Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1968: Level 3 Mountain Ring Formation

Seeing that everyone had taken their seats.

Ma Biao, who was sitting on a chair in the middle of the deep, stood up slowly.

"Everyone, let's start the first round of the conference, exchange treasures!"

"Everyone who wants to exchange or sell treasures can come out and show them!"

"Everyone can rest assured about the safety of trading here. I believe that everyone who has participated in the Hundred Python Conference knows that we have a random teleportation formation here."

"After the conference, you only need to step on the teleportation formation and you can be teleported hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant, and the direction is not fixed, so there is no need to worry about being remembered by others!"

"Fellow Daoist Ma, there is no need to say more, we all understand this. Otherwise, we would not come to participate in every round, isn't it because we value the safety here?" An old man in purple robes sitting in the front on the right said with a smile.

"Yes! I have seen many teleportation formations, but it is rare to see one like the Hundred Python Mountain that can teleport hundreds of thousands of miles at once. We have to thank the Hundred Pythons who founded this place!" Someone echoed.

As soon as this was said, others also echoed.

Apart from other things, the Hundred Python Mountain is indeed outstanding in the teleportation formation, and it is second to none in the entire Muliu Immortal Domain.

All this can be attributed to the Hundred Python Taoist hundreds of thousands of years ago. It was he who created such a holy place for communication and trade for the scattered cultivators in the north of Muliu Immortal Domain.

"Fellow Taoists, please be patient!"

Ma Biao raised his hand, motioning everyone to be quiet, and then said: "There is no need to mention the fellow Taoists who have participated in previous sessions, but after all, there are some new faces this time."

"So, some things still need to be reiterated, so as not to worry them..."

As he said, Ma Biao's eyes slowly swept around, and then continued:

"Our teleportation formation is on the second floor of this tower. If you want to leave, just go up the stairs. There is no one guarding up there, and no one will embarrass you, so you can trade with confidence."

Hearing this, some people who came here for the first time immediately felt much more at ease, and they all expressed their gratitude to Ma Biao.

Ma Biao smiled and continued, "Okay! Let me say one last word."

"That's about the venue rules!"

"During the conference, fighting is not allowed in the tower. Otherwise, everyone can join forces to attack it. I hope you can understand and don't try to challenge this rule."

"In addition, all transactions are voluntary. If you force a transaction, my two Taoist friends Yu Meng and I will open the door and ask the troublemakers to leave. We will definitely not show any mercy."

Seeing that everyone was speechless.

Ma Biao stopped talking nonsense and slowly walked back to his seat and sat down: "Okay! After talking so much nonsense, let's invite the first Yibao person!"

"Who will come first?"

He smiled and looked at everyone.

"I'll try my luck first!" At this time, an old man in front of the left team slowly stood up. He walked to the empty space in the middle, spread his hands and took out a fiery red bead.

"This is a fourth-level initial lava python demon pill, which contains rich fire attribute laws. There are no other requirements. Just exchange it for a wood attribute demon pill of the same level."

"I'll trade with you!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a red robe stood up in the right camp. He waved his sleeves and a green demon pill of about the same size flew in front of the old man.

The old man looked happy, took the demon pill and looked at it, "Okay! Deal."

After saying that, he sent his fire attribute demon pill to the red-robed middle-aged man. The transaction was really quick and refreshing, without any drag.

"I don't have any more, please invite the next person." The old man got what he wanted, looked at everyone with a smile, and then walked back to his seat and sat down.

Seeing this.

A Xuanxian woman walked out of the right camp and took out three khaki formation flags.

"I have a set of formation flags here, a third-level mountain formation, which can withstand three attacks from the early stage of the Golden Immortal without damage. I want to exchange it for a third-level middle-stage gold-attribute demon pill."

A third-level formation flag can withstand three attacks from the early stage of the Golden Immortal?

This may not be of much use to the Golden Immortal, but it is a good thing to save the life of the Xuanxian-level cultivator.

As expected, as soon as the voice fell, it immediately caused a lot of people to scramble for it. Some people were willing to buy it with medium-grade immortal stones, some were willing to exchange it with two demon pills of other attributes, and some wanted to exchange it with immortal medicine.

But what was surprising was.

No one was willing to take out a gold-attribute rule demon pill in exchange.

It seems that there are still too many gold-attribute cultivators. Demand determines value. Compared with other five-element demon pills, gold-attribute ones are obviously more valuable.

Seeing this, the woman sighed secretly: "I'm sorry, everyone. I'm at the critical moment of breakthrough. I only want a gold-attribute rule demon pill. Other things are of no use to me."

After speaking, she bowed slightly to everyone and was about to put away the set of formation flags.


At this moment, Lu Li suddenly stood up from behind the right camp.

"Senior, you want to exchange with me?" The Xuanxian woman was delighted.

The rest of the people looked at Lu Li.

Then, they were all confused: This thing is useless to a Jinxian strongman like Lu Li, right?

"I want to exchange with you, but your set of formation flags is not enough to exchange for what I have in my hand." Lu Li said, and a golden round bead suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Fourth-level gold demon pill!"

Seeing what Lu Li held in his hand, several Jinxian strongmen in the field began to breathe rapidly.

Even Yu Sanhe, the sinister old man in the top three seats, couldn't help but raise his eyelids and show his emotion.

It is obvious that Yang Laoguai is also a strong metal person than Sanhe.

However, this bead is only in the early stage of the fourth level, and the power of law contained in it is far less tempting to someone with a peak cultivation level like Sanhe than others.


"Don't change the third-level formation flag, I can exchange it with you for the fourth-level treasure!" In the left camp, an old man in gold robe could not hold back and stood up and said.

"Fellow Taoist, please be patient."

Lu Li smiled at the golden-robed old man, then looked at the female cultivator in the field, and asked calmly: "Isn't the formation flag in your hand refined by you yourself?"

"It's true, but it shouldn't have any impact, right?" The female cultivator hesitated for a moment and then replied.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just asking casually."

Lu Li smiled softly, "However, this bead of mine is a fourth-level demon elixir, and its value is not comparable to that of your third-level formation flag. If you want to exchange it, you will have to pay more."

The fourth-level demon elixir contains the power of laws, which Xuanxian monks cannot directly perceive. However, it is too easy to replace such a treasure with a regular demon pill.

Said without politeness.

This is the fourth-order early stage metal demon pill in Lu Li's hand.

As long as he is willing, he can casually replace ten of them with demon pills of the same attribute at the early stage of the third level.

The Xuanxian female cultivator naturally understood this, and after hearing this, she hesitated for a long time and said, "But, I don't have any more treasures with me."


"Don't embarrass this little girl."

"I will give you five mid-level third-level demon pills in exchange, and then you can use one to exchange the formation flag with this girl. Isn't it a perfect solution!" The old man in gold robe saw this and spoke again.

"This method works!"

Hearing this, the Xuanxian woman couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

Then he looked at Lu Li expectantly, "Senior, what do you think?"

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