Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1928 Xiao Ke's Past

Lu Li looked at Xiao Ke carefully.

In the end, it was discovered that, apart from what he said, which didn't deserve a beating, this guy's expression was extremely serious.

This made him doubt himself a little...


This is simply impossible!

Lu Li cursed secretly, calmed down and said, "Senior, I think there must be some misunderstanding here. My mother has been dead long ago..."


Before Lu Li could finish his words, Xiao Ke was struck by lightning, his mind buzzing, "It can't can't be...why is she dead..."

Lu Li frowned and opened his mouth to speak.

But before he could speak, Xiao Ke sat down on the ground, "I know what you want to say, your name is Lu Li, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Li was stunned.

Looking at Xiao Ke in disbelief: "You, how do you know..."

Xiao Ke patted his side and said, "Sit down, we two masters will have a good chat today."

When Lu Li heard this, he immediately had the urge to kick Xiao Ke, but in the end he endured it and sat down next to Xiao Ke: "You'd better speak clearly, otherwise, I'm really going to fall out!"

Xiao Ke looked thoughtful and said, "You must be very curious, why do I know that you are Lu Li, and why am I so sure that you are my son?"

Lu Li snorted and didn't answer.

Xiao Ke smiled bitterly and continued: "Actually, this has to start with the know-it-all you say."

Lu Li frowned: "Know-it-all?"

Xiao Ke nodded: "Yes. Back then, he told me that if a person named Lu Li comes to me in the near future, then my Xiao Ke's bloodline will be continued."

"A few years ago, I heard that the Tianxing Sect was also arresting Lu Li. I immediately sent people to infiltrate them and try to get some clues about you from them."

"But unfortunately, all this is in vain, because Tianxing Sect doesn't have any useful information."

"I have no choice but to take a few elders and come to this lost place in person, hoping that God will show mercy and let me find your traces."

"Not to mention, I really gained something unexpected when I came here this time."

"A few years ago, there was an old man who claimed to be Tianji Palace. He gave me some guidance and asked me to go southeast. If I could save a dying person on the way, things could turn around."

"I didn't believe it at first."

"Until I met you today, I didn't know that the old man really didn't lie. Tianji Palace really has a lot of tricks...!"

The more Lu Li listened, the more mysterious it became.

He couldn't help but ask: "What's the old Taoist's name, and who is the person you saved?"

Xiao Ke said: "I don't know the full name of the old Taoist, but he calls himself 'Taoist name Yongnian'. As for the person who saved him, she is an old woman named Wang."

Taoist name Yongnian?

Lu Li heard this and said in disbelief: "He Yongnian?"

Did the old man also come to the Lost Land?

Xiao Ke said: "Do you know him?"

Lu Li didn't answer. He stared at Xiao Ke quietly. He suddenly understood something and said thoughtfully, "Have you... been to the First Heaven?"

Xiao Ke said: "Of course, your mother and I are..."

"That's almost it!"

Lu Li's face darkened, "I told you, I'm not your son!"

After glaring at Xiao Ke, Lu Li continued: "But, I know who you are looking for."

Xiao Ke looked at Lu Li in confusion.

Lu Li said: "You do have a descendant, but that person is not me."

Xiao Ke was stunned for a moment: "Not you?"

Lu Li nodded: "Yes, you have a daughter, but not a son. Her name is An An. Speaking of which, you should really thank me. If it weren't for me, your daughter would have died long ago. I worked hard to bring her up... ..."

Lu Li had a look of recollection on his face and told the truth about his encounter with the Anping brothers and sisters on the first level, but he did not tell Xiao Ke what An An's talent was.

After hearing this, Xiao Ke was stunned, his mood became lost and sad, and he murmured: "I hurt her..."

Lu Li did not disturb Xiao Ke and sat quietly beside him.

After a long time, Xiao Ke said: "Thank you."

Lu Li smiled: "You're welcome, I just do what I want to do. I never thought that An An's father is actually the headmaster of the Taiyin Sect."

"There's something I'm curious about. Can you tell me how you got to the first level and met An Qin?"

Xiao Ke sighed softly and said in a daze: "This matter must start from the Lost Land operation five thousand years ago..."

It turned out that Xiao Ke encountered an accident during the last round of operations in the Lost Land. He was stabbed by a strange thing, and then his body mutated and his mind became very confused.

If ordinary people encountered this kind of situation, even if they didn't die, they would definitely get through it in a daze.

But Xiao Ke was different. He used secret techniques to suppress the physical mutation and regain some consciousness.

After that, he quickly returned to the sect and went into seclusion to practice poison. However, after more than a thousand years, it was of no use at all. Instead, he became increasingly out of control and showed signs of collapse.

He was worried that he would eventually lose his mind completely and become a monster who only knew how to kill, so he searched for strange people and magic pills to try to find a solution.

But after a while, there was still no gain at all.

Xiao Ke had no choice but to leave the sect.

Perhaps it was destined by God that he should not die. Xiao Ke was running around like a headless fly outside, and things actually took a turn for the better.

He met a mysterious man who told Xiao Ke that he had seen a purple water bead on a small family disciple of the Nanhuang An family in the first heaven, and that thing might be useful to him.

So Xiao Ke returned to the sect, and at a great cost, he went down to the second heaven and went to the Nanhuang fairyland in the first heaven. Finally, by chance, he met An Qin.

Xiao Ke actually didn't have much affection for An Qin, but he was confused by the poison at that time, so he did that kind of extraordinary thing. Afterwards, An Qin left and didn't look for him again.

He couldn't find An Qin, and finally had to return to the third heaven alone. Although he got the purple water bead from An Qin, the poison had to be removed bit by bit.

After Xiao Ke returned to the third heaven, he began to retreat again, and it was more than two thousand years in a flash. During this process, a master named Wanshitong came to him and pointed out the news about Lu Li.

So Xiao Ke always believed that Lu Li was his son.

So, the first thing Xiao Ke did after he recovered was to ask around for news about Lu Li. Finally, by fate, the two of them actually met in this lost place.

At this point, Xiao Ke couldn't help but apologize: "My friend, I'm really sorry. I misinterpreted Senior Yuwen's meaning. I didn't mean to take advantage of you."

Lu Li shook his head: "It's okay."

Xiao Ke felt relieved and said: "You said An An is in the Supreme Heaven now, right?"

Lu Li said: "When I left, I left her in the Dongxuan Immortal Realm of the First Heaven, but so many years have passed, I don't know if she has gone to the Second Heaven."

After thinking about it, Lu Li took out a piece of spiritual paper, quickly wrote a letter, and handed it to Xiao Ke: "If you go to her rashly, she may not recognize you, you take this."

Xiao Ke's face lit up and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you...!"

Lu Li said: "Thank you, I only have one request."

Xiao Ke said: "You say."

Lu Li said: "If she doesn't want to go with you, I hope you won't embarrass her."

"After all, she has never seen you, I think no one can accept that a person who has never cared about herself and has never met her suddenly jumped out and said, I am your father, right?"

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