Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1876 False Joy

"what is the problem."

The woman in black frowned.

"Shall we find a quiet place to chat?"

Lu Li looked at the woman in black. Although this person was covered in black gauze, his semi-transparent outline was exactly the same as Weiyue's. He couldn't figure out what was wrong here.


The woman in black didn't hesitate at all and readily agreed.

With her cultivation level, she didn't worry about Lu Li being harmful to her at all. On the contrary, if she was willing, she could even easily control this little True Immortal cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist He, then we won't bother you." Lu Li smiled and cupped his hands at Deacon He.

"Fellow Taoist, take care..." Deacon He returned the courtesy and said meaningfully.


Lu Li smiled slightly and walked towards the door.

Ning Wuzhou and Zhu Yu looked at each other and followed Lu Li.

The woman in black didn't say anything and followed the three of them out the door.

Lu Li remained silent until he reached the square outside, and then he said to Ning Wuzhou: "There seems to be a restaurant called 'Laifuju' over there. You go and wait for me there."

Ning Wuzhou worriedly said: "You are alone..."

Lu Li interrupted: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Ning Wuzhou sighed softly, took a serious look at the woman in black not far away, and then nodded in agreement: "Okay, then you should be more careful. We will wait for you on the second floor of Laifuju."

Immediately, he took Zhu Yu and went east together.

Lu Li looked at a bench on the south side of the square, "If you don't mind, why don't you go over there and have a chat?"

The woman frowned and said nothing.

Lu Li walked to the south on his own. There were many strips of stone chairs under the shade of trees on the edge of the square. Lu Li walked to a bench in an unoccupied corner and sat down.

The woman in black stood in front of Lu Li, looking at him expressionlessly.

Lu Li smiled and said, "Why don't you sit down? With your senior's cultivation, you shouldn't worry about me, a little true immortal, doing anything bad to you, right?"

The woman snorted coldly and sat down on the same chair as Lu Li, but she sat at the other end. She didn't know whether she disliked Lu Li or something, but stayed far away from him.

"Ask what you want to ask! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." The woman said coldly as soon as she sat down.

"Senior, who is your last name and where are you from?"

Lu Li didn't mince words and looked directly into the woman's eyes, trying to spot some problems.

However, there was no emotion in the woman's eyes, and she didn't even avoid it at all. She said calmly: "No comment."

Lu Li frowned and said, "Senior, if you answer this way, it will be difficult for me to ask the next questions."

The woman said: "You don't have to ask if you don't want to ask. I said, I can charge you ten times the price, and you won't suffer at all."

Lu Li shook his head and said, "I don't care about those fairy stones."

The woman said impatiently: "I won't answer this question for you. Let's ask another question."

"Senior, have you ever heard of the word Weiyue?"

When he said these words, Lu Li stared into the woman's eyes again, but to his disappointment, the woman remained unfazed and seemed to have no feeling at all about these two words.

And as expected, the woman's answer was: "No."

Is it really a coincidence?

This is too much of a coincidence.

This figure, this face, these eyes, these breasts...

Lu Li suddenly felt that he might have made a mistake. If it was really Weiyue, she would not talk to him like this. Although Weiyue sometimes has a cold personality, she would never treat him like this. This is His intuition.

Afterwards, Lu Li tentatively mentioned some past events and characters to continue testing.

But without exception, the woman's answers were "I haven't heard of it" and "I don't know". If you want to talk about mood swings, there are indeed some. Lu Li clearly felt that the other party was starting to become impatient.

There was already fire in his eyes.

He had no doubt that if he continued to ask questions, the woman might punch him in the face.

Lu Li involuntarily moved to the side and made a defensive gesture with one hand, looking very funny: "Senior, don't be angry, I will finish asking my questions soon."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have a fart, hurry up!" the woman said angrily.

"What do you want with this dragon blood fruit?"

Lu Li put his hand down and quickly added: "Senior has already refused to answer so many questions. You can't refuse to answer this question, right?"

The woman in black was silent for a moment: "I am practicing elixirs recently and need dragon blood fruit."

Lu Li asked: "What kind of elixir?"

The woman frowned and said, "I have a lot of elixirs to refine, but it doesn't hurt to tell you. I use this dragon blood fruit to refine agarwood elixirs."

Sure enough, it is agarwood pill.

He had already made some guesses based on the guard's tone.

According to what the previous guard said, when he went there, another maid was already preparing to take away the dragon blood fruit and herbaceous herb. The combination of these three elixirs was most likely for the purpose of refining agarwood. Dan.

Of course, in addition to these three elixirs, this woman also purchased many other elixirs. It seemed that she was not just refining the agarwood elixir.

Thinking of this, Lu Li pondered for a moment and said: "I can give you the dragon blood fruit, but I don't want any fairy stones. However, I have a condition. I wonder if you can agree to it, senior?"

The woman in black asked: "What are the conditions?"

Lu Li said: "I want an agarwood pill. If the senior can refine it and give one to me, how about I give you the dragon blood fruit?"

The woman in black remained silent and seemed to be considering this issue.

Lu Li said again: "If you think it's not enough, I have five lily plants here, I can give them to you!"

The woman in black finally said: "Deal!"

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel happy, and suddenly thought of something, "When will the senior start refining? Where should I get the pill then?"

The woman in black said: "I have a cave outside the city, I will go there to refine the pill, you can leave an address, I will find someone to send it to you after I refine it."

Lu Li said in a strange tone: "Senior, you won't cheat, right?"

The woman in black looked cold: "You can disagree! But if you dare to leave the city, I will definitely kill you!"

Lu Li was speechless: "When can you refine it?"

The woman in black said: "I have a lot of pills to refine this time, it will take at least half a year, I can promise that as long as I refine it, your pill will definitely not be missing."

Hearing this, Lu Li said no more.

After a slight hesitation, he took out ten strip jade boxes and handed them to the woman in black.

The woman in black took the jade box and checked it roughly, then stood up and left the square without saying anything.

Lu Li smiled bitterly, stood up and walked towards Lai Fu Restaurant on East Street. He thought the woman was Wei Yue, but he didn't expect it to be a false alarm.

"How can there be such similar people in this world?"

Lu Li stood at the door of Lai Fu Restaurant, scratched his head, and felt a little depressed. He looked along the long street, and the figure of the woman could no longer be seen on the empty long street.

"Senior, are you staying in the hotel or..."

As soon as Lu Li entered the restaurant, a maid came up to greet him enthusiastically.

"I'm looking for someone."

Lu Li responded casually and walked towards the second floor.

Although there were not many people walking on the long street, the restaurant was very lively, some people talked loudly, and some whispered. Lu Li looked around and finally saw Ning Wuzhou and Zhu Yu sitting in the corner. He paused slightly and walked towards the two.

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