Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 320 The Fifth Dragon Ridge

The azure world is wrapped by a huge runic barrier, the harsh wind sounds in the boundless darkness, and the dim ancient altar has been untouched for countless years.

The old man with dull eyes walked tremblingly to the ancient altar, raised his head to look up at the sky, and sighed, "How can we take that step in a world with scarce resources..."

Behind the old man, an ignorant child of eight or nine years old pursed his lips and his feet couldn't stop shaking.

The old man seemed to feel something. He glanced back at the child, showed a kind smile, and immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, the dim baby flew out of the old man's belly and floated quietly in front of the child.

The child could no longer hold back the fear in his heart, screamed, turned around and ran away.

However, how could he escape? The dim baby's eyes slowly closed, and wisps of gray air floated out of his body, and in an instant he transformed into the old man before.

As soon as the child ran out for more than ten steps, the old man transformed from gray energy rushed into his mind. The child fell to the ground with a plop. After more than ten breaths, he opened his eyes again and slowly got up, murmuring. road:

"Lin Haoran, Shanhuo Linggen, I don't know whether you are a genius or a waste. The only chance is, I hope, you can take that step."

According to the iron law of practice, no matter what the level of cultivation, a person can only successfully seize the body once at most.


Jiulong Mountain.

"Then who is it? Don't you want to die? Are you wielding a sword on the Four Dragon Backbones?"

"Hey, maybe you just came to Jiulong Mountain. There will be a good show soon."


On a mountaintop on the Four Dragons Backbone, two foundation-building masters were sitting on the edge of the cliff for a rest. Suddenly they saw a white shadow passing by with their swords not far away, and they couldn't help but look gloating on their faces.

as expected.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, an extremely thick black python's tail rolled up and whipped towards Bai Ying, so fast that it almost came in the blink of an eye.

"I go!"

Lu Li screamed strangely, and had no time to make any unnecessary movements. He could only forcefully reverse the trajectory and fly more than ten feet to the right in a whoosh, startling the little one in his arms.

Kankan steadied his body, and before Lu Li could say anything, the little boy broke away from Lu Li's arms, turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the python tail.

Lu Li frowned and was about to go up to help, but stopped involuntarily.

Because he discovered that although the python tail was thick, its actual cultivation level was only at the early stage of the second level, so he was curious to see how this little guy would deal with this huge python.

At this time, the python tail missed the target and was falling uncontrollably towards the other side.

Xiao BuDian chased away in a hurry, and just when he was about to catch up with the python's tail, he suddenly screamed, and his front paws swung towards the python's tail and pulled diagonally. In an instant, a dark half-moon-shaped horse slashed in front of Xiao BuDian. Fall out.

Hey, just like cutting paper, the plummeting python tail was cut into two pieces by the black horse.


A painful roar and slapping sound came from the jungle below, and then, a giant black python head reflected back and bit into the little one who was plummeting towards the ground.

Lu Li's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't hold himself back and wanted to save him.

But in the next moment, the little one reacted. It twisted its body forcefully, flew towards a thick tree trunk next to it, kicked off its legs, and suddenly bounced back.

At this time, the python head just arrived at the spot where the little boy had been.

However, what greeted it was another black half-moon horse. Feeling the fatal threat, the black python couldn't help but let out a horrified scream and desperately controlled its body to fall downwards, trying to avoid the black horse.

However, it was still half a step too slow.

A huge python head split directly from the body and hit the jungle below with a thud. The huge python body also fell uncontrollably, making a harsh sound.


Lu Li opened his mouth and thought it was so incredible.

Under normal circumstances, monsters rely on their physical bodies or some instinctive talents, such as spraying poison, entangling... to tangle with their opponents. When has he ever seen a monster cast spells?

And this spell is obviously not an instinctive talent, just like some powerful monsters can breathe fire, breathe out wind, and absorb water, but that can only be regarded as a talent, not a spell.

The half-moon-shaped black exercise that Xiao Doian used was obviously not a talent, but more like a magic skill created by humans.

"Yeah yeah..."

Just when Lu Li was stunned, Xiao Dodian's anxious cry suddenly sounded in the jungle. Lu Li looked closely and found that Xiao Dodian was anxiously staring at the body of the python that was bleeding and spinning.

Lu Li calmed down his thoughts, raised his black sword and swooped down, then refined the python essence and blood, gave a part to the little one, and collected the rest in a jade bottle.

After cleaning up, Lu Li felt that it was a bit arrogant to wield the sword on the Four Dragon Spine. After all, the lowest level here was a second-level monster. If he was surrounded by them, he would be in a lot of trouble.

So he put away the big black sword and moved forward by skimming. He had wind boots, so his speed would not be too slow.

Late July.

A ray of sword light streaked across the abyss between the Fourth Dragon Backbone and the Fifth Dragon Backbone, and then quickly disappeared into the jungle of the Five Dragon Backbone.

As soon as he entered the jungle, Lu Li quickly retracted the big black sword, then restrained his breath and walked slowly. This place is already a very dangerous place. If you are not careful, you may become food for monsters.

The jungle here is more lush than outside. The thick rotten wood and layers of rotten leaves emit bursts of gloomy air. The July sun cannot penetrate the dense leaves that cover the sky. The whole jungle is dark.

As Lu Li walked, he released his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding environment to avoid being attacked. At night, Lu Li was no longer in a hurry to travel like before, but flew to the top of the tree to rest.

This went back and forth for three days.

Fortunately, everything was safe.

On this day, Lu Li saw a rare open space in front of him. It was a green grassland with flowers and pools on it... and a monster more than three meters long.

The monster was dark green, with fangs and a huge mouth, and sturdy limbs. If it weren't for the two small green wings on its back that didn't match its body size, it would look a bit like a wolf.

"Yingfeng Qinglang!"

Lu Li couldn't help but secretly rejoice. After more than two months of running around, he finally found this guy.

At this time, the Yifeng Qinglang was lying on the edge of the pond to bask in the sun, looking very leisurely and comfortable. He didn't notice that there were humans watching him in the jungle in the distance.

"Little one, find a place to hide and wait for me."

As Lu Li said, he put the little one on the ground, then restrained his breath and slowly moved towards the grass...

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