Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 19: Silencing

After returning to the courtyard, Lu Li comforted Chen Zhong for a few words and then went back to his room.

Qin Shouren's fairy fruit was gone, and it must have fallen into the hands of others. He was the only one who knew that Qin Shouren had the fairy fruit, so it should be impossible to kill him for the treasure on purpose.

Then there was only one possibility, that Qin Shouren happened to meet his opponent when he went up the mountain, and after the conflict between the two sides, the other party found the fairy fruit and killed him to silence him.

And there was only one person who had a conflict with Qin Shouren...

The answer was almost obvious.

Lu Li did not tell Chen Zhong his guess, because the other party must have gone after Chen Zhong, because Chen Zhong had told him before that he beat Sun Zi'an on the mountain.

According to speculation, Sun Zi'an had been beaten by Chen Zhong once, and it was unlikely that he went up the mountain alone to intercept Chen Zhong, which meant that the other party brought helpers...

In the final analysis, it was his own fairy fruit that harmed the other party.

He touched the three explosive talismans in his arms and clenched his fists tightly.

The Explosion Talisman needs to release the true Qi to activate it. With their first level of Qi training, they have not opened up any Qi channels. Although they can mobilize the true Qi to make their bodies lighter, they cannot release the true Qi at all.

Now if they want to take revenge, they can only seek to break through the second level of Qi training as soon as possible, and then use the Explosion Talisman.

In addition, the Explosion Talisman on Qin Shouren was also searched away. This is a very bad result for Lu Li. He has to be very careful.

He suppressed the urge to take revenge immediately and went directly into the Time Hall.

It was midnight.

In a large courtyard at the end of the menial disciples' residential area, a man in green clothes gently closed the door and walked out of the courtyard. This man had a ruddy complexion, a tall figure, and an extraordinary temperament.

With a deep satisfaction on his face, he murmured, "I didn't expect that those fruits would have such an effect. It's really amazing."

As he said that, he shook his clothes and walked into the small courtyard next door.

The room opposite the courtyard gate and the room on the left side of the courtyard were all lit. The man in green looked down, walked straight to the house opposite the gate, and knocked on the door, "Xiaocheng, open the door."

Footsteps were heard in the room, and a boy in pajamas opened the door. When he saw the man in green, he was stunned, "Brother Sun, why are you..."

At this time, Sun Zi'an stood straight, and there was no trace of his previous servile look.

Sun Zi'an chuckled, "The fruit last time was good, I specially saved one for you, let's go in and talk."

Xiaocheng's face was happy, and he quickly invited Sun Zi'an into the house.

Just when Xiaocheng turned around, Sun Zi'an's eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, and he reached out from his arms, and a rolled yellow paper rushed to Xiaocheng's back.


The whole house shook with a bang.

Looking at Xiaocheng again, he was thrown forward more than ten feet and fell heavily on the bed. His back was bloody and his broken spine and shattered internal organs could be vaguely seen.

"You!" Xiaocheng turned his head with difficulty, and died before he finished his sentence.

"Humph!" Sun Zi'an snorted coldly, turned Xiaocheng's body over, fumbled around, and took out a piece of identical yellow paper from his arms, then hid behind the door.

In just a dozen breaths, the door of the small house on the left side of the yard opened with a bang, and a burly man rushed into Xiaocheng's room.

When he rushed into the room and saw the body on the bed, his face suddenly changed, and he was about to turn around and leave.

Just as he turned around, a talisman suddenly rushed over.


There was another explosion, and the burly man was also blown back.

There was a big hole on his chest that was hideous and terrifying.


The big man's pupils dilated, his head tilted, and he died.

"If you want to blame someone, blame your bad luck. Only dead people can make me feel at ease." Sun Zi'an flashed a look of pain, and fumbled on the two strong men again until he found an identical talisman on the strong man, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a pity that two of these talismans were wasted in vain."

A moment later, he carried one on each shoulder and disappeared easily into the darkness.

The next evening, someone found bloodstains in the house and reported it directly to the steward Wen Hong in panic. When Wen Hong heard that someone might have died, he was immediately scared and hurried over to check.

In a place like Qingyang Sect, although the menial disciples are all five spiritual roots, they are also the foundation of the sect. The death of one is a big deal, let alone two. If the Punishment Hall knew about this, his position would not be kept lightly, and he might even be abolished and expelled from the mountain gate.

After an inspection, Wen Hong's face had become extremely ugly.

He found Sun Zi'an and asked him to investigate the matter secretly, and strictly ordered the person who reported it not to spread the matter, otherwise he would kill him.

Sun Zi'an left bloodstains to attract Wen Hong's attention so that the matter would not be reported to the Criminal Court. Wen Hong's arrangement was just what he wanted. He believed that as long as there was no more turmoil in the valley, the matter would be over.

The next day, he came to Lu Li's yard and knocked on Lu Li's door.

Lu Li woke up from his practice, opened the door and saw that his pupils shrank. He forced himself to be calm and said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Sun Zi'an pretended to be confused and said, "Where is that guy named Qin Shouren? I haven't seen him for a few days. Are you still going to do the mission?"

Lu Li saw at a glance that the other party had already taken the fairy fruit. He could hardly suppress the urge to explode in his heart. He said coldly, "I just met him halfway and I am not very familiar with him. Senior brother, if there is nothing else, I want to practice."

"Not familiar?" Sun Zi'an raised his eyes and showed a hint of surprise, "Never mind, maybe he ran away because he thought practicing was too tiring."

He then gave a 'kind' instruction, "Junior brother, the road of practice is to persist. You must understand that Senior brother arranged you to do these heavy tasks, in fact, it is for your good. Look at me, Senior brother."

At this point, he lifted his sleeves, revealing an arm full of explosive power, "I also went through the same thing as you did, and that's why I have achieved what I have now. Do you understand Senior brother's painstaking efforts?"

"Junior brother understands." Lu Li lowered his head and didn't look at Sun Zi'an.

"Haha, I understand." Sun Zi'an saw that Lu Li had no intention of standing up for Qin Shouren, nodded with satisfaction, and left happily.

Until Sun Zi'an walked away, Lu Li finally couldn't help but punch the door, and with a click, a big hole was punched in the wooden door.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back to his room, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Chen Zhong's closed door on the right side of the yard, frowned, and walked over quickly.

The door was not locked, and Lu Li pushed it open gently.

When he walked in, he found that Chen Zhong was lying on the bed motionless, his big face looked bloodless, and his lips were chapped as if he hadn't drunk water for a few days.

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