Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 255 Absolute Master

He really couldn't figure out why Lu Li could crush him with his true essence after performing two secret techniques in a row.

Lu Li did not respond to Yuan Hun's plea for mercy, and his true essence continued to flow towards the big black sword.

"Boy, I curse you to die a miserable death, a miserable death! Puff!"

Finally, Yuan Hun couldn't hold on any longer, and cursed Lu Li with his last breath. The rune sword above his head disappeared, and the big black sword drove straight in, and at the moment when Yuan Hun lowered his head, it pierced into his neck from behind.

Seeing this, Lu Li finally breathed a sigh of relief, but was worried that Yuan Hun was not dead. With a flash of his eyes, the black sword condensed again, until he smashed his head open, and then he took back the sword order.

After performing Wuying continuously and driving the sword order for a long time, Lu Li felt quite tired at this time, and there was less than 10% of his true essence left in his body, but he did not rest on the spot.

He walked quickly to the side of Yuan Hun's body, sacrificed the blood soul flag to absorb it, and searched for a storage bag from the other party, and then burned his body.

He opened the storage bag and took a look, and found that the harvest was not bad.

An unknown small sword, holding it in his hand made him feel a little tingling in his consciousness. It looked very powerful. It was the sword that broke his Qingmuzhu before. It should be at least a medium-grade magic weapon.

There was also a green flying sword, more than 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, a strange-looking octagonal sandalwood box, and some miscellaneous things. Lu Li first recognized the owner of the small sword and put it away, and then curiously picked up the octagonal sandalwood box.

When he opened it, he found a rattle and a dozen marble-sized insect eggs inside.

The eardrum on one side of the rattle was transparent, and you could see a moth-like insect inside, but there was a little spiritual light flashing on the wings of this moth, and it was not an ordinary moth at a glance.

As for the dozen insect eggs, they were not ordinary eggs either. This egg had no hard shell, only a thin layer of membrane covering it, and you could vaguely see many little guys wriggling inside.

Lu Li studied it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out. He could only cover it up and wait until he had time to study it slowly in the future.

Next, Lu Li searched through the pile of miscellaneous items again.

This time, he really found a few good things.

First, there was a yellowed paper, which recorded a thing called heart-eating worm. It was said that the larvae of the heart-eating worm liked to eat the heart. As long as it was attached to the heart, it would kill people on the spot in just a moment.

Adult heart-eating worms lay eggs, and there are a large number of larvae in one egg. When these larvae are nourished by spiritual energy, they only need to make the mother worm agitated, and these larvae will immediately break out of the shell.

However, there is another situation. Even if there is no mother worm, as long as these eggs are nourished by spiritual energy for more than two years, they will automatically break out of the shell.

Therefore, heart-eating worms are usually used by some evil cultivators as a means of controlling others.

Lu Li couldn't help but sigh after reading it. Thinking back then, wasn't Liu Xinyu also fed with heart-eating worms by Zhang Song? At the same time, he also understood that the octagonal wooden box contained the mother and eggs of the borer.

After reading it, Lu Li shook his head and released a ball of fire to burn the paper with the record of the borer.

Then he picked up a square jade plate the size of a palm.

If this jade plate fell into the hands of others, they might not be able to see the name, but Lu Li recognized it at a glance. It turned out to be one of the keys to the Sword God's Tomb.

Unlike the previous one he had, the front of this jade plate was engraved with an ancient word "Hong".

"Oh, what a pity, I don't know what's so great about the Sword God's Tomb that it takes eight keys to open it." Lu Li shook his head and put the jade plate in his arms.

Then he picked up the last strange object that looked a little famous, but it didn't seem to be very famous.

This thing looked like a jade seal, but it was split in half from the middle. The cut in the middle was very flat, and there were some strange runes on the cut surface. It didn't look like it was broken into two halves, but it looked like it was like this when it was first made.

The seal base is made of high-quality white jade, with half of an unknown green bird carved on it. Because only half of it is left, Lu Li does not recognize what the bird is, but the only eye is very sharp, which makes Lu Li feel a chill.

Turning it over, he found that there are words at the bottom of the jade seal. The words are simple, but it is not difficult to recognize that they are the two words "beast, border".

"Beast, border? What does it mean? Long life? That's not right!"

Scratching his head, Lu Li said he couldn't figure it out, so he could only put it away and see if there is a chance to find the remaining half. Maybe he can find some secrets by piecing them together.

Finally, all the things that caught his eye were counted.

In short, Lu Li obtained a total of 12,000 low-grade spirit stones, a medium-grade magic sword, a flying magic green long sword, a heart-eating worm box, a key to the Sword God's Tomb, and half of the mysterious jade seal.

So far, he has six extra low-grade flying magic tools. It seems that he needs to find an opportunity to go to Wanbao Pavilion to exchange these extra flying magic tools for spirit stones. Besides, the python gallbladder he got last time has not been sold yet.

Midnight is slightly cool.

From time to time, long and short insect chirps can be heard from the jungle in the mountains. Lu Li slowly stands up, summons the big black sword and prepares to leave.

However, the next moment.

A gray shadow suddenly floats out from the distant jungle like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, it comes to Lu Li and stares at him straight.


Absolute master!

Lu Li's hair stood on end, he screamed strangely, and retreated several feet away. After coming to his senses, he swallowed his saliva, "Who is the senior!"

The aura of this person was too strong. Although they were several feet apart, Lu Li felt a little difficult to breathe.

"Little guy, you look scared." The gray-clothed old man held a large Qianji Yin in his hand and looked at Lu Li calmly. His voice was very old and a little creepy.

In this situation, let alone Lu Li, he believed that anyone would feel scared. Hearing this, Lu Li smiled very ugly and arched his hands, "Senior is so powerful, I am not afraid."

"Haha, is that so?"

The old man said without comment, his eyes moved back and forth between Lu Li and the Qianji Yin in his hand for a few times, then slowly turned the Qianji Yin over, dug out a jade plate from the bottom and shook it, "This... you should be very familiar with it?"

Isn't this the key to the Sword God's Tomb?

This old man actually had one too. Lu Li looked at it intently and recognized the jade token in the old man's hand at a glance. After his thoughts turned rapidly, Lu Li had a rough guess about the old man's intention.

Secretly weighing the interests at hand, Lu Li nodded, "Familiar."

The old man's eyes flashed with light when he heard it, and he said with appreciation, "You are very tactful!" Then he stretched out his palm that was as old as dead tree bark and said gently, "Give it to me."

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