Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 385 Demon Soul Contract

Lu Li wanted to take off the strange egg and study it, but the temperature of the flames in the fire pit was too high. He just took two steps forward, and his skin felt like it was being cut by a knife, so he had to stop.

As his mind moved, he suddenly reached out and made a move in the air, trying to catch him by telephoto. Unexpectedly, the seemingly inconspicuous tripod flashed a string of dark runes, blocking Lu Li's true energy back. .

After trying it several times in succession, the result was still the same. Lu Li had no choice but to give up and turned to look at the dragon case behind the fire pond.

There is nothing else on the dragon case except a bundle of jade slips.

Besides, there were no other decorations in the entire hall except for the fire pond, the strange egg, and the dragon case. Now Lu Li only hoped that the jade slip would be what he was looking for.

After a moment's hesitation, Lu Li walked to the right side of the hall, bypassing the fire pond, and came to the back of the Dragon Case.

He reached out and took off the jade slip, unfolded it and took a look.

"Great!" Lu Li couldn't help shouting out the words 'Demon Soul Contract' before he saw it. After planning for so long, he finally got the Demon Soul Contract.

After a cursory glance, Lu Li couldn't help being shocked.

According to the above, the demon soul contract uses the soul seal to plant the seeds of the contract in the mind of the demon beast. After this seed is planted, it will be completely integrated with the soul of the demon beast.

As long as he is willing, with just a thought, he can trigger the contract seed to self-destruct, causing the contracted beast to lose its soul in an instant and not even be able to reincarnate.

Moreover, this contract seed will be inherited. As long as he does not take the initiative to terminate the contract, the descendants of the contracted beast will also be under his control. It can be said that a demon will be a slave for generations.

It's no wonder that the Spirit Beast Palace was jointly annihilated by the big monsters. This was simply cutting off the inheritance of the monster clan.

"This thing seems to be a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will definitely be of great help to you. If you don't use it well, you may become the target of the demon clan."

After looking at it again, Lu Li took the jade slip into the Space Palace, then looked at the strange egg with reluctance, and left the Golden Palace.

In the stone chamber.

Lu Li suddenly laughed at himself and wondered why he was panicking. Isn't this spirit beast seal his own? When will he not be able to enter the Golden Palace in the future, can that weird egg escape?

When he took out the spirit beast seal from the ancient jade base, the golden palace disappeared. Then, he put the spirit beast seal back and tested it. As expected, the golden palace reappeared.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li was determined. He first put the spirit beast seal into the Space Palace, then put away the ancient jade base, and then left the stone room without stopping.

After rushing out of the wellhead, Lu Li moved the manhole cover over and covered the wellhead before heading back the way he came.

Pingtan Lake, next to a big black stone in the south, the little boy is lying on the ground, staring at the lake from a distance. His uncoordinated big head rises and lies down, then rises and lies down again, and so on, which looks a bit awkward. anxious.


Suddenly, a figure suddenly burst out of the water, and then landed in front of Little Dot with a snap. Little Dot jumped up happily and whined at the person who came.

The visitor was naturally Lu Li.

However, because he rushed too fast when he came back and broke many bones, his whole body was now sticky and filled with a strong fishy smell, which made him very uncomfortable.

But this didn't bother him. As soon as his true energy surged, the dirt and impurities on his body and clothes disappeared, and his whole body felt refreshed instantly.

After tidying up, Lu Li picked up the little one and took a closer look, only to find that the little one had directly broken through to the late second level. He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, thinking that the blood beads were really powerful.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to leave, so he sat down on the edge of the big rock, held the little one in front of him, and said seriously, "Little guy, I have a very important question to ask you. All you have to do is nod or shake your head. "

Of course, Lu Li wanted to take this little guy into the medicine garden, because it was really inconvenient to take him outside. However, Lu Li didn't intend to force the contract. If the little guy didn't want to, then forget it.

However, he may not work so hard to train the little guy in the future, because he has always been particular about getting something in return for his investment. Only a living Bodhisattva can do this without giving in return.

The little one blinked in confusion and nodded, telling Lu Li that he was listening.

Lu Li then continued, "I have something similar to a beast ring. I can put you in it, but the prerequisite is that you have to sign a contract with me. You can consider whether you are willing to do it or not."

Hearing this, Xiao Budian rolled his eyes and neither nodded nor shook his head. Instead, he lowered his head and licked the mouth of Lu Li's left hand. At the same time, he winked and made a strange expression, making Lu Li look confused.

Seeing Lu Li's confusion, the little boy stuck out his tongue and licked Lu Li's mouth, still making weird noises in his mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Li let go of his left hand, holding the little boy in one hand, revealing the tower-shaped pattern on the palm of his hand, and asked in surprise, "You... saw it?"

When the little boy saw the tower-shaped pattern, he nodded immediately, and his eyes shone with excitement.


This scared Lu Li quite a lot, and he thought, how could this guy know about Xiaota? It seems that we must take down this guy today, either by signing a contract or...

It's not that Lu Li is cruel, but that Xiaota is so outrageous that he must not be exposed to outsiders.

Thinking of this, Lu Li slowly closed his legs, put the little one on his knees, pinched the little one's neck calmly, and said softly, "So, are you willing to sign a contract with me?"

The little one felt uncomfortable being pinched by Lu Li, twisted his neck, and babbled as if saying, "It's almost out of breath."

When Lu Li loosened his grip a little, it nodded to show that it was willing.

Seeing this, Lu Li's expression was slightly relaxed, and he put the little one on the ground, "Then, I'm going to start. The process is a bit uncomfortable, you have to be patient."

The little one didn't look afraid, but looked expectant, and nodded again.

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Lu Li exhaled, and then, as recorded in the 'Demon Soul Contract', he began to quickly condense the hand seal, and at the same time endured the severe pain and separated a trace of soul power to wrap around his fingertips.

As the seal was formed faster and faster, the gray soul power also changed rapidly, and soon it turned into a strange rune mark, and combined with the power of true essence, it flickered with a faint light.

Seeing this, Lu Li's eyes condensed, and then he pointed a finger at the little guy's forehead.

The rune instantly melted into the little guy's forehead.


The little guy, who was caught off guard, screamed in pain, covered his head with his claws, and rolled wildly on the ground, looking very painful...

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