair with his true essence and letting it fall into Qianji Yin's Tianchi.

Seeing a flash of white light in the center of Qianji Yin's Tianchi, Lu Li put it in his arms.

The sensing range of Qianjiyin is only fifty miles. It may take some time to find the Gu Iron Hammer, but fortunately he knows the general direction, which can save a lot of trouble.

Moreover, he now has a flying magic weapon like the Nine-Turn Lotus Platform, which will make the journey much faster.

Thinking of this, Lu Li summoned the Nine-Turn Lotus Platform. As the true essence surged, the lotus platform began to expand rapidly until it became three feet in diameter. Lu Li then jumped on it.

With a thought, he instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared on the spot. The speed was so fast that he almost threw Lu Li off...

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