Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 277 A Strange Place

Like Taihua Prefecture, Liuyun Prefecture is located in the north of Xingyun Country, but Taihua Prefecture is in the northeast, while Liuyun Prefecture is in the northwest.

Liuyun Prefecture is nearly a million miles in radius, and its terrain is similar to that of Taihua Prefecture, both of which are dominated by mountains and jungles, with few large areas of flat land. The numerous mountains naturally give birth to a lot of cultivation resources and cultivation forces.

There are dozens of cultivation forces of all sizes in Liuyun Prefecture, but the most powerful one is Wangqing Valley.

Wangqing Valley is not only the first force in Liuyun Prefecture, but even if it is placed in the entire Xingyun Country, it is also among the best, enough to keep pace with the other four major forces except Yuxu Palace.

Of course, Wangqing Valley is not only talked about for its strength, but also for the rule that makes male cultivators all over the world sigh: Wangqing Valley does not accept male disciples!

So... Wangqing Valley has no male cultivators.

Tens of thousands of disciples, all of them are female disciples!

It really makes people, greedy.

Today, beside a stream between the mountains in Wangqing Valley, an old woman in a yellow robe stood with her hands behind her back, staring at the fish swimming in the stream expressionlessly without saying a word.

Behind the old woman, a pretty young girl kept her head down.

Looking closely, the old woman was holding a broken jade slip in her hand, and the words "Lian Yun" could be vaguely seen on the top of the jade slip.

Few people knew that this person was the famous plum blossom grandmother in Xingyun Country, Zhu Rong, and also Lian Yun's master.

There was silence for a long time.

Just when the girl couldn't help but want to say something.

Finally, the old woman sighed, "Bing'er, you came from behind. Although your strength has surpassed your senior sister, you are far inferior to her in terms of mind. There are so many masters in the world. You have to be careful when you go out this time. Come back after finding out the reason. Your master will handle it..."

"Yes... Master!" The girl bowed and said in an ethereal voice.


On the other side, Chaoshan Linggu.

Lu Li searched around the battlefield, trying to find his formation device, but after searching for a while, he only found a few fragments. The rest might have been blown into slag by the overwhelming light blades, which made him depressed.

Because he was worried that someone would come, he didn't dare to stay here for long, so he used the last bit of true energy to perform the wind step to leave the battlefield. After recovering a little, he fled westward for more than ten miles.

Finally, he came to a not-so-high stone mountain, found a stone cave halfway up the mountain, drilled in, and began to sit cross-legged to recover.

The entrance of the stone cave was very small, and there were a lot of weeds growing. If you don't look carefully, it is very difficult to find that there is a stone cave here. It is a natural hiding place.

In the Time Hall, Lu Li changed the spirit stones in his hand again and again, until he consumed more than 120 spirit stones, and the true energy in his dantian was finally filled.

This made Lu Li sigh: This is not a battle, this is clearly a fight with money.

After sighing for a while, he began to count the spoils of this battle.

First, there was the palm-sized black wooden shield. Lu Li dripped blood to identify the owner and sensed it, only to find that it was actually a medium-grade defensive magic weapon, which made him slightly happy:

With this shield magic weapon, I will have more self-protection power against the enemy in the future.

After putting away the black wooden shield, Lu Li took out a purple silk and looked at it. The purple silk was of a high grade, but he always felt that it was a bit unsightly for a grown man to wave this cloth strip.

Put it in front of his nose and smell it, there was a faint fragrance. Along with the fragrance, a naked figure suddenly appeared in Lu Li's mind, making Lu Li blush and quickly put the purple silk away.

Although he couldn't use this thing himself, it would be very good to exchange it for some spirit stones or give it to Xiao Ling.

The last one was the purple storage ring.

This ring looks good, but the space is not very large, only about half a mile in radius. He roughly counted the things inside.

More than 50,000 low-grade spirit stones, 33 silver-leaf grasses of various ages, one purple bamboo grass of 300 years, two low-grade flying swords, nine second-level low-grade nourishing essence pills, and the body of the scorpion-tailed lion and a piece of purple jade... these are all good things Lu Li thinks.

In addition to these, there are some sundries. He even found a lot of soft and silky underwear and some strange clothes that he couldn't tell from the name from a large exquisite box.

Lu Li didn't plan to keep these sundries, so he took them all out and burned them.

However, the token of the Forgetful Valley was a bit strange. His fireball technique couldn't do anything with it. In the end, he had to use the Shaking Mountain to smash it into pieces.

After a lot of tinkering, Lu Li transplanted the silver-leaf grass into the medicine garden. Thirty-three silver-leaf grasses, thirteen of which were two hundred years old, were enough to refine a round of essence pills.

Now all he needed was the Gathering Spirit Grass and the Seven-Leaf Snow Lotus.

As for the purple bamboo grass, since it was already three hundred years old and had reached its highest growth potential, it would not grow any more even if it was transplanted to the medicine garden, so Lu Li did not plan to transplant it in.

It is worth mentioning that after Lu Li transplanted a large number of spiritual medicines, the space of the medicine garden at this time expanded a lot, reaching a radius of eighty miles.

But what puzzled him was that although the medicine garden had expanded to this extent, the flow rate of the time hall was still ten times, which really made him a little confused, and he didn't know which link had gone wrong.

After packing up, Lu Li got up and crawled out of the stone cave, thought for a while, and then flashed and flew towards the center of the spiritual valley.

The center of the Spirit Valley is very different from the outside, and it even makes people feel a little incredible. Who would have thought that the central area of ​​such a place with rich spiritual energy would be so desolate.

In the area of ​​ten miles in radius, there is no green at all, only the endless rugged rocks and the faint white mist between the rocks.

Although it is also fog, the white mist here does not contain any spiritual energy, which is really weird.

If someone looks down from the sky, they will see that in the central area of ​​these rugged rocks, there is a black abyss with a radius of 100 feet. The black abyss is like the eyes of a demon, quietly watching the sky.

At this time, at the edge of the black abyss, two monks are fighting.

One of them is wearing green clothes, thin, holding a long golden rope. Unlike ordinary ropes, there is a sharp golden spear head at each end of the golden rope!

The green-clothed man holds the center of the rope with one hand, controlling the spear head to attack the opponent like a poisonous snake.

The man in green was fighting against a round-faced strong man. His weapons were two meteor hammers with cold light flashing. There was a cold iron chain behind the handle of the meteor hammer, and a ring at the end of the iron chain.

The strong man was holding his hands on the iron chain rings of the two meteor hammers, controlling the two meteor hammers and fighting with the rope dart of the man in green.

Amid the splashing of fire, there were piercing sounds from time to time, and the aftermath of the explosion blew the surrounding strange rocks into flying all over the sky, with amazing power...

However, because the two were fighting too hard, they did not notice that there were two eyes in the strange rocks around them, peeping at everything from afar...

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