Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1946 Lingyu Mountains

The streets in the city are wide, but not many people are walking on the streets.

After Lu Li and his party entered the city, they separated and moved. Some went to inquire about the news, and some went to buy and sell resources.

Two hours later, everyone exchanged information at Taiwei Restaurant in the east of the city.

Lu Li bought six copies of the fairyland map of the fourth heaven, and each person got one.

According to the map, the number of fairylands in the fourth heaven is only more than 1,200, which is more than half less than that of the third heaven.

But the overall vastness of the territory has not changed, which leads to the area of ​​each fairyland being larger than that of the third heaven.

And Lu Li also came up with a rule.

It seems that every time you go up a level, the number of fairylands will decrease by half, and then, the area of ​​a single fairyland will increase.

For example, in the first heaven, the number of fairylands recorded is as many as tens of thousands, but in the second heaven, there are only more than 5,000, and in the third heaven, there are only more than 2,000.

Here, it has directly become more than 1,000.

Perhaps, by the time of the fifth heaven, the number of fairy domains will be only a few hundred.

According to the fairy domain map of the fourth heaven.

The place where they are now is the first fairy domain in the southernmost part of the fourth heaven, named Tainan Fairy Domain.

According to what Lu Li learned from a deacon of Tianbao Pavilion, this Tainan Fairy Domain is actually an unowned fairy domain, that is, anyone can experience adventure and look for opportunities on it.

According to the deacon.

In the fourth heaven, although there are only more than a thousand fairy domains, there are many unowned fairy domains, at least seventy or eighty.

The reason for this is certainly not that the six major sects are so willing and kind, and they always consider the scattered cultivators. Instead, the area of ​​each fairy domain here is too large. Even if those sects manage their own fairy domains, they are a little overwhelmed, and they are simply unable to distract themselves to look after the resources of other fairy domains.

In the end, these sects all tacitly released the fairy domains that they could not control.

Of course, those big sects often send people to travel around and look for veins in these ownerless fairyland. If they see something they like, they will fight for it.

However, even if they succeed, these sects will not send people to guard it, but will just empty it at once to avoid wasting manpower.

Everyone sat around the round table in the room, drinking tea and exchanging the news they had heard.

Bao Longzi said: "Here we are looking for a bandit named Wan Qianshan, because he has killed dozens of disciples from the nearby Mingyue Pavilion in the past few decades."

Lu Li asked: "What kind of force is Mingyue Pavilion?"

Bao Longzi replied: "It is said that it is the leading force of the Time Palace in the fourth heaven. The fairyland where the sect is located is not far from Tainan."

Everyone nodded in realization, but did not think too much. For them, all this has nothing to do with them.

Granny Wang said, "I heard people on the street say that there seems to be a rare fairy ore flowing out of a turbulent area west of Taiwei Ancient City. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Rare fairy ore?" Blind Tu said with interest.

"Well, but I heard it's not that easy to get in. You have to go and have a look to know the details. Now many strong people have heard the news and rushed over."

"Strong? How strong?" Deaf Bao asked curiously.

"Not as strong as imagined, probably only Xuanxian Jinxian and the like. If Daoyou Tu is willing to go, it won't be difficult for us to defeat the heroes." Granny Wang said with a smile.

There are indeed powerful people in the fourth heaven, but there are not many of them, and this level is probably the head of a sect, and they will not be interested in such a small opportunity.

"In that case, it doesn't hurt to go and have a look." Blind Tu agreed with a smile.

"Daoyou Lu, what about you?" Granny Wang looked at Lu Li.

"I'm not going. I'm going to find a quiet place to practice in seclusion." Lu Li shook his head. He now has a lot of treasures to improve his cultivation, and he doesn't want to waste time doing these unimportant things.

"Okay then."

Grandma Wang already knew Lu Li's plan, and she asked Lu Li just out of politeness.

After saying that, she looked at Qin Feng again: "Master, you..."

Qin Feng said: "I have nothing to do, so I'll go and take a look."

In the end, except for Lu Li, Qin Feng and the other five had decided to go to the turbulent land to take a look.

Lu Li had no objection to this, and after everyone discussed it, they decided to stay in Tainan Fairyland for the time being, and consider leaving here after having a deep understanding of the fourth heaven.

"Lu boy, where are you going to retreat, I'll come to you when I have time?" Qin Feng asked Lu Li.

"I haven't decided yet."

"Don't choose a cave that's too remote. I heard that the wilds of Tainan Immortal Realm are not peaceful. In addition to many evil cultivators who rob people and kill people, there are also many ferocious beasts that hate humans. I suggest that you go here, my lord..."

Bao Longzi said, taking out a large map and placing it on the table, pointing to an area in the north of Taiwei Ancient City: "I heard that this place called Lingyu Mountain Range is not bad. It is where many independent cultivators live. There is also a market inside, which is very convenient. More importantly, it is a custom here that fighting is not allowed inside Lingyu Mountain Range..."

Lu Li said in surprise: "Old Bao, you inquired very carefully."

Bao Longzi smiled and said: "I am actually also planning to find a place to stay in the wild, so I paid special attention to it. When I come back from the turbulent land, I also plan to go to Lingyu Mountain Range for retreat. My lord, why don't you go there, so that we can take care of each other."

Qin Feng said: "This proposal is good. Anyway, we won't leave here for a while. Why don't we all build a cave in Lingyu Mountain Range as a temporary residence, which will also facilitate future contact."

"That's good, let's go to Lingyu Mountain Range."

Lu Li thought for a while and agreed, "Old Qin, do you want to go with me now, or go to the turbulent land first?"

Qin Feng said: "Your cultivation is too low. You may be bullied if you go alone. It won't take much time to go to Lingyu Mountain Range. I will accompany you to Lingyu Mountain Range first."

Blind Tu and others had no objection.

In the end, the group did not stay in the restaurant. After strolling around the city for a while and buying some daily necessities, they set off again to Lingyu Mountain Range.

The Lingyu Mountain Range is intricate, like a lush tree root, with gullies crisscrossing.

After half a month of travel, Lu Li and his companions arrived at the southern area of ​​the mountain range. With a sweep of the power of the Yuanshen, they could find that there were many strong people here.

In the end, after a selection, they chose several short peaks east of the center.

Although not very outstanding, each peak is also a hundred feet high, and the aura of the Great Dao is not weak. It is an above-average existence in the Lingyu Mountains.

There is no way around it. The truly outstanding peaks have already been owned. They can only gain a foothold here thanks to the fierce power of Tu Xiazi.

Otherwise, the old monsters of the Golden Immortals around would not tolerate Lu Li to gain a foothold here.

Six people and six peaks.

Lu Li chose the one in the middle of the five peaks as his cave.

After half a day of busy work, the originally ordinary peaks immediately rose with mist, which looked particularly extraordinary with the sunset glow.

Lu Li sat at the stone table in front of the cave and drank alone. Not long after, he saw that the other peaks were also shrouded in mist one after another, which meant that Qin Feng and his companions had finished their work.

"Xiao Lu, let me in!"

At this time, Qin Feng flew from a distance, landed outside Lu Li's mountain, and shouted to Lu Li.

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