Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 258 Return to the Tiger Fang Gang

The voice was playful, like an old friend greeting, but when it suddenly sounded, Chang Yuan's heart almost stopped beating. He turned around with a sullen face and immediately cursed: "It's you again, Wang..."

'Bastard' didn't say it out loud, because he suddenly felt the air was a little cold, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then subconsciously covered the back of his head, stared at Lu Li timidly, and sneaked back in small steps.

Lu Li just looked at Chang Yuan quietly until the other party was about to run towards the square, then he came to Chang Yuan slightly, grabbed the other party's collar, and said, "Come back!"

"Spare me, spare me, sir, I have old people above me, young children below me, and an old cow at home that needs to eat grass..."

Chang Yuan screamed for mercy, with a hint of crying in his voice. He didn't pay attention last night, but now he realized that this brother was not someone he, a small Qi training seventh level, could mess with.

"This guy is so fucking interesting!" Chen Zhong rumbled over from a distance, staring at Chang Yuan with a look of wonder.

Lu Li also looked a little strange. He slowly let go of Chang Yuan and said calmly: "Go and call all the people of the Tiger Fang Gang to the square. If they don't come within one stick of incense, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Ah? No, who are you, the leader..."

"Funny, shut up, I tell you, Chen He has been killed by my boss, my boss is now the leader, if you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will send you to see Chen He right away!"

"Kill, kill?" Chang Yuan was stunned, and immediately his face was full of disbelief. Chen He was fine yesterday, how could it be possible...

Seeing Chang Yuan's chattering, Lu Li frowned, and the aura around him suddenly pressed towards Chang Yuan, directly pressing Chang Yuan to sit on the ground: "You talk too much nonsense, I give you three breaths, go or not!"


"Go, go! I'll go!" Chang Yuan screamed in surprise, like a firecracker hanging on the butt of an old cow, and ran towards the residential area west of the square.

He ran and shouted: "The leader has ordered that we gather at the square within one stick of incense. Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy! Kill..."

"Boss, this guy is slippery, how about... just kill him?" Chen Zhong followed Lu Li towards the main hall, muttering as he walked.

Lu Li shook his head, "Make the best use of things and people, sometimes being more tactful is not a bad thing. When I'm not around in the future, you should not be too rigid in dealing with things, so as not to be calculated by others, remember."

Chen Zhong is a straightforward person, and his emotions are all on his face. He is really worried.

Chen Zhong nodded, "I'll try my best."

When he arrived at the door of the main hall, Lu Li looked inside, lowered his eyelids and showed a hint of contemplation, and suddenly said, "Fatty, go to Chen He's yard and bring his head here, I'll need it later."

"Okay." Chen Zhong grinned and ran towards the east side of the square happily.

At the same time, in the courtyard to the west, a group of Qi training gang members heard Chang Yuan's shouting and immediately rushed to the square. However, when they arrived, they found that Chen He was not there, so they gathered in groups of three or two to discuss what happened.

Someone saw Lu Li at the door of the hall and said to the people around him: "Who is that person? Why have you never seen him before?"

"Who knows, maybe he is new?"

"No, this person's aura is so strong, I feel that even the gang leader is not so strong." Suddenly, a purple-clothed middle-aged man in the ninth level of Qi training frowned and said.

"Indeed, I feel that this person's aura is much stronger than the gang leader." Another middle-aged man in the ninth level of Qi training stared at Lu Li.

"I'm afraid something big has happened."

The only three ninth-level Qi training masters in the square gathered together, their faces looked very solemn, and the bad feeling was like a mountain pressing on the hearts of the three people.

The three of them were the three captains of the Tiger Fang Gang. The purple-clothed middle-aged man was named Yu Jinyi, the scarred man was named Hong Fei, and the gray-clothed middle-aged man was named Tong Shan.

As the three of them gathered together, the crowd seemed to have found their backbone, and they all gathered towards the three of them, with noises coming one after another.

In the crowd, Chang Yuan's eyes flickered, and he listened to the discussions of the crowd secretly. Suddenly, as if he had made some important decision, he rushed out of the crowd, ran to Lu Li, knelt on one knee and saluted, saying: "Disciple Chang Yuan reports to the gang leader, everyone is here!"

"What is this guy doing?"

"Chang Yuan, are you looking for death? You actually called this hairy kid the gang leader. I think you are tired of living!"

"Is this guy crazy!"


Instantly, a burst of noise broke out in the crowd.

Seeing this, Lu Li narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked at the people in the crowd who started to curse. They immediately took two steps back as if they were stared at by wild beasts.

The people around felt the air suddenly become colder, and their feet moved a few steps to the side uncontrollably, keeping a distance from the others.

Five figures were isolated directly.

"What are you doing? Do you want to rebel? Believe it or not, I will report to the gang leader immediately and kill your whole family..."

Before the man finished speaking, he saw Lu Li waved his hand, and a giant crescent-shaped light blade more than ten feet long flew towards the five people. It was ten feet away and arrived in the blink of an eye!

Several people's eyes widened, and they tried desperately to dodge, but their feet seemed to be rooted in the ground, and it was difficult to move at all. They could only watch the dazzling light blade quickly enlarge in their pupils.


The giant blade of light cut the five people in half easily, and their intestines and blood rolled out.


The five people did not die immediately. They rolled around in a pool of blood and screamed, which made the people around them scalp numb. Even Chang Yuan, who was kneeling beside Lu Li, couldn't stop shaking.

Lu Li snorted coldly, retracted his gaze and looked at Chang Yuan beside him, and said lightly, "Get up."

"Thank you, thank you, boss!" Chang Yuan did not feel relieved. Instead, he became more and more uneasy. He saw a hint of murderous intent in Lu Li's eyes, which was an extremely dangerous signal.

Lu Li ignored Chang Yuan and looked at the people in the square again. He said coldly with luck and true energy: "I will give you ten breaths of time. Come forward and stand in three rows. Those who are still standing in the same place after ten breaths will die!"

According to Lu Li's previous observations, it is not difficult for him to see that the identities of the three ninth-level Qi training masters are obviously different from others.

As expected, as the words fell, three Qi training ninth level masters flew up first and stood in front of the hall. Then everyone followed and stood behind the three people as if they had found their backbone.

Under the threat of death, in less than ten breaths, three rows of teams were lined up neatly, with about forty people in each row, and everyone buried their heads and said nothing.

There was no other sound on the square except the groans of those who had not yet completely died.

At this moment, Chen Zhong finally ran back from a distance with his head in his hand...

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