Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 333: A fool with no vision

The little reptile was red all over, five inches long, and as thick as a little finger.

At first glance, this guy looked like a mutated red silkworm, but if you look closely, you will find that there are two short tentacles on the top of this guy's head, but they are not very obvious.

"What is this four-legged beast?" Lu Li stared at the reptile with a look of wonder.

"Could it be a medicinal insect that eats spiritual medicine?"

Lu Li suddenly thought of a possibility. This medicine garden has now expanded to a hundred miles in radius. There are weeds everywhere, but he has never seen a medicinal insect. Now think about it, it is his carelessness.

Thinking of this, Lu Li slowly stretched out his hand and prepared to pinch this guy to death.

As soon as Lu Li pinched the little insect, he felt a soft feeling on his fingertips, which felt like touching a silkworm, very comfortable.

But pests are pests, they must die!

Thinking of this, he was ruthless and prepared to pinch it to death.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he exerted force, a childish scream came from his mind, "Daddy, it hurts!"


Lu Li was so scared that he almost jumped up and looked around in fear.

"It's me, let me go, Daddy is pinching me."

The childish voice sounded again, and at the same time, the little silkworm between Lu Li's fingers shook its body desperately, and its originally closed eyes had opened, revealing two extremely uncoordinated large eyeballs that almost occupied one-third of the head area.


Lu Li realized that there was something wrong with the red silkworm in his hand, and he couldn't help but stare, "Is it you, a stink bug, who is talking?"

"I, I'm not a stink bug, I... What am I?"

The small antennae on the red silkworm's head moved, and at the same time, the eyeballs turned around, looking like it was thinking, but after thinking for a long time, it still couldn't figure out what it was.

It turned out that this guy was really talking in his mind? !

At this time, Lu Li was both horrified and puzzled.

But the guy seemed to have some brain problems, stupid, and didn't seem to pose any threat to him, so he put it back on the leaves of the red flame fruit tree and asked, "Why are you here?"

Little Red Silkworm: "Yes, why am I here?"

Lu Li:......

He was convinced. This guy seemed to know nothing? Suddenly, Lu Li seemed to remember something and asked again, "Did you come out of a 'silkworm cocoon'?"

He remembered that he had seen a big silkworm cocoon in the medicine garden before, but he hadn't seen it for a long time. However, the cocoon was so big and this guy was so small, and he thought something was wrong.

"Silkworm cocoon? Is that what Daddy is talking about?"

Just as the little red silkworm finished speaking, suddenly, a two-foot-long giant black 'egg' suddenly jumped out of the soil, hit his forehead with a thud, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The black egg was covered with strange silver lines.

"Uh... you, uncle."

Lu Li rubbed his forehead, glanced at the little red silkworm with resentment, and then looked down. Sure enough, this black egg with lines on it was the one he had seen before.

However, the lines on it seemed to have lost their magic now, and they no longer made him dizzy.

He picked it up and looked at it, and found that there was indeed an inconspicuous hole on the 'eggshell', so he pointed at the hole and asked, "Did you get out from here?"

The little red silkworm nodded and cried in a baby voice, "Yes, yes."

It really is.

Lu Li rubbed his forehead and felt a little headache. He patiently communicated with the little bug for a while and found that this guy was always in a state of confusion.

Some things, once you ask, it can answer.

But some things, no matter how hard you ask, it will roll its eyes at you like a big fool.

When Lu Li asked why the other party could communicate with him, the little red silkworm said that he didn't understand, but he vaguely felt that he was connected to Lu Li.

At the same time, the breath of Lu Li made it feel close to him, and it felt that... Lu Li was its father.

This made Lu Li speechless. How could he be the father of a worm?

So he decisively asked the other party to change his words.

Unexpectedly, the little worm was throwing a tantrum with him and refused to do so. When Lu Li was so angry that he wanted to grab the other party and throw him out of the medicine garden, the little red silkworm disappeared all of a sudden.

But this time, the other party's concealment was not so perfect.

Although Lu Li could not be 100% sure of the location of the little red silkworm, he could still sense the general direction of the little red silkworm. Lu Li himself didn't know where this feeling came from.

It was like intuition.

But when he was about to set out to grab the little red silkworm, there were suddenly bursts of huge roars outside.

Lu Li frowned slightly, had to give up catching the little red silkworm temporarily, and retreated from the medicine garden.

Looking up, he found that many Qi training monks came up from Wuyang Peak. These monks either used spells or mysterious black balls to bombard the jungle and the mountain.

The huge explosion sounded, mixed with the sound of giant trees and mountains collapsing, and the whole Wuyang Peak was instantly filled with dust and smoke.

"Hey, brother, you really know how to choose a position."

At this moment, a tall and thin boy came out of the jungle behind Lu Li panting and sat down next to Lu Li, "Huh! Cool!"

Lu Li tilted his head to look at the boy, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"Hey, brother, you look unfamiliar. Are you new here?" The young man realized that he didn't seem to have seen the man in front of him.


"Oh, so that's the case. I was wondering why I hadn't seen you before. I'm Fang Fang. I haven't asked you yet?"

"Fang Fang?"

Lu Li raised his eyelids, "Are you from the Daishui Fang family?"

Fang Fang was slightly stunned, shook his head, and sighed, "Yes, I am from the Fang family, but I don't know how long the name Daishui Fang family can last."

"Why do you say that?"

"Nothing, just complaining. Let's go and work. Otherwise, if the manager finds out that you and I are lazy, I'm afraid we will be deducted from our work and contributions again."

As he spoke, he stood up.

Seeing Lu Li sitting still, he kindly reminded him, "Brother, you are new here and don't know that this manager Liu Baopi is famous for taking advantage of others.

Don't even mention being lazy. Even if you work normally, he can find a lot of problems with you and deduct your contribution. So, I advise you to get up and work quickly."

"Thank you."

Lu Li smiled, "You go first, I want to sit for a while."

"Hey, I'm being nice, you'll know I'm doing this for you in a while." Fang Fang shook his head, turned around and went into the jungle behind him, and started bombarding.

Not to mention, Fang Fang's mouth was like a blessing.

Not long after, a fat man with a bloated mustache came to the top of the mountain, surrounded by four followers.

When the four followers saw Lu Li sitting on a large stone slab to blow the wind, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and thought at the same time: Hiss, there are such stupid people in this world, such a good opportunity, it's a pity not to show it...

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