Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1931 Qin Feng Reappears

Lu Li and others looked up.

Sure enough, at this time, someone could no longer hold back and flew into the jungle of Dingjun Mountain first.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the group would naturally not want to lag behind.

Immediately, several people followed him in, and then, the sound of breaking through the air came one after another, as if they were afraid of being slowed down, like locusts crossing the border, swarming behind them.


Suddenly a long cry reached Lu Li's ears.

Lu Li turned his head and looked around, just in time to see a strange purple-green bird, carrying a masked woman in black, flash past in the air very far away and disappear into Dingjun Mountain.

is her!

Lu Li frowned, suddenly he didn't want to enter Dingjun Mountain anymore.

"Fellow Daoist Luan, are you leaving?"

Suddenly, Yuan Rui's voice came to Lu Li's ear.

Lu Li looked back and realized that Xiao Ke and others had already flown towards Dingjun Mountain, and Yuan Rui was the only one left.

"Let's go."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment, then followed behind thoughtfully.

Dingjun Mountain is very huge, stretching from east to west with no end in sight. Xiao Ke picked an uninhabited area as the starting point. After entering, there was a wide canyon area.

The valley is mostly shallow grassland, occasionally with some abrupt rugged rocks, and few trees.

After entering, everyone stopped flying at high altitudes, but walked slowly, fearing that they would hit the hidden restrictions if they were not careful.

Xiao Ke has a fairy pet.

He is a black monkey with golden pupils. He is quite powerful and has reached the early stage of Golden Immortal. His natural magical power is the ‘eye of heaven’, which is said to be able to see through some hidden restrictions.

Xiao Ke released the black monkey to clear the way ahead, which made everyone much safer.

And Xiao Ke, the monkey, lived up to expectations. In just two or three days, he discovered four or five hidden restrictions, which saved everyone a lot of trouble.

But they also secretly thought that Dingjun Mountain was indeed not a good place.

However, the harvest was not bad. In two or three days, they got five third-level elixirs and a rare piece of cloud iron ore.

Xiao Ke and others did not take these resources, so Lu Li and the three Xuanxian divided them.

This made Lu Li and the others quite happy.

However, they were relaxed here, but most of the other people were not as lucky as them. Many people hit the hidden restrictions before they could figure out the situation, and ended up dead without any body parts.

In this case, many people immediately retreated, saying, "It's still a dog's life that matters" and began to return the same way, forming a clear stream.

Let those who came later be surprised.

On the tenth day of march, less than half of the original 20,000 troops were left, and many people were gritting their teeth and persisting.

Because there are so many elixir ores here that they have never seen in their lives.

They really don't want to give up this opportunity to make a fortune easily.

The wages of avarice is death.

This sentence is not an exaggeration at all when used here. Many people paid the price for the greed in their hearts. When they advanced to 30,000 miles, the casualties suddenly increased sharply.

Both the strength and density of the restrictions are far beyond everyone's imagination. People were being killed all the time, and then the remaining companions finally woke up and began to flee frantically.

When the time advanced to a month, there were less than two thousand practitioners left in the entire Dingjun Mountain, and they were all frightened and cautious to the extreme.

"Fellow Taoist, wait for me!"

In a dense forest to the east of Dingjun Mountain, an old man in a black robe suddenly heard movement from the right. When he looked closely, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and long hair shawl, walking forward cautiously.

Without thinking, he quickly ran towards him.

The middle-aged man in black robe frowned when he saw this, stopped and looked at the old man in black robe.

"Ahem, fellow Taoist, my companion and I got separated. How about we go together?" The old man in black robe stepped forward and said with a smile.


"You must be from Cuiyun Sect."

Qin Feng looked at the old man in Xuanpao up and down and said calmly.

"Yes, yes, there are too many remaining restrictions here. I am also in the early stage of Golden Immortal. You will definitely not lose money if you join me." The old man in Xuanpao admitted frankly.

In the Third Heaven, the reputation of Cuiyun Sect is known to all the world. He believes that no one will refuse the kindness of people from Cuiyun Sect, because everyone from Cuiyun Sect is alchemy master.

Needless to say what it means to get to know an alchemist.

And he had used this method before to successfully deceive several casual cultivators into becoming his pathfinders.

But what he never expected was that he would miscalculate this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng suddenly rolled out a monstrous demonic energy and wrapped him in it.

In an instant, the old man in black robe felt countless ghosts roaring in his mind. He was shocked and turned pale, and formed an immortal gang like lightning to protect his whole body.

But in the next moment, Qin Feng's right hand was like an elongated rubber, punching through the air from the outside, smashing his Immortal Gang to pieces with lightning speed!

The old man in black robe only felt as if his chest was hit hard by the 'two hammers', and then his whole body flew backwards uncontrollably, breaking countless big trees along the way.

But the old man in Xuanpao was indeed a powerful Golden Immortal. When his momentum shook, a green halo rose up behind him, and at the same time, a faint green mist filled the surrounding area more than ten feet.

"Wood Domain?"

Qin Feng raised a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, squeezed hard with his right hand, and the whole arm suddenly became as hard as steel, and then he punched straight into the field of the yellow-robed old man.

Although the Wood Domain is not a defensive domain, it has a very strong effect of trapping enemies.

But what frightened the old man in Xuanpao was that under Qin Feng's weird fist, the realm at this moment was reduced to nothing.


The sound of a sharp knife piercing the body was heard.

Just when his fist was about to hit the old man in Xuanpao, Qin Feng suddenly changed his attitude, stretched out his steel-hard middle finger, and stabbed hard into the heart of the old man in Xuanpao.


The halo behind the old man disappeared and he looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. He really couldn't understand why a person's hands could become so long and so hard.

"The Cuiyun Sect that you are so proud of cannot bring you good luck, it will only accelerate your death!"

Qin Feng's expression was cold, and he slowly withdrew his fingers, suddenly turned his hand, and slapped the old man on the face, directly deforming his head!

The old man in black robe flew out like a dead dog, hit the tree trunk, and then fell suddenly.

Qin Feng caught the old man in front of him from the air. His momentum was shaken. Thousands of blood threads flew out of the old man's body and quickly merged into Qin Feng's body. The old man's body quickly became shriveled up.

After a moment, the body fell to the ground with a thud.

Qin Feng disposed of the old man's bones, and then drove a bloody bird to continue walking deep into the jungle.

It’s been a long journey.

Qin Feng hated the sect of Jiulian lineage.

Those people were like wild dogs, smelling his scent and chasing him.

However, the old man in black robe just now obviously didn't know the secret. Otherwise, he would not have been so close to Qin Feng.

Because many people in Cuiyun Sect know it.

This black-robed man named 'Lu Li' is not easy to mess with.

Qin Feng walked aimlessly, and half a month passed in a flash. He never encountered any danger on the way. To be precise, he didn't even see anyone.

Until noon that day.

Qin Feng was looking forward from the top of a hillside when he suddenly saw a group of people walking in the ravine below.

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