Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 377 Planning Yunlu Mountain

It contains detailed records of many spiritual beasts suitable for training as war beasts, each with its own specialties and methods of training and taming. It can be called an encyclopedia of beast taming.

Just like one of the spiritual beasts called the Purple-clothed Electric Mosquito, Lu Li was very interested in it.

According to the above introduction, this purple-clad electric mosquito is not a mosquito, but an extremely small bird. It is named because its body is comparable to a mosquito and its speed is like lightning.

The Purple-clothed Electric Mosquito does not have strong attack power, but its endurance and concealment are excellent. It is an extremely rare detective spirit beast.

Can be used to track or detect dangerous things.

Unfortunately, according to the above statement, the purple-clad electric mosquito has almost disappeared and is basically impossible to find again. Moreover, its habits are special and it is very good at hiding. Even if you bump into it head-on, you may not be able to recognize it.

"What a shame."

Lu Li closed the booklet angrily. If he caught one, this thing would be of great use. I thought back then, Lien Yun of Wangqing Valley used that little cyan bird to track him.

If I hadn't paid attention in advance, I might have been fooled by the other party.


At this moment, the small door at the entrance of the valley was suddenly pushed open from the outside. A young man poked his head in and looked around. Then his face lit up and he walked in quickly.

"Senior Brother Lu, are you okay?" Ning Fan trotted up to Lu Li and asked in surprise.

"It's Junior Brother Ning."

Lu Li put away the beast control notes and said with a smile, "It's just a minor injury. It's fine. Junior Brother Ning, please sit down."


Ning Fan sat across from Lu Li as he was told, looked at Lu Li across the stone table, and said curiously, "Brother, is there a big problem in the Ten Thousand Beast Tower? The headmaster actually sealed the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, and I don't know what happened next. Can it be unblocked this time?”

"Well, the problem is indeed not a small one, but it shouldn't take too long to unblock..." Lu Li did not tell the other party the truth, but vaguely recounted what happened inside.

However, Lu Li knew that even if the seal was unsealed, there would probably be no more demon spirits produced inside.

Because those big demons have completely perished, and the previous demon spirits were derived from the blood of the big demons.

Hearing that the seal would be lifted soon, Ning Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If it remained sealed, wouldn't it mean that no one would be able to enter the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts in the future?

Lu Li and Ning Fan chatted for a while, and then they realized that the other party was sent by Xie Changan to inquire about his injury. He thought to himself that this old man was really kind-hearted. Could it be that he was afraid that he would have no place to repay his kindness if he died?

During the chat, Lu Li pretended to be casual and said, "Junior brother Ning Fan, have you ever heard of Zushan?"

"Zu Shan?"

Ning Fan nodded and said, "Of course, anyone who has been here for a while knows the existence of Zushan. However, it is called a forbidden area and disciples are not allowed to enter."

"Forbidden area!"

Lu Li pretended to be surprised and said, "There is still such a saying. Junior brother, can you tell me the location of the forbidden area, so that I can have a clue in my mind to avoid accidentally entering it and causing trouble."

"Where is it?"

Ning Fan scratched his head, "Actually, I don't know the specific location, but I heard someone say that it is five hundred miles away in the north. But senior brother, there is no need to worry, there is a large formation there, and I heard that it is below the Golden Core It’s impossible to break the formation, let alone break into it.”

There is a big formation.

Lu Li didn't feel his face twitch, thinking that this was really troublesome, but on the surface he showed a relieved expression, "So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Then he asked curiously, "Since there is a big formation there, no one should have gone in, right?"

"Someone went in."

"Is there anyone?"

"Well, I heard that every ten years, the headmaster and the great elder will go inside to worship. It seems that my ancestors from Spirit Beast Mountain are buried inside."

"Also, do they have to break the formation and then rearrange it every time?"

"No need. It is said that there is a stone gate under the formation. You only need to open the stone gate to enter." Ning Fan said mysteriously, "Senior brother, do you know where senior brother Yun Yi has gone?"

"Brother Yun? Where have you gone?"

Only now did Lu Li remember that he hadn't seen Yun Yi for a long time.

Ning Fan smiled and said, "Hey, I just went to guard the stone gate. It's an easy job and the contribution is high. I heard that many senior brothers and sisters are vying to go. It is precisely because of the relationship with the Great Elder that Senior Brother Yun Only then can we get close to the water and the terrace.”

"So he went to guard the gate. I asked him why I haven't seen him for so long." Lu Li looked astonished. "I wonder, does the gatekeeper have any requests?"

"Senior brother also wants to do the gatekeeping task?"

"Well, we are lacking some resources recently, so..."

"That's it." Ning Fan said apologetically, "I don't know the specific requirements. It seems that only direct disciples like Senior Brother can do this kind of task. How about... Senior Brother ask the Great Elder?"

"Okay, I have time to ask. Thank you, junior brother, for clearing up the confusion."


After exchanging a few polite words, Ning Fan said goodbye and left, while Lu Li remained sitting still, lost in thought.

According to Ning Fan, Yunlu Mountain still has strong restrictions. If he breaks through forcefully, regardless of whether he can break the formation, even if he does break the formation, it will undoubtedly cause big trouble.

In this case, the only way to find a breakthrough is through Shimen.

However, there are people guarding the stone gate. There is no guarantee that the guards have any special means to notify the sect's senior officials in time when an accident occurs.

So, if he forced his way in, it might not be safe.

After thinking about it, Lu Li decided to ask Xie Changan if he could find a job guarding the stone gate. In this way, it would be much easier to enter the ancestral mountain.

Lu Li did what he said. He left Chenxiang Valley immediately and came to the backyard of Taiheng Palace soon.

At this time, Xie Changan was lying on a recliner, sipping tea and listening to what Ning Fan said. There was a girl in yellow standing next to him. It was Chu Xiang.

For some reason, Chu Xiang looked a little depressed.

"Hey, Senior Brother Lu, why are you here so soon?"

Ning Fan saw Lu Li coming and seemed to have guessed what Lu Li was going to do. At the same time, he looked at Chu Xiang and smiled, "Senior Sister, I think you don't have to worry about your matter anymore."

Chu Xiang was a little confused. Seeing Lu Li coming, he quickly saluted and said, "Hello, Senior Brother. I just heard that you are fine. I didn't expect you to come here."

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "I'm just a minor injury. I have something to ask you, so I came here."

He then bowed to Xie Changan on the rattan chair and said, "Hello, Senior."

Xie Changan smiled and said, "I'm glad you're okay, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to rest easy."

"Senior is really kind-hearted. In fact, even if I really have an accident, it has nothing to do with you. As for repaying your gratitude, I think you should not be too persistent, so as not to leave a knot in your heart."

"Haha, you are quite open-minded. Tell me, what do you want to ask me for?"

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